Todoroki Shoto was a studying veterinarian who had a pet rabbit hybrid named Izuku. One day, he volunteered to bring him to class to demonstrate how to do an ultrasound and that’s how he discovered in front everyone, he’s expecting a litter of kits!
Shouto was confused because Izuku usually stayed inside his large home all day!
“What have you been up to?!” He couldn’t help but ask Izuku who burst into tears of joy but also embarrassment.
Surprisingly, his professor Bakugo also burst into tears?!
“Why are you crying Bakugo-Sensei?” Shoto questioned.
“It’s uh…the circle of life and shit. Yeah. A+ you can sit down.” The professor demanded as he wiped his tears.
“Okay then. Come on, Izuku…I guess I’m going to be a Grandpa now.”
Shoto spent the rest of his class stewing. Who could have possibly slept with Izuku? His siblings didn’t have pets. No one really visited his home often. Izuku was excitable though and met him outside of his last class of the day frequently.
“Am I in trouble? You’re not gonna make me get rid of them are you Shoto-Sama? I want to name them after my favorite foods. You can name one too if you want! Do you think they’ll like me? I know they’ll like you!” Izuku rambled on as they walked home together while bouncing.
“Izuku, how did this happen?” Shoto stopped to look at him seriously.
“It’s a secret!” Izuku put his finger to his lips.
“A secret?!” Shoto crossed his arms suspiciously. “Are you seeing a human or another hybrid?”
“That’s also a secret!”
“Izuku. Tell me or no treats!”
Shoto threatened.
“That’s okay! Kacchan gives me lots of treats! Oh!” Izuku covered his mouth in horror.
“Kacchan?! Who’s Kacchan?!”
“No one!” Izuku shook his head. “Look! A carrot!”
“That only works for you.” Shoto sighed.
“Look! A soba stand!”
Shoto whipped his head around and when he turned back, his rabbit hybrid was already down the street. He sulked as he began to walk home when a car pulled up.
“Hey! Need a ride home?” It was Shoto’s professor!
“Oh. Sure Sensei, thanks!”
It was rare for anyone to see Bakugo-sensei outside of the classroom. He was dressed casually instead of wearing his usual lab coat. Shoto had to admit, he looked good but he had to keep his crush on his teacher at bay. It was inappropriate afterall.
“Listen Todoroki. I know ya didn’t expect it, but Izuku needs a lot of care now!” Before Shoto could speak, Bakugo rattled on and on about the proper care of rabbit hybrids when they are expecting and how they couldn’t be left alone for too long.
“You sure know your stuff.”
Shoto observed.
“I’m your fucking professor, what did you expect?!” Katsuki growled.
“I have to wonder…” Shoto sighed. “Is there to find out who the father is?”
“Don’t ask stupid questions.” The professor growled.
“But there has to be a way!”
“THAT doesn’t matter right now”
Katsuki sighed before slamming on the breaks when they got to the stoplight.
“Look, right now, he’s probably overjoyed but also scared. Hybrids are a delicate balance between human and instinct. Pressuring him to tell ya who it is will just lead him to feel threatened.”
“But there is a threat in his life! Izuku’s pure and innocent. He’s a perfect Angel who wouldn’t do this unless someone took advantage of him!” Shoto declared angrily.
“You CLEARLY don’t know him as well as you think you do.” Katsuki said while flustered.
"Are you calling my rabbit a slut?!" Shoto snapped.
"I'm sayin' he's a rabbit hybrid. You know how they get." Katsuki had known for a long time how rabbit hybrids were. But experiencing one who had their sights set on him was something else.
Izuku was a sneaky conniving horny little fuck. Angel his ass. It started earlier that year. Katsuki had a habit of leaving his office window open. He was grading papers when someone dared to peek in.
"What are you doing?"
A sweet voice questioned from a pair of gorgeous green eyes hidden under a bush of green curls peeking through the window.
