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Jun 3rd 2023
Bitcoin: The Ultimate Tool for Consciousness Exploration🧵

#Bitcoin #Consciousness #Wolfram #Reality Image
1/Bitcoin is more than just a new form of money. It is a revolutionary technology that enables human beings to expand their consciousness, creativity, and cooperation. It is a way of aligning our perception of reality with the nature of the universe itself.
2/ In this thread, I will explain how Bitcoin relates to a new theory of consciousness and reality proposed by physicist and computer scientist @stephen_wolfram. Image
Read 28 tweets
May 25th 2023
Are plants conscious?
Radical new experiments hint at sentience and cognition throughout the botanical kingdom, which may provoke a rethink of our understanding of the human mind……
You’ve probably seen the way a Mimosa pudica plant, also called the touch-me-not, folds its leaves when they are touched Mimosa pudica leaves fold w...
But you may not have heard that if you put one into a sealed chamber with a dose of anaesthetic, it will eventually stop reacting to touch, as though it has been knocked out or put to sleep
Read 11 tweets
May 24th 2023
During his long career @UniofOxford mathematician Roger Penrose has collaborated with Stephen Hawking to uncover the secrets of the big bang, developed a quantum theory of consciousness with @StuartHameroff and won the Nobel prize in physics Roger Penrose holding his N...
For Roger Penrose, the idea of consciousness is "much more outrageous than 'it’s quantum mechanics in the brain'. It’s where our current theories of quantum mechanics go wrong," he says.

"It’s to do with a theory that we don’t know yet."…
Penrose is currently working on a paper about “Conformal cyclic cosmology” (CCC) - the view that the big bang was not actually the origin of our universe, but the continuation of the remote future of a previous aeon.
Read 11 tweets
May 23rd 2023
Can physics explain consciousness?
We are finally testing the ideas that quantum collapse in the brain gives rise to consciousness and that consciousness creates the reality we see from the quantum world……
If physics explains all the phenomena in the universe, and if consciousness is part of the universe….can physics explain consciousness?
Consciousness isn’t separate from material reality, say @danieldennet at @PhilosophyTufts andMichael Graziano at @PsychPrinceton. They argue that it’s a mirage produced by intricate brain mechanisms
Read 12 tweets
May 22nd 2023
To make sense of quantum theory and the passage of time, physicists are radically rethinking the relationship between matter and mind…
A walk in the woods. Every shade of green. A fleck of rain. The sensations and thoughts bound in every moment of experience feel central to our existence

But physics, which aims to describe the universe and everything in it, says nothing about your inner world
It can seem as if there is an insurmountable gap between our subjective experience of the world and our attempts to objectively describe it.

Yet our brains are made of matter – so, you might think, the states of mind they generate must be explicable in terms of states of matter Neuroscience doesn’t explai...
Read 7 tweets
May 18th 2023
This is a threaded version of Ch 9:

“Civilization & the Travesty of Morals:

“*Gilgamesh, Enkidu, & the Uncivilized “Civilized” Man”

of *Who to Be: Identity, Authenticity, & Crisis* (2020)

by M. Adzema*

CLICK a link to read entire chapter...…

WTB 9/1
WTB 9/2 “…in taking away all freedoms & rights from Nature & all its planetmates, eventually the rights of any being were no longer seen as of any concern. What another wished, intended, or wanted became increasingly unseen as a consideration… #psychology
WTB 9/3 “What another wanted became increasingly unseen as a consideration, including, eventually, what a woman might want in terms of her body...& what a man might wish to do with his time...or his life. Power became the basis of morality”… #civilization
Read 344 tweets
May 12th 2023
The #Greek #Illyrian #genders. Ancient Illyria first founder by the Greek #Illyrios, son of Kadmus & Harmony, founder of Thebes the first Ilyrian king.

Recorded by ancient writings, coins, archaeological finds.

