The average household size in England and Wales in 2021 was 2.4 people per household, the same as in 2011.
The areas with the highest average household size, all 3.0 residents per household, were:
🏠 Newham
🏠 Slough
🏠 Redbridge.
51.7% of households in England and Wales were deprived in at least one measure of household deprivation.
This number has decreased since 2011, when it was 57.6% (13.5 million) 📉
By region, household deprivation was highest in the North East and lowest in the South East.
Of all households in England and Wales:
🏠 63.0% of households were single family households
🏠 30.2% were one person households
🏠 6.8% were multiple family or other household types.
The percentage of usual residents aged 16 years and over who were never married and never been in a civil partnership has increased in England and Wales - from 34.6% in 2011 to 37.9% in 2021.
Why children enter care, and where they are placed, can vary widely by sex and ethnicity.
New analysis of a cohort of children in the four years following the 2011 Census explores the backgrounds of children who went into care, and reasons behind it.
Our analysis of almost 3.8 million children aged 10 to 17 years found nearly 30,000 of the cohort (0.8%) went into local authority care for the first time between 2011 and 2015.
Children who went into care were more likely to:
▪️ have poorer health
▪️ live in deprivation
▪️ live in lone parent families or large households.
Black and Mixed ethnicity children accounted for a higher percentage of children entering care than those who did not.
In Sept 2022, 20% of businesses with 10 or more employees reported experiencing global supply chain disruption 🌍
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles industry reported the highest proportion of businesses who experienced disruption (31%).
In late October 2022, 40% of businesses had taken some form of action to reduce their energy costs over the last three months ⚡
39% of businesses said they plan to act in November 2022 to reduce their energy costs.
#Census2021 results confirmed there are more people than ever before in the older age groups in England and Wales - with over 11 million people (or 18.6% of the population) aged 65+ 📈
Commenting on this, head of the Ageing Analysis team at ONS, Angele Storey said: (1/1)
Zafar Kayani (aged 65) lives in Bradford.
He has three sons, four grandchildren and works full-time in community engagement for a voluntary group for dads and young children. He is also a yoga teacher. He said: (1/1)