"Jesus! Who the fuck are you?!" Katsuki snapped.
"I'm um..a person."
That should have been Katsuki's first clue he was a hybrid.
"Of course you're a person! Why are you doing looking through my window?!" Katsuki seethed as the short guy climbed in. He was wearing a hat and a hoodie that was obviously too large for him that covered most of his shorts to where you could only see his tights.
Katsuki thought he was a first year with how bright eyed and young looking he was.
"I'm looking through your window because I like what I see." He had said boldly.
"Are ya trying to flirt with me?! I'm not gonna get fired cause of you, get out!" Katsuki demanded.
To his frustration, the young guy started giggling at his outburst.
"What are ya laughin' at squirt?!" Katsuki snapped.
"You. You're really funny. I've been watching you for weeks now and you only just noticed! You seem to be heavily distracted by those papers but you also-"
"get angered by them. You frequently groan in frustration while looking at them. It makes me wonder why you spend so much time doing something you hate!"
"What are you, some kinda stalker?! What's you name kid, I'll have you expelled?!" Katsuki roared.
"I'm not a student." Izuku informed him. "But I wish I was. I would be in your class every day!"
"Get. Lost." Katsuki ordered.
"If you want. But I'll be back tomorrow!" Izuku climbed back out the window.
Katsuki was irritated by the thought that he had a stalker. But whatever. The guy was small and non threatening. The next day, he appeared again.
"What did I tell you?" Katsuki growled when he noticed him peeking.
"I think we got off on the wrong foot. I'm Izuku!"
"I don't care!" Katsuki snapped.
"What's you name, handsome?" Izuku crawled in the office and rushed to the desk to see the name placard. Katsuki quickly covered it with his hand. "Bakugo Ka-..Ka?"
"I'm not telling you my name stalker!"
"Then I'll call you Kacchan!"
"And I'll call the damn police!" Katsuki reached for his phone and Izuku whacked it out of his hand.
"Wait! Please don't! I'm sorry...I'm new to this whole..flirting thing." He had said with tears in his eyes. "I just think you're the prettiest human I've ever seen!"
He rocked on the balls of his feet nervously and Katsuki couldn't help but feel bad for the guy. He was obviously young and inexperienced in life. He needed guidance not discipline.
"Look, whatever fantasies you have about me, they're not happening."
Katsuki said firmly. "If ya like someone, you don't stalk them through their open window. You knock on their door like a normal person. Also, I'm clearly much older than you. You should go for someone your own age."
"You don't look that much older than me." Izuku had pouted.
"That's just my good genes." Katsuki rolled his eyes.
"Well I'm not wearing jeans!" Izuku declared. "But I'm 27 years old!" He meant in rabbit years.
"I find that hard to believe." Katsuki grumbled. "But sure, let's say you're 27. It doesn't change that I'm taken."
"Taken?" Izuku tilted his head and Katsuki showed him a ring he was wearing.
"I'm not interested in what you're selling kid. I'm getting married next month."
To Katsuki's surprise, Izuku burst into tears and climbed out the window. That was one problem solved..
He had gone home and had dinner with said fiance. A business man named Kirishima Eijiro.
"Why didn't you call the police?!" Eijiro questioned in concern.
"Because. He's harmless." Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Just some kid way over his head."
"I thought you said he was 27. That's not a kid." Eijiro pouted. "And he's been peeping in your window for weeks! Aren't you creeped out?!"
"I mean not really. Sure it's annoying but he seemed to get the picture today. Problem solved. It's not a big deal."
The problem was not solved.
"According to Fuyumi-Sama's dramas, an engagement is not a marriage and is a challenge I will overcome!" Izuku surprised Katsuki by greeting him on top of his desk.
"How'd you even get in here?! The windows not even open?!"
"I knocked on the door like you told me!" Izuku said proudly.
"BUT IF I'M NOT HERE, THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN COME IN?!" Katsuki yelled angrily.
