Excruciating process to get unbiased & representative #CovidConsensus
3/ Many recommendations on different areas, on which there was significant agreement among all the experts (grouped in areas of prevention, communication, vaccines, treatments, inequities, health systems):
5/ I didn't know most of the experts. Since airborne transmission has been controversial, and e.g. @WHO never talks about it clearly, I expected wide disagreemnt.
So I was pretty shocked that 100% agree that SARS-CoV-2 is an airborne virus
6/ And even more surprised 92% agreed that when Public Health Orgs. "contribute to the dissemination of FALSE INFORMATION when their communications do not reflect current scientific understanding that transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is primarily airborne"
8/ And a much more articulate summary of the reasons why @CDCgov has mostly abandoned public health goals for the pandemic in this talk by @jfeldman_epi:
11/ For even more evidence about how we know that SARS-CoV-2 (and all or almost all respiratory viruses) are airborne, see also this @ScienceMagazine paper:
13/ For the historical reasons that made this denial and resistance of #COVIDisAirborne possible by @WHO, @CDCgov@sanidadgob et al., see this recent paper:
14/ For some misguided & wasteful things that many Govts around world have done to "fight" COVID transmission, under the misinformation (as the expert consensus of 386 experts on @nature today concludes) of @WHO and @CDCgov has caused:
14/ Note that even @Twitter (which is not exactly fast or efficient at fighting misinformation) has said that @WHO comms in early pandemic are now KNOWN TO BE WRONG.
Really embarrassing for, @WHO, which has said NOTHING
3/ Muchas recomendaciones de consenso para terminar con la amenaza de COVID-19 a la Salud Pública (de prevención, comunicación, vacunas, tratamientos, desigualdades, y sistemas de salud)
1/ Is DROPLET transmission ever important for ANY disease?
NO EVIDENCE that it is. If someone wants to argue that droplet transmission IS important, this now applies: "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence"
3/ Large droplet transmission is defined as projectiles ("sprayborne droplets") per the @CDCgov presentation to the US National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine here:
Alerta de médicos de aumento de muertes repentinas por problemas cardiovasculares, podría ser por COVID-19. Muchos en personas de menos de 50. Existe una relación muy lógica con coronavirus, ya que se ha demostrado que causa problemas cardiovasculares.
Es importante q las autoridades sanitarias clarifiquen esto. Porque si no, dejan espacio a los antivacunas, que se inventan sin evidencia que se deben a las vacunas!
[Vacunas tienen algunos efectos secundarios circulatorios, pero 100 veces menos q COVID: