this is a perfect example of #LOOSH, aka evil thoughts and actions continues to feed the negative entities
this is such a difficult lesson- it's a big test that I myself find having to retake over and over- "lessons will be repeated until a passing grade is achieved" @ChaosProvidez@MariaMagdalenJ
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
It doesn't take skills or anything to make positive changes in this world. All it takes is a desire, if the desire is honorable and based on Truth, it will gain momentum all its own.
"I realize I can't do it all or even have a clue on how to solve the world's problems but I know deep in my heart when a bunch of good people who put their minds to a task nothing is impossible."…
Before I jump to any conclusions at a minimum I will research the testing company: 1) possible conflicts of interest 2) who financed this study 3) type of tests used for the research
Possibly #BigPharma trick to stop consumers Health Benefits of CBD and Cannabis. Heavy metal and phthalate contamination and labeling integrity in a large sample of US commercially available cannabidiol (CBD) products. Sci Total Environ. 2022 Dec 10;851(Pt 1):158110. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.158110. Epub 2022 Aug 17.PMID:35987236
May my #tiestrength be Bridge: An individual whose weak ties fill a structural hole, providing the only link between two individuals or clusters.
The Structural Hole filled by my tweets aka #SystemBuster are the Truth the Cabal and its minions do not want publicized. aka the #Bridge needed in this #Matrix of Good vs Evil.
@OgiBarereba When I started on this project to help my neighbors because the Government wasn't cleaning up this toxic mess. I prayed to God to lead me to the information needed. In this process of figuring it out i've researched hundreds of Science Papers for years....
I'm just a lowly Carpenter who wants to build things and have a farm. BUT, I will not ignore the plight of my neighbors who are in need of help. And then one day I got to fullfilled my "Lifetime Goal" of saving someone from dying and it changed my life.
i've seen the posts and comments from many StLouis people wondering if the nuclear contamination spread in the last floods #BridgetonLandfill#Coldwatercreek, in the basements, backyards, and surrounding areas. . This prompted me to review a couple of the low cost ways to test
for radiation. Here is the ways I would test for radiation myself and not rely on other sources. Without getting all scientific in my explanation here is the 2 systems.
radiation testing devices. 1 natural and 1 mechanical.