"The door was unlocked." Izuku tilted his head.
"Something's wrong with your head!" Katsuki reached for his hat.
But to his surprise the younger guy screamed and swatted his hands away desperately.
"HEY! NO! Stop! You can't touch my hat! That's so mean! It's my special hat that was given to me by someone special! I have to wear it at all times! How dare you reach for my hat!"
Katsuki was startled by his desperate response and backed up.
"It's okay." Izuku sniffled while holding onto the hat on his head for dear life.
"Bakugo-sensei? Is everything alright in here?" A knock on the door startled them.
"Who is it?!" Katsuki questioned. He didn't recognize the voice.
"My apologies, it's the police."
"What the fuck?" Katsuki swung the door open and Izuku looked like a deer in the headlights.
"We received a call you might have trouble with a stalker?" The policeman questioned.
Katsuki looked at the policeman then backed at Izuku who looked like he was gonna cry or piss his pants.
"Who said anything about that?" He grimaced.
"It appears your fiance was concerned!" The officer said.
"Well tell him in no uncertain terms that there is nothing that you or he should be concerned about!" Katsuki then slammed the door in his face.
Izuku looked down at his feet then back up at him. He looked pathetic and Katsuki couldn't help but feel exceptionally guilty.
" was nice meeting you."
"Whatever." Katsuki opened the window. "Out you go."
"Okay..." Izuku walked slowly to the window before turning around.
"Oh. I forgot to give this to you." He reached into his bag and pulled out a container of food. "Fuyumi-sama makes the best food. These are leftover from dinner. I notice you're always eating candy bars instead of the good stuff so..."
Izuku set the sloppily wrapped bento on his desk and hopped out the window.
Katsuki ignored it at first while he graded his papers. But his stomach started to grumble after awhile. And he had to admit a proper meal did sound good. The kid was probably rich too.
Whoever this Fuyumi-sama was may have been a chef or something. He eyed the bento before giving in. He opened it and looked at the mouthwatering mapo tofu inside. Katsuki eagerly warmed it up and scarfed the whole thing down like a mad man. It was fucking delicious.
That night he got home and looked at the greasy pizza his fiance had ordered for them and sulked. He didn't talk as he tried to nibble on what was edible.
"What's wrong? You usually scarf this stuff down like a hungry wolf." Eijiro chuckled.
"Why'd ya call the cops??"
Katsuki glared at him.
"I was worried." Eijiro sighed.
"I told you I had it handled!" Katsuki snapped.
"What if he walked in with a knife or something?! He's a stalker! Who knows how far he'll go!"
"He's a stupid kid, that's what he is! You scared him shitless!"
"Oh, so he DID come back?! Problem solved my ass!" Eijiro rolled his eyes. "You don't have to take on everything yourself! Let me help you!"
"I don't need your help! Izuku's not fucking scary!"
"Oh! So he has a name now?" Ei scoffed.
"Of course he has a name! You stupid?!"
"No! It's just first he was a stalker and now he has a name! You can't become friends with your stalker!"
"I can become friends with whoever the fuck I feel like! At least he brings me better fucking food than this crap!" Katsuki shoved the pizza box away.
Eijiro looked at the box then back at Katsuki before standing up.
"Wait...Ei." Katsuki began to grovel.
"Just save it Katsuki. You always do this when you're in trouble. Sorry for caring." Eijiro grabbed the pizza box and threw it outside in the garbage.
Monday came around and thankfully he got Eijiro to forgive him. But despite leaving his window that evening while grading his papers, Izuku didn’t come by this time. It’s not like Katsuki missed him or anything. He just didn’t expect to not see him.
He washed to food container and everything and was hoping he could get that Mapo tofu recipe so he could make his own. He did have one visitor. One he hadn’t seen in awhile. A little green rabbit he had named Deku who liked to nap in the garden and come to Katsuki for treats.
