I'm preparing an epic Twitter thread critiquing the new Netflix pseudoarchaeology "docuseries" hosted by G. Hancock as if it might be my last thread on Twitter ever. If bird site crashes, I'll end on a high note
Stay tuned. Will post later today or tomorrow
and just to be clear, I plan on going down with the ship. As long as Twitter is usable and a tool to share #archaeology I'll be here
If it ain't, find me on Mastodon or YouTube or Patreon (links in bio)
Oh and if you're interested, some good background reading would be my first 57 tweet thread on #Atlantis from a year and a half ago
His rhetoric sows distrust in experts, and #Atlantis conspiracy theories promote white supremacy
Buckle up, it’s time for an #ARCHAEOLOGY THREAD 🧵
This thread will examine
1)Hancock's lack of evidence
2)How Hancock’s narrative recycles 19th century ideas on #Atlantis
3)The rhetorical tools Hancock and similar conspiracy theories use
Why trust me?
No idea. I’m just a dude who won’t pay for a checkmark
But I am a real archaeologist. I’ve excavated at sites spanning tens of thousands of years of human history & prehistory
Trust my credentials or don’t. But I’ll present real evidence why this show is crap
I think this overestimates academic Twitter. Every time Hancock or Rogen tweet about this show it gets thousands of engagements. My tweets, as an archaeologist with a Twitter following, get hundreds
Better to debunk & share real archaeology than let pseudos dominate the space
Like go check out Hancock's profile. His advertisements for the show have each racked up thousands of likes and hundreds of retweets and congratulatory replies
We've got nothing on their following and barely tip the scale
But if we don't debunk, then we just let the show speak for itself without a place for others to check its veracity, without a platform exposing it's problems
Most people have zero sense of what 21st century archaeology actually is, and we need to share what it is wherever people are
To really think that a multiphase site "isn't complicated" is absurd
Look closely at the posted photo
Let's zoom in on a few architectural details that show its complexity
And importantly, we aren't seeing artifacts or soil. That's a huge problem with amateur digs. Understanding excavation is more than just the most impressive thing found
Ok, the OP has said it is "A defense tower built into a wall with a balcony"
And this 100% wrong explanation ignores the fact that what you find in an archaeological excavation can be from different times
This brief thread answers the question of who is the Stranger (the Meteor Man) in the Rings of Power
The key clue is the word "Peril" and how it's used in J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings 1/9
Words and language meant a great deal to Tolkien who studied language, invented languages, and chose his words with extreme care
A textual analysis of words in Tolkien's texts reveals his world and characters 2/9
It's clear the show-writers are keen to parallel Tolkien's choice of language from their use of the Black Speech and Quenya to specific phrases that reference Tolkien 3/9