Mark Carney made a strong push on “Carbon Credits” aka CBDC, forcing total control of human activity based on "emission standards". This definitely allow central banks an absolute jurisdiction towards our daily consumption or purchase of goods.…
He's basically calling for the expansion of carbon markets (voluntary) fifteenfold...…
Darth Klaus scheduled to speak today... What's your next Great Reset move, CBDC, Climate Change? #greatreset#fourthreich
And then there will be also Tony Blair, which is known Iraq War Criminal, pusher of the MRNA vaccines and recently chosen as the board advisor to the new Indonesian capital, Nusantara, in Kalimantan (Borneo Island). Ironic?…
Yeah I know that Larouchie Mike Billington... But he's on spot on his understanding Mark Carney here.
Klaus Schwab seems to disagree with the notion of multipolarity (1/2), despite the fact that he has his own view of ensuring public-private global governance.…
Continued... Klaus Schwab seems to disagree with the notion of multipolarity (2/2), despite the fact that he has his own view of ensuring public-private global governance.…
Wait, what about public transport? Boring tunnels exclusively for electric cars won't solve pollution problem, which the greenies have distracted with their Malthusian agenda. This is also just another control attempt. Digging tunnels is also expensive.…
B20 (Business 20) 2022 Summit: Another important gathering of worldwide “Neoliberal Warriors.”
B20 is a summit of respective G20 countries’ chamber of commerce business interests. Role is to expand private interests' role on G20 leaders' decision-making. In other words, it is to ensure that the business controls government, not vice versa.
The B20 event is usually followed by the G20 National Leaders' Summit. Below are some of the speakers currently attending the B20.
From Yu Li (FB): "There is HUGE probability the coronavirus is originated/created from the US.
Scientist collected 98 examples of coronavirus patients from 12 different countries and sequences 58 sequences, it could conclude as 5 big family and generations, such as ABCDE(from
older generation to younger ones).
70,000 infected cases in Wuhan just have the C group of the virus. Taiwan has 2 generations. The US has all generation ABCDE, from the grandfather to the grandson generation of virus!
So basically the all generation of the virus was found in
the US, and the grandson generation of the virus is in Wuhan...It is impossible that the grandson of Coronavirus immediately appears in Wuhan...
The Wuhan seafood market is not the origin of the virus, the virus type in the seafood market is the grandson generation. It is
This week, I made an unusual move. I made a group presentation about China's counterterrorism program against Turkestan Islamic Party, which has been scored for one of my univ subjects final exam. I tried my best to inform my friends and especially my lecturer about the reality
in Xinjiang. Obviously, the MSM don't want you to know that TIP has caused the deaths of 500+ people across China in strings of attacks between 1997 to 2017, as what mentioned in joint Global Times-CGTN-CCTV documentary about Xinjiang. Only from 2017, stability has been a bit
restored in Xinjiang because of the presence of the vocational schools, which encourages local citizens not to get radicalized w the ideology that TIP possesses, Salafi Jihadism, by giving them civic studies, bilingual lessons, life skills (based on participants' ability) &