“Where’d you go off to?” Katsuki interrogated the rabbit which perked up at his voice. “Ya forget I have these?” He clicked his tongue over and over while holding out yogurt drops for Deku. He pet him over and over. “I worried you got hit by a car or something.”
Deku hopped into his office which he had never done before.
“Hey! What are ya doin’?” Katsuki questioned. “You shouldn’t be in here.”
Deku hopped around while Katsuki tried to catch him until he got to the bento, grabbed it with his teeth and sped out the window.
Katsuki tried to chase it but it was a rabbit. It was damn fast.
“See if I get you treats again!” He shouted.
The next day neither Deku or Izuku showed up, but to his annoyance, his fiance did…
“What are you doing here?” Katsuki questioned.
“Just thought I’d have lunch with you. Ya know? I brought us some burgers from your favorite place.” Eijiro grinned.
“Ei…you don’t have to sit and babysit me to make sure that kid doesn’t show up. He hasn’t all week. He got the picture.” Katsuki sighed.
“That’s not why I’m…”
Eijiro started to say before handing him the food. “It’s just really concerning. You getting food and stuff from a stalker. I’m sorry I just showed up like this. But I can’t get it out of my head! I don’t want to hear about this Izuku again with a headline about your death!”
“Fine. You can sit here and meet him yourself if he shows up. Politely tell him to fuck off and if it doesn’t work, I’ll call the cops okay?” Katsuki promised.
“Okay.” Eijiro smiled. They sat and ate in silence and it was nice. “Oh look, a rabbit!” He pointed at the window.
“That’s Deku. He’s here for treats the little thief.” Katsuki grumbled. He went to grab them and was looking for them everywhere when he heard a scream.
“AHHHHH!” Eijiro yelled.
“What?! What happened?!” Katsuki turned around to his fiancé holding his hand.
“He BIT ME?!”
“What’d you do?!” Katsuki interrogated.
“What do you mean what did I do?! I just reached my hand out to pet it and it bit me and ran off!” Eijiro recalled.
“Let me see your hand.” Katsuki grabbed it. It didn’t break the skin and was likely nothing more than a warning bite.
“It’s fine.” Katsuki sighed. “Be more careful. You probably scared him. Here, I’ll get you antibiotic just in case.”
“We should call animal control and have him put down. That thing is unpredictable.”
“Are you shitting me?!” Katsuki gawked.
“It’s dangerous!”
Eijiro insisted.
“You do understand I’m a doctor in animal medicine right?” Katsuki looked at him in disgust. “You get that I’m not putting an animal down just for being an animal, right?!”
“It attacked me!”
“It warned you to fuck off cause you got too close!”
“Whatever can we just…go back to eating?”
“I lost my appetite.” Katsuki grumbled.
The next day, Deku didn’t come back. Or the next. Katsuki began to worry. If his fiance called the police without consulting him, what if he called animal control?
The very next day, Katsuki walked around looking for Deku instead of grading papers. When he bumped into someone waiting outside of the general studies building.
“Sorry!” Katsuki apologized when he recognized the guy in front of him. “Izuku?!”
Izuku looked back and forth between the building and Katsuki nervously.
“No papers to grade today?”
“Ya stalking someone else now?” Katsuki raised his brow.
“No um…I’m waiting for my…roommate! Yes! The person I live with! Who is a friend! And does not give me head scratches”
“Whatever…have you seen a rabbit around here?”
“No!” Izuku said quickly. “Why?!”
“Not that it’s any of your business but there was this rabbit that would come by my office and…he hasn’t lately. I’m worried about it. I think my stupid fiance called for it to be captured.”
“Oh.” Izuku sighed in relief. “So you didn’t hate m-you didn’t hate the rabbit?”
“It may not look like it but I care about animals, kid. That’s kinda my job.” Katsuki glared at him.
“Well…I DID see big scary men chasing a rabbit the other day. But the rabbit was very fast!”
Izuku had said proudly. “The best runner and hider I’ve ever seen!”