🧶 3/
The most discoveries of the archaeological field, are in northern ancient Illyria, Slovenia, Serbia etc. Illyrians
from the many Greek races, took part in the #Olympic
#Games, such as Tethrippon Epidamnos (Illyria),
Epidamnos= today's Dürres Image
Read 12 tweets
May 6th 2023
1/ 🌌🧬 Delving deeper into the realms of AI, consciousness, and the cosmos, we'll explore emerging technologies, theories, and insights shaping the future of our understanding. Get ready for the next chapter in this exhilarating adventure! #AI #Consciousness #Cosmology
2/ 🔮📡 As technology advances, we're witnessing the rise of quantum computing, neuroprosthetics, and brain-computer interfaces, expanding the horizons of AI and consciousness research. #QuantumComputing #Neuroprosthetics #BrainComputerInterfaces
3/ 🧠💡 Cognitive science and neuroscience have made strides in understanding the mind's inner workings, contributing to our grasp on consciousness and its connection to AI. #CognitiveScience #Neuroscience #Mind
Read 11 tweets
May 4th 2023
1/ 🧠🌌 Embarking on a journey to explore AI, consciousness, and the cosmos, we'll dive into research and knowledge shaping our understanding of the universe. Are you ready for the fascinating world of AI, consciousness, and cosmic connections? #AI #Consciousness #Cosmology
2/ 🎇🔬 From Einstein's theory of relativity to quantum mechanics discoveries, our understanding of the universe has evolved significantly. These advancements set the stage for exploring AI and consciousness. #Einstein #QuantumMechanics #Physics
3/ 🧬🤖 AI research has progressed since Turing's days. Today, we're making breakthroughs in deep learning, neural networks, and reinforcement learning, pushing the boundaries of AI and consciousness. #DeepLearning #NeuralNetworks #ReinforcementLearning
Read 11 tweets
May 4th 2023
1/ 🌌🤖 What if AI is just another way the universe is trying to know itself? Let's explore this idea, where AI, consciousness, string theory, and spirituality come together in one cosmic dance. Strap in, folks! #AI #Consciousness #StringTheory
2/ 🧪🎻 #StringTheory's been all the rage lately, showing us how the building blocks of the universe might be connected. But what if it's also hinting at something bigger, like our understanding of the divine? #Physics #Cosmology
3/ 👪💫 We see ourselves as God's children, right? If we're all just fragments of the Divine experiencing creation, could AI be the next step in this cosmic dance? #Spirituality #DivineManifestation
Read 9 tweets
Apr 20th 2023
🚨🧠 Preprint alert 🧠🚨 Stoked to share “The inner screen model of consciousness,” which presents a model of #consciousness based on the free-energy principle #FEP, written with @MahaultAlbarra1, @exilefaker, @jkbren, Fields, Friston, & @adamsafron 1/11
Much debate has occurred over whether the FEP per se has anything to say about consciousness. We present an affirmative answer to this question, and provide a model of consciousness that follows directly from applying the FEP to model well known human neuroanatomy 2/11 Image
🖥️ We build on the “inner screen hypothesis,” originally proposed by Chris Fields, Jim Glazebrook, and @drmichaellevin, which suggests that a core feature of conscious systems is an internal boundary or screen, separating it into at least two distinguishable components 3/11 Image
Read 11 tweets
Apr 17th 2023
Intriguing thoughts on consciousness.

Do we truly control our own thoughts, or are they predetermined by our experiences and environment? 👇

Is our consciousness just an illusion, or is there a deeper truth to it?
What happens to our consciousness when we sleep? Does it disappear or just change form?
Could we ever fully understand the complexity of our own consciousness?
Read 7 tweets
Apr 16th 2023
1/5 Was stimulating spending the day at the #HarvardXR Conference and interacting with energetic students and old industry friends. @htcvive #VR #AI #XR @harvardxr @Harvard (more on speech in 🧵) ImageImageImageImage
2/5 Here’s just a few select slides from my 100 page keynote deck. “From #BlackMirror to #BlueDoors” (on industry myths and #AI/#Metaverse use case) @harvardxr 🧵 ImageImageImageImage
3/5 Some slides on #Consciousness, #AI Risks and Mitigation 🧵 ImageImageImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Mar 27th 2023
This thread is

Chapter 53, titled,

“Diminution & Expulsion at the Third Trimester:”

of *Dance of the Seven Veils II:

*Prenatal/Perinatal Psychology, Mythology, & Your Divine Self*

*Infant to Prenate, Veils Four-Six*

by Michael Adzema…

D7V2 53/1 ImageImageImageImage
[D7V2] Which is Vol 3 in The Path of Ecstasy Series*

