It's no coincidence that transphobia is in force during #TransAwarenessWeek; it's strategic. That it's also vicious, malignant and dehumanising is hard to watch, but they're the tools many deploy when they're on the wrong side of history.
I have two charities that I'd like to suggest you donate to, as @GaikMasis points out, it will do good, but also might piss off some of these people.
#DignityProject is The Centre for Global Indigenous Futures mapping strategy to make a better future for older queer Indigenous people. Donate to 'Indigenous Scholarship'. Named by my late brother, Dr David Hardy and continuing his work.…
This one is just a personal story, not about whether people should get gender-affirming surgery/take hormones.
Last year I wrote that I couldn't get surgery; this year I found out I could. I've taken steps already, with others coming next year (hopefully).
Disclaimer: many ppl cannot access gender-affirming surgery/ies because of prohibitive costs or their own circumstances. Many do not need/want (& all that that entails) them. They may access, need/want them later. Some trans ppl never take hormones, some do. #TransAwarenessWeek
Further disclaimer: gender-affirming surgery is often undertaken by trans people, but if a trans person who is a woman, man or non-binary/agender/outside the binary doesn't have it, they are still trans. #TransAwarenessWeek
#TransAwarenessWeek this year has been battling a lot of transphobes, but that's not it's function. It's to learn more about what it is to be trans, how you might negotiate it if this is you, and how to support people that you love/work with/know who's trans.
A bit more:
The colonial project of gender tells us to exist in the gender assigned to us at birth, regardless of how wrong this is, or the incompleteness that we feel. In a week focused on awareness, let's counter myths with truths. 1/
The impact of the colonial project on First Nations' Peoples, & those forcibly removed from their homelands, is documented by the coloniser where persistent erasures fail to tell the full picture of our diversities, including the complexity of our genders. 2/ #TransAwarenessWeek
Sorry all...England just woke up, so unfortunately did the transphobia. Ignore comments across my timeline while they have their tea & crumpets & tutut about the ppl they couldn't control. They wouldn't know compassion if it colonised their own country. #TransRightsAreHumanRights
If you feel like going over to that particular thread though, that would be welcomed. It's like playing whack-a-mole over there.
There's a way to go to ensure that trans mob are included in our community resourcing. Acknowledging that men are men and women are women, regardless of whether cis or trans is one thing. Also supporting access by non-binary mob.
@IndigFutures Without question, as Aboriginal people we understand, but the way funding and conservatism in our resourcing has been managed has challenged inclusion and support. I keep coming back to this remarkable report from Dr @Percy_ixi et al that *included*.…
If they can do it there, why can't we? For this & for other areas of support. If you're trans mob thinking about this, or mob who're not sure how to, can you get in touch with me (here or on I don't have answers, but I have some ideas. @IndigFutures
A while ago I met a famous person I’d been following on twitter. I genuinely loved their work. I said I followed them on Twitter & my online tweets were mostly trans & mob focused. ‘I don’t like what they do to kids’ was what came out of their mouth. The end.
The end of engagement, the end of loving their work, the end of assuming because someone seems kind that they aren’t judgemental. It was the end. The media could help to make our lives better, to help us spread the word. @abcnews and @SBSNews could do that. #TransAwarenessWeek
I know it sounds terrible, but I hoped they’d learn. I said something, as you’d imagine, but they didn’t understand. They were committed to their misinformation. Persuading people that #TransRightsAreHumanRights is harder than it should be. Media could help. @abcnews@SBSNews
A ranty questioning thread that requires you to do some homework.
I don't expect to live a long life, but I'm more angry I will be misgendered on my death cos of restrictions in the state I live in/was born in/work in. Self-ID matters and not just in binary genders. Do you know what could change with self-ID? Report back.
Trans people are old, young, Indigenous, settler etc. What we share is we're not the gender we were assigned at birth. Some cis folks can't bear this, they need to control our lives & bodies. Cos of this, smaller meaningful changes are blocked, like self-ID.