“Shit.” Katsuki ran his hands through his hair. “Fuck! They probably got him. DAMNIT!” He kicked the tree nearby on frustration.
“You really cared about the rabbit that much?” Izuku questioned.
“Yeah….it was innocent! It was just scared. Fucking Eijiro! I’m gonna kill him if anything happens to Deku! I swear!”
“I’ll find him for you!” Izuku said in determination. “I believe he’s safe! And I’ll find him for you! I promise!”
Before Katsuki could say anything, Izuku ran off.
“You called for the damn rabbit?!”
He had a massive fight with Eijiro when he got home.
“Katsuki, listen-”
“NO! THERES NO LISTENING! Ya think animal control listens to the poor creatures they put down?!”
“It’s not a poor creature! It’s a dangerous creature! I’m glad it’s gone! At least you’re safe!” Eijiro snapped.
“I can’t believe you. I can’t fucking believe you right now!” Katsuki took his ring off and threw it at him.
“What are you doing?!”
“It’s not working out, Ei!”
“You’re gonna dump me over a rabbit?!”
“I’m gonna dump you over the shit you pull under the guise of my safety! You don’t think I noticed the little present you left behind after your little visit?!” Katsuki reached into his pocket and pulled out a listening device.
He had found it under his desk.
“You weren’t telling me what was going on!”
“Well I’ll tell you what’s going on now! We’re over!” Katsuki snapped.
“This is all because of that stalker! I bet you liked his attention!” Eijiro cried. “Was he attractive Katsuki, is that it?!”
“Get out!” Katsuki growled.
“Not until you tell me the truth! Were you attracted to your little harmless stalker?! I bet you just loved he stroked your already over inflated ego!”
“You know what Ei?! I never thought about it, but now that you mention it?”
“He’s cute as hell! Got those bright eyes and freckles and everything!”
“You’re just saying shit to hurt me!” Eijiro growled.
“You killed a harmless fucking rabbit! You’re lucky that’s all I’m doing!” Katsuki snapped.
“Fine! You wanna be in love with your little stalker?! Then have fun sleeping with him from now on!” Eijiro snapped.
“Maybe I fucking will!”
There was no going back from that fight. 5 years down the drain. The next day to Katsuki’s surprise, Deku showed up at his window.
“Deku? Deku! You’re okay!” Katsuki picked up and held him. He was so relieved. “Oh my God, I was so worried. You’re getting all the fucking treats.”
He gave him treat after treat as he let him relax on his desk. He was tempted to adopt him and take him home.
Now that Eijiro was moving out, he could get a pet if he wanted.
“Would you like that? Wanna come home with me?”
Deku shook his head and leapt out the window.
“I guess that’s a no, huh?” Katsuki snickered. “Figures. Maybe I’m unlovable…”
“That’s not true!” Izuku’s voice startled him.
“Ahhh!” Shit!”
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you. Um, I found the rabbit. Did he come here yet?” Izuku blinked. “I led him here with treats.”
“Yeah…yeah thanks.” Katsuki smiled sadly.
“You look like you have a lot on your mind. If you wanna talk, I’ll listen. I’m a good listener. I even brought wine!”
Katsuki figured at this point, why the hell not?
He drank and drank and talked all about his woes. He drank so much, he didn’t realize Izuku wasn’t drinking.
“And then he was like ‘Is your stalker attractive?!” And what was I supposed to do, lie?” Katsuki vented.
“Wow. Natsuo-Sama was right. This is truth juice!” Izuku blinked.
“I mean you’re fucking cute.” Katsuki laughed as he pulled his legs which were dangling off the desk close
“Y-you really think so?” Izuku had blushed.
“Yeah.” Katsuki wrapped Izuku’s legs around his waist making the smaller guy tremble. He was adorable. “Ah…fuck the window.” He hoisted Izuku up who clung to him and closed it shut then he locked the door. “You wanna do something?”
