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Oct 23rd 2022
Last year, Supreme Court passed an order saying-
THERE IS NO BLANKET BAN. #firecrackers.

Even after that,
Delhi govt has put blanket ban on #firecracker while Punjab Govt has allowed only 2 hours on #Deepawali.

If you face any issues,
I’ll defend you legally: free of cost.

The part of the order of Supreme Court where it has been made clear:

So any ban above this is illegal.

@iPratyush_ & I will defend you if there is any legal/police action, free of cost.

No one can stop you to celebrate #Deepavali & #ChhathPuja2022

Those who couldn’t stop #stubbleburning are attacking our festivals in the name of pollution.

We’ll fight against them.

If they can’t stop #Parali,
they have no right to #BanFirecracker

Read 7 tweets
Oct 20th 2022
BREAKING: #SupremeCourt refuses urgent hearing on a plea filed against a complete ban on #firecrackerban. The urgent mentioning has been made by @shashank_ssj stating that they have imposed a complete ban which is against the #SupremeCourt's order.
Justice MR Shah said, "Please let the people breath fresh air. There are so many other ways of celebrations. You can spend your money on sweets."
Advocate @shashank_ssj mentioned before the bench that the #pollution is rising due to the burning of #parali as well, and that has sk been mentioned in the application.

To which, Justice Shah said that we'll hear you but later.
#firecrackerban #Diwali2022
Read 5 tweets

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