Okay, by popular demand, here's the process for getting a divorce for a marriage celebrated under the Marriage Act (Church/Marriage Registry). It's been a while, so I invite my learned friends to correct me as necessary.
You have to demonstrate to the court that the marriage has broken down irretrievably, otherwise your divorce petition will not fly. Sure fire way to prove this is to show that you have lived apart/in separation for at least 2 years.
The person who approaches the court is the petitioner & the other spouse is the respondent.
The petitioner submits their petition to the court, stating that the marriage can't be saved and includes an affidavit providing evidence of the breakdown.
This is where the allegations of unreasonable hardship, domestic abuse , etc are laid out in detail.
The respondent can either accept or counter-petition. Some counter to clear their name, others because the petitioner sef get big wahala.
This exchange of documents/affidavits between the parties can take 4-6 months to complete. And this is just the first part, so no, no one just signs divorce papers in Naija, no matter what Nollywood thinks. But there's more...
When pleadings are settled (or even where the respondent is in full agreement with the petitioner), the judge won't just say, great, be ye divorced.
The judge is required by law in all cases to order a mandatory mediation period for parties to see if their marriage can be saved.
Even if both parties have been coming to court and spitting dracarys at each other, they must attend mediation prior to the divorce trial proper commencing.
Afterwards, trial is had (witnesses may be called, etc). Divorce is granted in 2 stages:
Order Nisi (semi-last card, again to give the parties room to change their minds)
Order Absolute (last card, check up, issallover, dunncry dunnbeg).
All this takes a year, at the minimum. Someone mentioned to me that theirs took 4 years.
There is no "signing of divorce papers" under Nigerian law.
Read the affidavit.
Keyamo is right, that technically, there was no criminal conviction (was this because the suspect had already moved back to Nigeria?).
However certain things are clear - 1. Irrefutable ties with drug barons 2. Dealing in sums well in excess of declared income
2b. Monthly salary (pre-tax?) was $2400.
2c. Personal payments (which Keyamo has described as 'savings') by the suspect of c. $2m over a 2-year period.
2d. Employer distanced itself faaaar from that money.
3. An initial amount of $1.4m was seized as likely proceeds of drug dealing.
Tax Evasion (example): Your assessed tax bill this year is/should be ₦1.5m. You neither file the right returns nor pay the right amount. Illegal. Govt can chase you & prosecute you for it & you can go to jail (not very often in naija sha, but see eg Wesley Snipes).
Tax Planning/Tax Avoidance: taking steps to lawfully reduce your tax bill. Eg setting up as a limited liability company rather than a sole proprietorship, or moving to a lower tax domicile (eg Monaco) or incorporating your biz in eg Mauritius/Delaware/BVI.
Other examples of tax planning (eg in the UK), joint ownership of home with spouse, so no tax is due on the death of either spouse. Or giving your children the house/other taxable assets while you're alive (as long as you live 7yrs+ after the gift).