“Um…you mean it?” Izuku batted his eyelashes. “You want to…do that..with me?”
“It’s just for fun, that okay?”
Izuku gulped and nodded. “B-but you have to wear a blindfold!”
“Kinky huh?”
“Sure! A-and you can’t touch my hat! Or-take my underwear completely off!”
“I’ll work around whatever.” Katsuki grinned.
Despite the weird rules, it was the best sex of Katsuki’s life. Even if it was revenge sex, it was mind blowing. Different than anything he’d ever experienced. He became addicted to it. He needed Izuku every damn day.
For two weeks straight, he used his office exclusively to have sex with Izuku. He completely forgot Kirishima’s name by the end of week one and his own damn name by the end of week two. It became a vice. He was curious about the hat and blindfold. He wasn’t going to lie.
He wondered what would happen if he peeked or took it off. But Izuku was very adamant about it. He was usually a happy go lucky guy so he didn’t want to push his boundaries. Afterall, that’s what he dumped Eijiro for. Excessive boundary pushing.
The new semester started and Katsuki had his new class do a brief introduction to break the ice. A PowerPoint about themselves. One the of the prompts was if they had pets and to show them pictures.
“I actually have a pet hybrid.” Shoto announced to class.
Katsuki rolled his eyes. Todoroki Shoto was a rich kid then. Pet hybrids were definitely a thing only the wealthy had. Katsuki thought it was kinda cruel to keep them as pets. They should roam free. They were part human afterall and relatively harmless.
“This is Izuku.” Shoto smiled softly as he put the slide show up of pictures of himself and Izuku in both his rabbit and human form.
Katsuki felt his whole world collapse and his stomach sink. Fuck! FUCK! Izuku was an animal…Izuku was a rabbit. Deku and Izuku were the same.
Katsuki dismissed class early that day as his anxiety overwhelmed him. He ran to the bathroom and threw up. What had he done?! How did he not realize?! Fuck! What did he do to that poor hybrid?! No wonder Deku didn’t want his hat or underwear off! He was hiding his ears and tail!
Everything clicked into place as all the events the past year played over and over in his head.
Katsuki kept his window shut that evening but knew it was no use.
“Kacchan?” Izuku knocked on his office door.
Katsuki opened it and let him come in.
“Deku…” He said steadily as he shut the door.
“Hm?” Izuku turned around.
“You didn’t even realize you responded to the rabbit name.” Katsuki sighed.
“Ah…” Izuku shifted his eyes nervously. “What do you mean?”
“Look at you.” Katsuki began to cry.
“You’re so adorable.” Katsuki pinched his cheeks before grabbing his hat and ripping it off his head exposing his ears which were tied up. “And I…fucked you up!”
“How…did you find out?” Izuku looked scared as Katsuki undid the hair tie. His ears flopped back in fear.
“Todoroki Shoto is in my class this semester.” Katsuki informed him.
“ master.”
“Yeah…yeah I guess.” Katsuki sighed in frustration. “We can’t keep seeing each other Izuku or Deku or whatever your fucking name is.”
“But Kacchan-”
“No! It’s not right!”
“I’m human too!” Izuku cried. “I’m a human whose helplessly hopelessly in love with you! I like seeing you when you’re angry! And I like seeing you when you’re calm! I like hearing your laugh! And I like having you outside me just as much as I like having you inside me!”
Katsuki just felt infinitely worse. “Go Izuku! Go away! Go back home! I’m dangerous! I’m not for you! You’re not safe with me!”
“Yes I am! Please! Please! Please keep your window open!”
“No! It’s over. It’s nothing you did, it’s-”
“It’s just because of who I am?”
The rabbit hybrid was sobbing at this point and Katsuki felt awful. He knew about rabbit hybrids. They were highly sexual creatures who got attached easily. They also tended to have one mate for life. And if they became too stressed, they could die.
