It is in Rig Veda that Rishi Atri, the human son of Brahma, speaks of eclipses in metaphors of demons & devas.
यत तवा सूर्य सवर्भानुस तमसाविध्यद आसुरः
O Sūrya, when the Asura’s descendant Svarbhanu, pierced thee through and through with darkness.
The Sage describes how Svarbhanu created eclipses of the Sun and Moon and how Sun appears after an eclipse in the sky.
Svarbhanu is Sva+Bha+Anu.
Sva means sky. Bha means light. Anu means follower. Compiled together it means follower of light that is present in the sky. This phenomenon of eclipse is seen due to this shadow where the word Asura stands for the shadow of the moon and not a demon.
Rig Veda says that Svarbhanu was not from the heaven but from the earth, which explains that the moon is a natural satellite of the earth and that it does not have its own brightness but rather reflects the light of the sun.
As shadow of the moon starts covering a large part of the sun, the red tinge of the solar chromosphere becomes visible which is described as the red sheep by Rishi Atri.
When full solar eclipse takes effect, only corona can be seen. This is described as colour of silver sheep.
It is a well known fact that India’s rich Vedic tradition has had a powerful influence in the field of astronomy and many eclipse events are well documented in the ancient scriptures.
This carving depicts Draupadi Swayamvara Where Arjun, is seen looking down on the water pond for the reflection of the
mechanical fish revolving on top & holding the metallic bow above him to shoot the fish's eye.