Dr. @sarperotto confirmed Saturday that in B.C. people with a previous COVID 19 infection are not counted under COVID deaths and hospitalizations if they become re-infected.
The 17,310 people who have made WorkSafe B.C. Covid Claims during the pandemic, including 8846 health care workers, 2406 educators, and people working in other high risk jobs, will no longer be counted in the hospitalization and death counts.
Numerous long term care facilities in B.C. have had multiple outbreaks, with many seniors having had more than one COVID infection.
The deaths and hospitalizations of these reinfected seniors are not counted.
The rates of COVID are increased in the immunocompromised, racialized and lower socioeconomic groups.
More infections means more reinfections.
This means that the deaths and hospitalizations of these groups will be undercounted more than others.
Dr. @EricTopol has raised the concern about the high rate of reinfections with the Omicron variant seen in the recent VA study with > 250,000 with 1 infection and ~39,000 with 2 infections or more.
Eventually, so many people in B.C. will have had COVID infections that even if all the hospital beds and morgues are full, the COVID hospitalizations and deaths will read “0” on the @CDCofBC COVID Dashboard.
The province of B.C. needs to stop putting so much effort into hiding the truth and actually do something to stop further COVID infections, hospitalizations and deaths!
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Dr. Vinh, Infectious Disease & Medical Microbiologist, McGill University: “I’m a bit surprised that at this stage of the pandemic we keep focusing only on the number of patients hospitalized with #COVID… 1/17 montreal.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=2…
"Who takes care of those hospitalized patients? Healthcare workers. So the corresponding metric would be what is going on with healthcare workers. That metric is very important. It’s not necessarily the number of patients, it’s can we take care of them?” 2/17
In week prior to BC Covid Update on Sept. 28 @adriandix stated 15,054 healthcare workers were off sick. 5-6,000 > than normal.
Who protects BC healthcare workers' health & ensures their safety at work? Who said it was Ok for healthcare workers to get reinfected with each wave? 3/
Misinformation Alert! Inaccuracies and dangerous recommendations. @CTVNews do better.
True or False? “some data suggests wearing a mask can reduce the rate of COVID-19 infections at the community level”
False. Science is unequivocal: masks work, better masks work better, everyone masked better still.
Adrian Dix says they've been "preparing for fall respiratory illness season". He doesn't mention doing anything that might LIMIT the spread of airborne infections like #COVID19 - it sounds like the province's preparations were limited to more air ambulances.
Dix encourages people to get vaccinated and passes the mic to Dr. Henry, who begins by sending her "strength and love" to PEI. She believes we're exiting the pandemic. It's not clear why, as more Canadians have ALREADY died in 2022 than the previous 2 years, with months to go.
Dr. Henry acknowledges her laisser-faire policies have hit marginalized communities the hardest, then rattles off some statistics on vaccination and COVID hospitalizations. She says 10K Canadian lives were saved by vaccines, which is a weird way to frame >45K avoidable deaths.
There were several obvious contradictions in the presentation. Expect a longer thread to follow. This below "real time goals" is likely the most egregious.
Source: @CDCofBC slide
TL;DR. Received this preprint and non peer reviewed study to our inbox. Notice the authors.
A few observations, comments and questions. 1/18
Study is extension of the presentation at BC government presser of April 5, 2022. Showing % pop'n (children & adults) with antibodies (from infection and/or vax) presenting to outpatient lab in two BC Health Authorities from March'20 to March'22, overlapping BC's epi curve. 2/18
Current paper: data up to August 2022.
"Seroprevalence (from infn and/or vax) was < or =1% by the 3rd snapshot in Sept. 2020 and <5% by January 2021 (4th). Following vax roll-out, ⬆️ to >55% by May/June 2021 (5th), ~80% by Sept/Oct 2021 (6th), and >95% by March 2022 (7th)." 3/18