Katsuki threw his arms around and held him.
“You’re a good boy Izuku. So go home, okay? Go home and be with your family. Shoto loves you very much, I could tell…”
“Stop.” Izuku stepped back.
“Stop what?”
“Talking to me like I’m your pet…”
He collected his tears and started shaking with anger. “If that’s how you see me now….then maybe I will go home. Goodbye Kacchan.” He stormed out and Katsuki tried his best to resist chasing him. That was the last time he saw Izuku. He checked in with Todoroki every now and then
Asking about his condition. Making sure he was okay. Three months had passed and he let Shoto volunteer to bring him in to demonstrate an ultrasound. Why not? Shoto would be the one performing it and it would be educational to see the anatomy of a hybrid. He never expected THAT.
The kits were definitely three months along. And they were his. They were Katsuki’s.
Katsuki sped up when the light turned green and caught Izuku at the next one.
“Get in, Izuku.” Shoto tsked at him.
Izuku looked between them and his ears flopped behind him nervously.
“Please.” Katsuki whispered to him as he pleaded with his eyes. Izuku slowly nodded and got in the back seat. He dropped Shoto off at his home but as Izuku reached for the back door, he locked it.
“I’m gonna take him to get a checkup.” Katsuki informed Shoto.
“Shouldn’t I be there?” Shoto questioned in concern.
“Some hybrids feel more open when their masters aren’t around. I need to make sure he wasn’t hurt.” Katsuki looked at him seriously.
“Right. Thank you Sensei!” Shoto bowed. “I trust you with his care!”
Katsuki rolled up the windows and drove away as Izuku was trembling all over in the back.
“Hey, Izuku. Izuku, it’s okay!” Katsuki whispered. “You’re not in trouble. I’m not mad. You’re okay.”
“I wanna keep them.” Izuku said weakly. “Please. I want them.”
He started crying and Katsuki grabbed his hand reassuringly. “Okay. We’ll keep them.”
“Y-you mean it?”
“Yeah. I mean it.” Katsuki reassured him. “They’re mine afterall, right?”
Katsuki pulled up to his apartment and led Izuku up the stairs. He massaged his shoulders to relax him and brought him water and snacks.
“This is my apartment.” Katsuki informed him.
“I could tell. It smells like you.” Izuku smiled.
Katsuki nervously sat next to him.
“Izuku…I’m sorry.” He tepidly wrapped his arms around him and pulled him into his lap. “You’re beautiful and perfect the way you are. I…I just don’t know how to come to terms with…how wrong this is. But obviously I have to now.”
“Why is it wrong?”
“Because.” Katsuki stroked his face with his thump before slowly running his fingers through his long floppy ears. “It just…is.”
“I don’t think you know why.” Izuku smiled sadly before purring and resting his head on his chest. “But being with you feels right so it must be.”
“If only life were that easy.” Katsuki sighed.
“Kacchan, I want to kiss you. I want to hold your hand. I want to be with you in every way I can. Wrong, right, why does that matter? This?” Izuku put Katsuki’s hand on his stomach. “This is what matters.”
Katsuki looked into his pretty eyes and kissed him. It was gentle at first until it became desperate. Izuku lit a fire inside of him nothing could quite put out.
“Does this mean we can ditch the blindfold?” Katsuki whispered.
“Mmhmm. And the underwear.”
“Then fuck it.”
Katsuki returned Izuku back to Todoroki’s later that night. He didn’t want to be apart from him. He wanted to keep being a part of him. Hybrid? Human? Rabbit? It didn’t matter.
Izuku was Izuku.
And now Izuku would be forever his.
/end thread
Thanks for reading guys! 🫣 I didn’t expect it to be this long. I based it off this Tiktok I saw of a girl discovering she was pregnant when practicing ultrasounds in school 😂😂😂
Bakugo Izuku lived in an isolated beach town with his childhood friend, and handsome husband, Kacchan!
