It was Eric Hunsader, the famed High Frequency Trading whistleblower who revealed that in July-August 2011 something had happened.
It was called HFT, High Frequency Trading. It had taken over 90% of stock market trading.
Eric went on demonstrating that humans were no longer trading. He received whistleblower payment for that by the SEC.
Later on over the years I learned that Chicago Futures Exchange was linked to Tokyo Stock Exchange via an HFT cable, running 22 milliseconds one way trades.
And then later on I learned that Swiss National Bank was buying US stocks in coordination with the federal reserve.
And then later on I learned that Norway Sovereign fund was buying US stocks in coordination with the federal reserve.
So, people are wondering why Yen keeps collapsing?!
Quite simple, folks.
In coordination with the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve, Bank of Japan does currency Swaps, overt or secret with the Fed. Then, money is forwarded to japanese banks which US stocks.
SNB in Switzerland does the same thing, the difference is that SNB is hedge fund, it can buy stocks by itself.
And of course, the same with Norway sovereign fund.
And this is just what I know, imagine what I don't know.
So, when you see yen collapsing vs the dollar, you know what is happening.
The question is why do they do this?!
The answer is simple. Banking Lobby convinced the entire western political class of left, center and right, that westerners don't need to work.
Western Politicians got convinced that Banking Lobby was so bright, that they could just tell their central banks to type up digits on computers called dollars, euros, yen, stocks, bonds etc, it would be nirvana.
Westerners would just have fun, while the rest of the world would gladly sweat in semi slavery to supply goods and services to the West.
That is until most means of production were shipped to China and most energy was supplied by Russia and the Middle East.
Then, Jinping and Putin noticed that the West thought that all was set, the West was so smart and the rest of the world was so stupid, .....and they hit the war button.
During that period, Obama and Trump, pushed for a military withdrawal.
All was set for a declaration of war, and Putin - Jinping did that without further delay recently, when shadow Eurodollar system collapsed again, or as the fake narrative says, Shortage of Dollars, fake shortage of dollars, of course.
And we are here now, wondering why Yen is collapsing while supply chains keep breaking down, thus inflation.
DC, Tokyo, Bern and Oslo are back to the old game, of typing digits on computers, hoping that people won't notice, of course prior to nov elections.
And here we are again, back to "normal", typing digits on com while supply chains keep breaking down, thus inflation, because US has congressional elections on Nov 08.
Mini Jugosllavia që quhet Shteti (imagjinar) i Kosovës është zhvilluar në një situatë intereste psikopatike.
1/ thurje
Mesa duket ish Presidenti Rugova ja ka arritur qëllimit që të bëjë shumicën e madhe të shqipfolësve të ish Jugosllavisë që të MOS ndihen tërërisht shqiptarë.
Unë njoh shumë pak shqipfolës të ish Jugosllavisë që NUK duan Kosovën e Pavarur Multietnike, një mini jugosllavi.
Them shqipfolës, sepse këta njerëz që duan shtetin multi etnik mini jugosllavi që quhet Kosovë, NUK janë plotësisht shqiptarë, thjesht e qartë.
Shqiptar është dikush që nuk do gjë tjetër veçse bashkim kombëtar.
I was literally THE ONLY ONE insisting that Hard Brexit imposed by Boris the Clueless would send Britain's economy down the drain.
Because, I looked at supply chains.
I insisted and insisted, and got called dumb and stupid.
I never do predictions, never.
I only do PROPHECY, the Hebrew Style.
You know, as per my Hebrew (turned Christian orthodox) Professor during 1st and only year of Orthodox Masters in Toronto, Canada, explained to us what Prophecy meant in the Torah.
There is no such thing as demand destruction, it's a fantasy invented by bankers, who pretend to be experts on supply chains, while they have 0 clue about supply chains.
When Bankers say there is no demand, the suppliers say that they can't sell goods below cost.
20 years as Technical Sales Engineer I never ever experienced any demand destruction for our output and never heard anybody supplying goods and services saying there is no demand for goods and services.