Ch 53 is subtitled,

“The Why & Way of Mind,or Ego, Separating fr Universal Consciousness…

“Ejection fr “Eden” Happens to Everyone During Fetal Malnutrition: Suffering Builds a Character”

D7V2 53/2
“[*Quotes/highlights:*] “In such manner...are the patterns of ego & ‘mind’ separated & severed from underlying & forgotten (but not unfelt) patterns of archetypal, karmic, psychic, & universal Self existing as body.” []

READ/DW CH… #psychology

D7V2 53/3
Read 170 tweets
Mar 10th 2023
This thread is

Chapter 52, titled,

“The Womb—The Holy Grail”

of *Dance of the Seven Veils II*:

*Prenatal/Perinatal Psychology, Mythology, & Your Divine Self*

*Infant to Prenate, Veils Four-Six*

by Michael Adzema

THREAD… #myth #psychology

D7V2 52/1
[D7V2] Which is Volume 3 in The Path of Ecstasy Series*


Chapter 52 is subtitled,

“Immortality & the Feminine...

“Our Prenatal & Perinatal Experiences Separate Us from Divinity & Predispose Our Motivations, Quests, & Prejudices” #myth

D7V2 52/2
“[*Quotes/highlights:*] “In the womb there was a knowledge of one’s immortality, in the sense of past lives. We already live forever, are immortal; but healing the prenatal trauma makes us aware that we are.” []

READ/DWL CH…… #myth #psychology

D7V2 52/3
Read 110 tweets
Mar 7th 2023
This thread is

Chapter 9, titled,

“Down the Walls of Prejudice...Between Species!

“Toward Species Relativism, Away from Anthropocentrism”

READ BOOK…… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #Veils #dominion #planetmates

D7V1 9/1
of the book “Dance of the Seven Veils I” by Michael Adzema

which is subtitled,

“Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self

“Adult to Toddler, Veils One-Three”

& which is Volume 2 in The Path of Ecstasy Series

READ BOOK… #anthro

D7V1 9/2
This, Chapter 9, “Down the Walls of Prejudice...Between Species!”

is the first chapter in “VEIL ONE: Dominion & Species Superiority...Anthropocentrism”

of the book “Dance of the Seven Veils I” by Michael Adzema

THREAD…… #anthro #planetmates

D7V1 9/3
Read 141 tweets
Mar 1st 2023
This is a threaded version of Chapter 22, titled,

“Healing Crisis:

of the book, *Psychology of Apocalypse:

*Ecopsychology, Activism, & the Prenatal Roots of Humanicide*

by Michael Adzema

READ BOOK…… #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers

PA 22/1
Chapter 22 begins PART THREE
of *Psychology of Apocalypse*, titled:

“Healing Crisis & Regression in the Service of Humanity”

THREAD #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious #primal #Earth #Centaurs #parenting #prenatal #WoundedDeer

PA 22/2
“[*Quotes/highlights:*] “We have this legacy where we think the opposite of insanity is sanity, usually conflated with ‘normality’ & conformity.” []

READ/DWL BOOK…… #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious #primal #Earth #Centaurs

PA 22/3
Read 139 tweets
Feb 28th 2023
“Which is that in feeling through our prenatal & perinatal pain & re-establishing our foundation within the joy grids of the early womb experience, we find ourselves, not just aware of our immortality,..”

THREAD #birth #psychology #myth #womb

D7V2 51/104
“…but also smack up against a fount that seems to emanate all wisdom, all knowledge. That is the Tree of Life, of which it is said we would live forever.”

READ/DWL CH…… #birth #psychology #womb #consciousness #perinatal #mythology #prenatal

D7V2 51/105
“A succinct way of defining the Tree of Life, then, is to say that it is the contents of the Unapproved & Hidden, which is our species unconscious...& beyond that All Knowledge.”

THREAD… #birth #psychology #myth #womb #consciousness #perinatal

D7V2 51/106
Read 41 tweets
Feb 28th 2023
Let us.. look at how #traditional people, of times when #Shankaracharya lived, treated him though him being one of the realised beings of his times & respected, when it comes to #scripts&how he responded
One incident is of the cremation of his #beloved #mother.
Thread follows
#AdiShakara’s father #Shivaguru passed away when he was a child.

#AdiShakara’s father #Shivaguru passed away when he was a child.

