3. The dimensions of the #GreatPyramid model a sphere
The Pyramid has 5 sides. 4 obvious faces align perfectly N,E,S,W with the planet's cardinal axes
The 5th side hides beneath
These reflect 4d space-time & a 5th non-physical aspect of consciousness that frame our reality
4. Subterraneanen Chamber:
From primal intersecting forces our solar system and planet Earth was formed
Initially presenting a "strange unfinished topography" the planet's crust formed a stage for the development of physical life
5. Lesser Subterranean Chamber:
Water formed in the nascent biosphere eventually covering large areas of the planet
Early life developed under this "ceiling of waves"
6. Onwards & upwards various forms of life developed, but ultimately there was a branching out of a dominant species capable of becoming a force of nature
For this dominant species a critical junction & choice of paths is presented
7. Grand Gallery:
One path involves striving for excessive growth & over-consumption of natural resources
Social systems are built around expectations this can continue forever
Initially the potential for growth appears limitless ... but eventually things get real hard
8. Nature provides rules for physical existence
It gets hard. Conflicts emerge over finite resources & with the natural systems that support us
We destabilize climate, biodiversity, the balance of ice/water/crust at the Earth's surface
9. King's Chamber:
The end product of striving at any cost to pursue over-growth is symbolized by the coffin in the King's Chamber
The true spiritual (5-d) nature of reality remains hidden to the mainstream (see 5 hidden relieving chambers sit above the 4-sided room)
10. Queen's Chamber:
An alternative path exists
With a step down to simpler living we remain standing with a view framed by 5 parts - represented by the upright 5-stepped niche
This room is 5-sided & sits on the Pyramid's centre line signifying balance
11. In summary, to persist we need greater trust & cooperation, care for our natural life support systems, & a new balance b/w self & All
Our future involves truth of the full spectrum of nature
It's our choice if we want to evolve to the next level
Life in the universe is underpinned by a singular electromagnetic vibrational energy fabric, also called quantum foam
This quantum energy fabric gives rise to (& can be interconverted b/w) matter, energy & light waves
2. Consciousness is also expressed in patterns, freq's & densities of the universal vibrational energy. It can be concentrated, received & transmitted in organic tissues such as the brain. Varying degrees of consciousness are present in all things .../3