Newspapers incorrectly reported that she had arrived but this was incorrect. Wichelo lost two sons and the sarcophagus was lost. The sarcophagus was insured by the British museum but the ship was not. Richard Wichelo lost everything. An irony that it was moved to ‘protect it’.
Its location is unknown. Weiss’s work was altogether destructive to the Giza plateau - but he didn’t operate a lone. A lot of agents operating with various political and economic motivations. @N_Nielsen4#onwardsupwards2022
Burial chamber had clearly been visited repeatedly. Coffin & finds there were post-pharaonic.
There were many scarabs in collections prior but also several in the tomb of #Tutankhamun100 - why were scarabs so interesting? Due to the way they lay their eggs they were a symbol of rebirth. Also associated with Khepri “coming into being” - metamorphosis death to life.
Scarabs - the defiance of death. Iconography was long lasting and built momentum. Various Victorian & Edwardian Egyptian gothicists referred to them. This is the version I read a few years ago (cool cover). #onwardsupwards2022
Heart Scarabs - securing a positive outcome at the judgement. Asking the heart not to speak against the deceased. Features in @janetteleaf1 1st cautionary tale ‘The Mummy’s Soul’ 1862 NY Magazine. The terrifying insect becomes an obsession with the archaeologist & kills his wife.
Various sets of scarab based Egyptian Revival jewellery. Sometimes real beetles! Jane Austin (American writer) wrote ‘After Three Thousand Years’ featuring a scarab necklace taken from Egypt that kills a bride. Her friend Louise May Alcott went on to write a similar story.
As the story goes - it is the human flesh that in contact with the scarab activates their avenging power. The plots of some of these gothic writers might be an oblique way of criticising some of the tomb raiding of the time.
But they take on more positive associations. Craze continues through 20th C following Tutankhamun’s discovery. People still wear them today. #onwardsupwards2022
Finally this session is @TonyKeen46 on Egyptomania in tv drama. Especially looking at the 1970s tomorrow people. Linked into the the pseudo archaeology idea that Egyptians couldn’t have created their own civilisation - that it must have been ancient aliens. #OnwardsUpwards2022
Central importance of 1972 Tutankhamun exhibition in the use of Egypt in this period in tv and set design says @TonyKeen46
Films such as the Mummy also feed in to influence Pyramids of Mars. There is also some of the pseudoarchaeology (Von Daniken etc…) emerging on the idea of ancient aliens. @JohnJJohnston has also found an early science fiction connecting Mars to images of Egypt. All precursors.
It’s also just after (1975) the 1972 Treasures of Tutankhamun exhibition at the @britishmuseum
Set in 1911 (before #Tutankhamun) supposedly set in 1st dynasty, but with images from new kingdom, a version of a Tutankhamun throne reused from previous films, and other new kingdom tomb paintings from previous productions.
Sutek appears in the Tardis (changes by the end of the story…)
Writer brings the gothic into a family show, fusing a range of ideas. But not big on research. Uses a dictionary of mythology references. Sutekh’s mask - has eye of Horus, version of Uraeus, the White Crown (Atef crown). Aliens called Osirians.
Connection to Set - powerful & dangerous deity.
Aggression, dominance, strangeness
Ancient Egyptians needed harmony - forces in balance. Set is a deity and treated as such. There were personal pieties - he was considerably more than just a monster.
Rameses II & Seti henna hair - connection to Set? (Depicted with red hair). Later he’s softened to become Amon in the statue shown. Set in the papyrus sits on the solar bark & deals with the serpent through the night. Ultimate warrior. Connection to the idea in Dr Who?
Last appearance of Set - depicted with the angels stabbing a devil character. Adopted same idea as part of Christian theme? Ultimate but dangerous warrior? Some strange costume decisions but may be connected to the image found below.
Bulbous look of coffins also perhaps connected.
Canopic jar generator connected to Set?
Some interesting style connections
Ring echoing Jewel of Seven Stars.
Scarab ring activates service robots
Karloff wears a scarab ring in the Mummy. Connection to the performance in pyramids of Mars. Wearing of Fez is also a throwback to previous productions.
Sold at Bonhams. Similar image regurgitated later - connection back to the prop.
Emma & I explored @Heritage_NGOs member via @unibirmingham @winterbournehg today. An arts & crafts house & botanical garden. Come & have a look inside…
Wonderful to join @Heritage_NGOs new member @heritage_crafts at @EnglishHeritage @ElthamPalace for their Heritage Crafts Awards with @RoyalMintUK
Intros from Natasha Kaplinski, @EnglishHeritage Nick Merriman & @heritage_crafts Chair David Clarke - David welcomes @DCMS ratification of UNESCO convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage. Thanks also to @HeritageFundUK for resilience grant.
37 training bursaries announced today for craftspeople of tomorrow - skills ranging from bookbinding & millinery to scientific glass blowing.
Good morning from #HeritageDebate24 - @Heritage_NGOs Chair @CaroleSouter introduces the topic “Balancing the Books - How Should the Heritage Sector Be Funded?” & the angles we will explore - philanthropic, public & commercial. Thanks to @Ecclesiastical & @ArchHFund @HistEnvForum
An opening poll answered by 158 of our 400+ live attendees captured the main source of funding for organisations attending.
We are hearing introductions from our panellists today.
Good morning from @Heritage_NGOs member @RIBA for @HOLTofLondon conference on #PublicArt - a full house as Director Dr Nicola Stacey introduces the theme of breaking the barrier between heritage & art.
Let the art breathe through time, communities engage & respond. Public art is bonding & inspiring but they are vulnerable.
Care & restoration. Imaginative reuse where this is needed. This should always be possible.
Good morning from Day 3 of the #LabourConference2024 - first up a dip into the monthly @HistEnvForum meeting & now I’m at the @BritishMusicExp with our member @UNESCOUK & colleagues @BritishCouncil for a session on how culture & heritage can support a sustainable future for all.
This is an event celebrating UN Sustainable Development Goals week with @2030hub.
Discussion about locally led solutions, relational infrastructure, reduction of siloed working between orgs, reconnecting communities with their own monuments when they have been alienated in some places. Need to connect individual to global. Hearing localised voices.
Good morning from Day two of #LabourConference2024 & we are joining a discussion about government-civil partnership around culture wars with @nationaltrust and @Moreincommon_
Some fascinating material about voter profiles & views on ‘culture war’ type issues. Voters see through it.
People are interested in the “and what?” question. Unlike America we don’t have stacked issues in certain profiles. In Britain we are more issue led, issue by issue.