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Oct 23rd 2022
Newspapers incorrectly reported that she had arrived but this was incorrect. Wichelo lost two sons and the sarcophagus was lost. The sarcophagus was insured by the British museum but the ship was not. Richard Wichelo lost everything. An irony that it was moved to ‘protect it’.
Its location is unknown. Weiss’s work was altogether destructive to the Giza plateau - but he didn’t operate a lone. A lot of agents operating with various political and economic motivations. @N_Nielsen4 #onwardsupwards2022
Burial chamber had clearly been visited repeatedly. Coffin & finds there were post-pharaonic.
Read 62 tweets
Oct 23rd 2022
Good morning from Day 2 of the @issegyptomania #OnwardsUpwards2022 conference kicking off with @JacksonEmmet on reception in Ireland & pseudo archaeology.
Prevalent themes in pseudo archaeology. The Irish were Egyptians…
Read 37 tweets
Oct 22nd 2022
Good morning from @issegyptomania #OnwardsUpwards2022 first up with a keynote from Jasmine Day on the Czech Neiger Brothers’ Egyptian Revival Jewellery, which she collects.
A tragic end for the brothers at Auchwitz - they have no grave - but as Jasmine says, their jewellery is now their memorial. It has become very popular with collectors, now much more expensive than the 1990s. #OnwardsUpwards2022
Read 73 tweets

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