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#ItsDone #SunakBomba N°2.
cc: @ Circonscripti18
#Russian intelligence confirms that the #NATO-#Ukrainian #terrorist regime is preparing to seize the #Zaporizhzhia #NPP by crossing the #Dnieper. This was also announced by the PDT of the "We are with Russia" movement V. #Rogov ImageImageImage
Next #FalseFlag in the #HeavenlyJerusalem - #Zaporizhzhia.
#Satanic #Zionists do not care about the lifes of the #goyims, cuz according to the #Talmud they are comparable to #insects and must be eliminated.

- #AshkeNAZI #Zelensky at #MSC: "#AtomicBomb" Image
Chapter II.
#Christians are to be #Exterminated
- Art. 1. Christians to be Harmed #Indirectly
- Art. 2. Christians to be Harmed #Directly

#mRNA-#WEF-#UkraineWAR-#WW3 Revelation 3 9 Look at thos...The Talmud Unmasked  [The S...
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The Dark Roots of the “#BrusselsEU” - The birth place of the "Brussels EU" on the drawing boards of the #Nazi/#IGFarben-coalition for a post-war Europe under their control | 2016
- #MI5 files: Nazis planned '#FourthReich' in post-war #Europe… ImageImageImage
The Dark Roots of the “#BrusselsEU
- The corporate preparations for #WW2 started as early as 1925, when #Bayer, #BASF, #Hoechst and other German multinationals formed a #cartel called “#IGFarben Industry”… ImageImageImage
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@anthonyzenkus @GeoffYoung4KY #NewWorldOrder isn’t a kooky conspiracy theory…it’s an actual ideological mission ~ the most dangerous utopians of all-time.

Maybe like #Fabianism + #Fascist #Eugenics rebranded.

Orwell, Huxleys, CS Lewis, HG Wells, Betrand Russell, etc wrote about it.…
@anthonyzenkus @GeoffYoung4KY ‘The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution’

1928 ~ #HGWells

#NWO ideologists aim to suck up all the world’s wealth to gain total control over it + enslave humanity for their “greater good”.

They’re almost finished ~ they’ve been working on it for over a century.
@anthonyzenkus @GeoffYoung4KY British imperialists set out to hijack the 🇺🇸 over a century ago to continue their global empire mission.

They succeeded. It’s even in Congressional archives.

They bankrupted the 🇺🇸 taking over the world with 10’s of trillions of our tax dollars.

If they win #WW3, we’re done.
Read 13 tweets
Mark Carney made a strong push on “Carbon Credits” aka CBDC, forcing total control of human activity based on "emission standards". This definitely allow central banks an absolute jurisdiction towards our daily consumption or purchase of goods.…
Mark Carney is basically Fourth Reich.…
He's basically calling for the expansion of carbon markets (voluntary) fifteenfold...…
Read 16 tweets
#MinkGate. #Martians attack.
#Poultry #Lockdown Looms in England to Thwart Spread of #BirdFlu | 2h ago
- New #mandatory measures will require all poultry and captive birds to be kept indoors,
- Orson #Welles cannot explain the phenomenom.…
The War of the #Variants ImageImageImage
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@MikaLintila Ns. 'hallitus', #WEF-#GreatReset -kätyrit #MikaLintilä ja #Caruna-#PekkaHaavisto @pekkahaavisto ovat omatoimisesti katkaisseet Venäjän sähkön ja kaasun, aiheuttaen jälleen, kuten ns. '#pandemia'ssakin, mittaamatonta vahinkoa suomalaisille
- #EU on sanktioinut vain hiilen tuonnin
@MikaLintila @pekkahaavisto #GreatReset -logikkaa #SuomenTuulivoimaYhdistyksen haarakonttorista, Suomen tuhoksi:
#Fingrid: - "Venäjän rajasiirtoyhteyksien siirtokapasiteettia rajoitetaan käyttövarmuuden turvaamiseksi".
- Katkaisu kokonaan on siis ääriturvallista...
@MikaLintila @pekkahaavisto Samaan aikaan kun #Jauhojengi katkaisi kaiken, #USA'n #tuonti #Venäjä'ltä takoo ennätyksiä.

#UnitedStates #Imports from #Russia - 2022. Data 2023 Forecast 1992-2021 Historical
-data, historical chart and statistics - was last updated on Aug of 2022.
Read 12 tweets
The Germans and Japanese both looted and plundered in WW2. Both got liquid assets out of their countries into neutral banks and industries before wars end. This cold calculation is banal and rational. Bormann arranged it for Germany. Why anyone would doubt that Bormann survived?
Remember, when you hear news of governments making decisions which make no sense and only make things worse:

The engineer intends to wreck the train.
To understand and make sense of the present, study the past. #History
Read 121 tweets
1/@threadreaderapp #unroll Since I displayed my art in 08 and was 1st #gangstalked w. #zersetzung we've been attacked by countless entities.Many are detailed in forthcoming whistleblow on #TheCultureIndustry my bk #TheCelebrityCode
Attacks now appear to emanate from local sources
@threadreaderapp 2/ This new Twitter thread will accompany a blog post and addition to #TheCelebrityCode exposing the weaponisation of #charity #council #homelessshelters & other parts of #community infrastucture in apparent order to inflict #zersetzung & support #FourthReich
3/I found out as an underclass outsider I was not allowed to show #traditionallyskilled #contemporaryart which is original, autonomous, &transcendental! Why? ART devalues symbol laden #dumbeddown #KITSCH controlled by the #bankingbloodlines for #moneylaundering & #socialcontrol
Read 11 tweets
Oh, what, like the disease warfare, lab leaks & AI misuse happening ALREADY?? Like so-called "conspiracy theorists" have BEEN saying?? Including TIs?

#Bioweapon #ArtificialIntelligence #LabLeaks #WorldWarIII #FourthReich #TargetedIndividuals…
Does anyone at all want to talk about the black mold, nano dust & Morgellons that TIs have been subjected to, which sounds an awful lot like what Bile Guts wants to talk about with Jeremy C-
Connect the dots.

1) The effects from electronic torture are collectively known as Havana Syndrome, and the attacks on US Intelligence Officers in particular are being hinted to have been caused by Cuba or Russia, even though the US GOVERNMENT THEMSELVES paid compensation.
Read 14 tweets

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