In this town, everyone had quirks except for him. Which was how he lost his memory! It was accident and the one who did it was really apologetic!
But it was okay because everyone in the town was really helpful in reminding him who he was and what he did for a living! Kacchan and him were both detectives who protected this town since there were no heroes assigned to it!
Izuku lead most of the investigations and Kacchan did what Kacchan did best.
“Let’s blow shit up, Izuku!”
He kept the town safe!
The two got home from another long day and decided to wind down with their favorite activity, watching old hero documentaries!
Uraraka Ochaco couldn’t help but be excited when Deku expressed he wanted to talk to her more. More time with Deku turned into a relationship that felt like a dream! Except.. more time with Deku meant way more time with Bakugo than she bargained for!
She should have expected it! They were close! But she couldn’t help but notice how much Deku relied on him an uncomfortable amount. He drove them on dates. He picked Deku up from work when sometimes she wanted to be the one to surprise! He guest taught for him.
He made him lunch! And sometimes dinner too! Ochaco had heard about mothers who feel insecure when their sons finally leave the nest and start seeking a wife. They for some reason feel they have to prove themselves as the best wife their son could possibly strive for!
Midoriya Izuku didn’t have the best of luck. He was a male omega which also meant he didn’t have the best of choices. And by that, he meant he had 0 choices. He was sold to marry an alpha he disliked who had a career he hated.
Monoma Neito made a career out of tricking people. That was how he ended up married to him in the first place. He convinced his family he was a noble with a family in a far away land that would give Izuku the world. He was no such thing. He was a traveling conman.
Izuku was forced to follow him from place to place with new identities, and new disguises and new ways to con people out of money. He didn’t know how his husband got away with getting luxurious homes in all these towns, but convincing people you had money was surprisingly easy.
Midoriya Kazui was excited as his dam dressed him up in his best clothes. Combed his unruly spiky hair, and put the smell good stuff all over him. It was a routine he was used to and something he found fun.
"Today, I'm gonna do it!" Izuku puffed his cheeks.
"Yeah! There's lantern sharks! And Lemon sharks and Whale sharks! And Nurse sharks!" Kazui and the kid, Mahiro became fast friends. Kazui ended up following him and his family all through the aquarium.
"You should come have dinner with us!" Mahiro begged.
"Yeah! That sounds fun!" Kazui completely forgot about his class as he walked out of the aquarium with them to the parking lot.
"Where are your parents, dear?" Kazui's mother asked him. "We're happy Mahiro made a friend, but.. maybe it's time you go back with your Mama?"
#bkdk #drama
CW: Self Harm, Dark themes (But major healing and love at end!)
Midoriya Izuku lived his biggest dream as the number one hero. It was a short time, but it was the best time of his life. He lost One for All at 23 years old and now he was back to being quirkless.
Izuku gratefully guzzled the water as Katsuki held his head to his heart and let him hear it beat. He always knew exactly what to do.
“Kacchan, you had a hard night last night.” Izuku reminded him. “I saw the news, you were helping those civilians evacuate for hours.”
“The last thing you need to worry about is my runny eggs!”
“Izuku!” Katsuki kissed him. “When we got married, I made an oath. In sickness and in health, damnit! Helping you and your runny eggs is my job that I take seriously!”
Bakugo Katsuki was a very important businessman. No, he was more like a business tyrant. Needless to say, he was extremely busy and this annoying ass wedding planner was the last of his worries. He looked at his assistant,
“I had the wrong idea about you. Thank you for watching over my son. Please continue to allow him to be part of your success.” Inko bowed.
“It wouldn’t be success without him.” Katsuki smirked before standing up. “I’ll try and take more days off for the both of us.”
Izuku jolted awake as his alarm blared for him to get ready for work. Shit! Was he at his mom’s?! He hadn’t slept here in two years, at least. His began to pound. Oh no.
Oh no.
Oh no no no!
How much did he drink last night?! What did he do?!