Libertarian economics is when supply chains function properly, when suppliers supply everything in time or on time.
In that case Conservatives or Centrists come to power, who cut taxes and libertarian stuff like that.
Dear friends.
We are now in Soviet territory. Supply chains have broken down.
What the situation requires is people who can do Redistribution.
Left and Center Left are the party qualified for this kind of job.
This is the time of higher taxes on the middle class, higher minimum wage, higher central government control of means of production, partial sovietisation of the economy, until Militaries work out the situation in Ukraine, Taiwan and the oil patch of the middle east.
As my twitter friend @MrHedleyMerrett says, BOE is implementing some Frank Ramsey ideas, which they mention on their reports.
This is the time of partial sovietisation.
This is not the time of free trade lunacy, when the world refuses to trade.
Brits understand that, that's why Labour is 40 points ahead in the polls.
This is not the time for Brexit, or the time for Clueless free traders like Boris, Liz or Rishi.
This the time for Leninism, time for Gosbank.
Labour will win big and implement some Leninism.
Brexit is dead.
Conservative politics is dead.
Libertarianism is dead.
Leninism is back on in the UK. For that matter, Lenin designed the Russian Revolution in a London library.
Mini Jugosllavia që quhet Shteti (imagjinar) i Kosovës është zhvilluar në një situatë intereste psikopatike.
1/ thurje
Mesa duket ish Presidenti Rugova ja ka arritur qëllimit që të bëjë shumicën e madhe të shqipfolësve të ish Jugosllavisë që të MOS ndihen tërërisht shqiptarë.
Unë njoh shumë pak shqipfolës të ish Jugosllavisë që NUK duan Kosovën e Pavarur Multietnike, një mini jugosllavi.
Them shqipfolës, sepse këta njerëz që duan shtetin multi etnik mini jugosllavi që quhet Kosovë, NUK janë plotësisht shqiptarë, thjesht e qartë.
Shqiptar është dikush që nuk do gjë tjetër veçse bashkim kombëtar.
It was Eric Hunsader, the famed High Frequency Trading whistleblower who revealed that in July-August 2011 something had happened.
It was called HFT, High Frequency Trading. It had taken over 90% of stock market trading.
Eric went on demonstrating that humans were no longer trading. He received whistleblower payment for that by the SEC.
Later on over the years I learned that Chicago Futures Exchange was linked to Tokyo Stock Exchange via an HFT cable, running 22 milliseconds one way trades.
I was literally THE ONLY ONE insisting that Hard Brexit imposed by Boris the Clueless would send Britain's economy down the drain.
Because, I looked at supply chains.
I insisted and insisted, and got called dumb and stupid.
I never do predictions, never.
I only do PROPHECY, the Hebrew Style.
You know, as per my Hebrew (turned Christian orthodox) Professor during 1st and only year of Orthodox Masters in Toronto, Canada, explained to us what Prophecy meant in the Torah.
There is no such thing as demand destruction, it's a fantasy invented by bankers, who pretend to be experts on supply chains, while they have 0 clue about supply chains.
When Bankers say there is no demand, the suppliers say that they can't sell goods below cost.
20 years as Technical Sales Engineer I never ever experienced any demand destruction for our output and never heard anybody supplying goods and services saying there is no demand for goods and services.