This is the famous McPherson family video, which still makes the rounds as a real legit video, despite being a production. Dean Alioto was at IUFOC a few years ago, and apparently is working on a new documentary called "The Experiencers". #ufotwitter#ufomovies
When he was at the International UFO Congress in Arizona a few years ago to discuss this film. I don't know if the lecture was one that was out on DVD at the conference, if it was, I probably have it somewhere around here. @alejandrotrojas
would know 😁
This is the IMDB page for the documentary he is working on. It say its in Post-Production. I havent seen any mention about this film anywhere else, so if anyone has any other links please share.
Today In UFO History - The Condon Report
October 31, 1968
1/The Colorado project delivers its report, Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, to the Air Force. The first two sections, conclusions and recommendations, are written by Condon
2/himself. He concludes that “further extensive study of UFOs probably cannot be justified in the expectation that science will be advanced thereby.” It is a clear signal to shut down Project Blue Book. Yet 30% of its cases are unexplained. Condon says a UFO cover-up is
3/unthinkable because no one could keep such a secret for so long. He refutes the claim that the CIA has installed an agent within the project. He disapproves of UFO “amateurists,” especially NICAP. The project ignored old cases because they only offered witness testimony, are
Today In History - The War of the Worlds Radio Drama
October 30, 1938 - Invasion Hoax
8:00 p.m. “The War of the Worlds” episode of the American radio drama anthology series The Mercury Theatre on the Air, [Cont.]
directed and narrated by actor and future filmmaker Orson Welles, is an adaptation of H. G. Wells’s novel The War of the Worlds (1898). It is performed and broadcast live in New York City as a Halloween episode over the Columbia Broadcasting System radio network. The episode
becomes famous for allegedly causing panic among its listening audience, though the scale of that panic is disputed as the program has relatively few listeners. In the days after the adaptation, widespread outrage is expressed in the media. The program’s news-
bulletin format is
Today In UFO History - Energy Beam Stalls Car
October 30, 1967 - Boyup Brook, West Australia
9:30 p.m. Alexander Spargo is traveling alone in his car on the Mayanup–Kojonup road about 10 miles east of Mayanup in Western Australia at a speed of about
60–65 miles per hour. He is approached by a lighted object from the sky. A beam of light comes from a “tube” on the object and immerses the car. Almost immediately, the car stops dead. However, there is no feeling of deceleration. The vehicle’s motor, lights, and radio go off.
Spargo hears no noise. The tube seems 2–3 feet in diameter. It is not uncomfortable to the eyes. After about 5 minutes, the tube closes off and the object disappears. His vehicle is suddenly going at 60–65 miles per hour again, with no feeling of acceleration. The object is only
[Full thread for earlier art from Hynek's files]
April 11, 1964 - Homer, NY
6:30 p.m. Physiotherapist William B. Ochsner and his wife and two children are having a picnic on a hill about 10 miles northwest of Homer, New York. They see an unusually
wide vapor trail in the sky stretching from northeast to southwest. At the far end of the white trail is a smoky, spiral portion about one mile long. The vapor trail drifts off. After 10 minutes, Ochsner notices that the spiral portion is still visible, having moved a bit to the
west. With binoculars, he sees wisps of smoke streaming out of it. It changes from a horizontal to a vertical position with greater smoke activity. It stops and hangs there for 2–3 minutes before sinking into the clouds. After another 3 minutes, they see a horizontal
Today In UFO History - Two F-94's Encounter Controlled Object [#5 Chop Clearance List to Keyhoe]
October 29. 1952 - Hempstead, Long Island, NY
5:10 a.m. Two USAF F-94 crews see a white luminous object maneuvering at high speed for 20 minutes
above Hempstead, Long Island, NY. Lt. William F. Hamilton and Lt. Norman W. Booth write: “Based on my experience in fighter tactics, it is my opinion that the object was controlled by something having visual contact with us. The power and acceleration were beyond the capability
This is a very cool PhD dissertation that Kate Dorsch did in 2019. "Reliable Witnesses, Crackpot Science: UFO Investigations in Cold War America, 1947-1977". Sorta reminiscent of David Jacobs PhD dissertation (before he went bad 😉) #ufotwitter#ufodissertations
And this fatty of a dissertation from 2011 by William J Dewan, "Occam's Beard: Belief, Disbelief, and Contested Meanings in American UFOlogy"