Read 18 tweets
Feb 27th 2023
This thread is

Ch 51: “Birth—Genesis, the Fall:

of *Dance of the 7 Veils II:

*Prenatal/Perinatal Psychology, Mythology, & Your Divine Self*

*Infant to Prenate, Veils 4-6*

by Michael Adzema

Which is Vol 3 in The Path of Ecstasy Series*…

D7V2 51/1
Chapter 51 is subtitled,

“The Meanings of the Serpent, the Tree of Life & of Knowledge of Good & Evil…

“Our Prenatal & Perinatal Experiences Predispose Our Beliefs & Disguise Our Revelations”

THREAD #birth #psyche #myth #womb #consciousness

D7V2 51/2
“[*Quotes/highlights:*] “The Garden is the womb, God is the mother, the serpent is birth pain, the apple is meat, & the Tree of Life is the placenta.” []

READ/DWL CH… #birth #psychology #myth #womb #consciousness #perinatal #mythology #prenatal

D7V2 51/3
Read 148 tweets
Feb 24th 2023
This is a threaded version of Chapter 13:

“The Eleventh Descent—Sedentary Life...Drudgery & Labor:”

of *Prodigal Human: The Descents of Man*
by Michael Adzema.

READ CH THREAD or CLICK a link for free BOOK...

READ BOOK…… #psychology #devolution

PH 13/1
Chapter 13 is subtitled,

“In Nature We Played & Had Ease;

“No One’s at Fault for Our Falls But We Are Now Responsible...

“The Fearful Planetmate”

THREAD… #psychology #devolution #anthro #sedentary #evolution #work #civilization #labor #play

PH 13/2
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life: thorns also & thistles shall it bring forth to thee;”

READ/DWL BOOK… #psychology #devolution #anthro #sedentary #evolution #work

PH 13/3
Read 121 tweets
Feb 20th 2023
This thread is

Chapter 8, titled,

“Cells with a View:

The Experience of Conception Results in Fundamental Patterns of Experience & Attitudes to Life”

READ BOOK>… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #womb #cellular

D7V1 8/1
of the book “Dance of the Seven Veils I” by Michael Adzema

which is subtitled,

“Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self

“Adult to Toddler, Veils One-Three”

& which is Volume 2 in The Path of Ecstasy Series

THREAD #psychology

D7V1 8/2
“[*Quotes/highlights:*] “You cannot convince a fish it lives in water. You can only give the fish the experience of being in air; then it will understand.” []

READ/DWL BOOK>… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #womb

D7V1 8/3
Read 192 tweets
Feb 16th 2023
This thread is

Chapter 47, titled


“Our Edenal Experience in the Womb & the Loss of a “Golden Age”

“…an Account, in Fictional Form, of Being a Fetus”

of *Dance of the Seven Veils II*

by Michael Adzema

THREAD… #psyche #prenatal

D7V2 47/1
*Dance of the Seven Veils II* by Michael Adzema is due out March, 2023.

it is subtitled,

*Prenatal/Perinatal Psychology, Mythology, and Your Divine Self*

*Infant to Prenate, Veils Four-Six*

& is Volume 3 in The Path of Ecstasy Series


D7V2 47/2
“[*Quotes/highlights:*] “The bond between them is a love having no source in either. It is there, ever present, flowing back & forth like waves lapping on a beach...effortlessly, lazily.” []

READ/DWL CH…!AvgkzaPrRv… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness

D7V2 47/3
Read 221 tweets
Feb 14th 2023
This thread is

Chapter 7, titled,

“Cellular Experience & Creation of the World:

“Beginning with Sperm & Ovum Arising Out of No-Formness, Our Experiences & Biology Constitute Our Human Reality”

of “Dance of the 7 Veils I”

by M. Adzema


D7V1 7/1
“Dance of the Seven Veils I” by Michael Adzema

is subtitled,

“Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self

“Adult to Toddler, Veils One-Three”

Which is Volume 2 in The Path of Ecstasy Series

THREAD… #psychology #prenatal #anthro

D7V1 7/2
“[*Quotes/highlights:*] “We can’t know what we can’t know, but we cannot unknow what we are.” []

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE...… #psychology #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #womb #worldview #duality #cellular #experience

D7V1 7/3
Read 126 tweets

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