Due to this unnecessary activism, lakhs of people will go jobless.
Over 1.5 Lakh in Tamil Nadu alone.
Let me remind you, #firecrackers are not even in top 10 reasons for pollution.
Here is an IIT Delhi report of this year where they’ve researched on 2019 air quality which clearly says poor air quality in Delhi is not due to #firecracker
So this attack is on Hindu.
Delhi Govt of @ArvindKejriwal has actually spend over ₹7 Lakhs to curb #stubbleburning but have spent around ₹7.5 Crores on advertisements.
1951: Congress under Nehru boycotted Somnath Mandir.
2024: Congress under Nehru family boycotted #AyodhyaRamMandir.
First President of 🇮🇳 Dr Rajendra Prasad was invited for the inauguration of #SomnathMandir.
Jawahar Lal Nehru as Prime Minister of 🇮🇳 asked him not to go to Gujarat in strong words.
#AntiHinduCongress was against the idea of Hindu revival.
To, Dr Rajendra Prasad-
“I confess- I don’t like idea of your association with a spectacular opening of the #SomnathMandir. This is not merely visiting a temple, which can certainly be done by u but participating in significant function which unfortunately has implications.”