@MikeLaValley8@BU_BMC_Rheum Some basic DAGs (directed acyclic graphs) that illustrate exposures, outcomes, and confounders
When thinking about adjustment or other ways to deal with confounding, it can be useful to draw out the DAGs to show what you think the relationships between variables are
👉provides the measure of difference between groups or the magnitude of association between exposure and outcome
👉gives the clinical significance of the exposure for the outcome – is the observed effect large enough to be important?
The confidence interval range can be evaluated to see:
🔹If values of clinical relevance lie in the range (clinical significance)
🔹If the null value lies in the range (statistical significance)
Really enthused that some of the @rheum_covid#ILAR grant recipients could join us at this event tonight & talk about their work and their experiences @panlarleague@aflarrheum