1. They compare same-day PCR against self-administered/interpreted rapid tests.
For most ppl, that's not reality. It's RAT today or PCR result in 1-3 days (or do both).
A fairer comparison would be a RAT today versus a PCR yesterday (since you'd have to wait for results).
2. They excluded 13% of the sample who were "confirmatory testers" (weird term) -- basically, people who had just tested RAT+ and were coming in for a PCR.
Basically, they excluded the people for whom the test easily worked. Drug trialists pull this stuff all the time.
3. The study excluded ppl with symptoms. Some people use RATs before socializing to reduce risk (hopefully with other Swiss Cheese slices). BUT many use RATs when symptomatic. I don't think the study fairly represents how RATs are being used.
4. As RATs became more common, many novices started using them without following instructions well. It would have been helpful if the researchers also administered and interpreted a RAT. I suspect the diminished utility is more "user error" than a property of the test. Fixable.
5. RATs detect most closely the infectious window. A PCR will flip positive a litter earlier & stay positive longer. If a goal is to prevent forward transmission, rather than merely diagnosis, then studies like this are not testing hypotheses with real-world significance.
Overall, I see RATs as an important piece of mitigation. Even in this anti-RAT study, positive & negative predictive values were 85%-98% across tests (Table S2).
That's about as efficacious an N95 among a novice wearer. All of our shields have holes, so we combine them.
RAT efficacy estimates are much higher than many "too good to be true" interventions you see pushed heavily: SSRIs, enovid, nasal sprays. 🤣🤣🤣
The evidence that those protect against COVID is so poor as to harm by distraction. Go buy some bittrex.
🔹3 million new weekly infections in a persistent "lull" of substantial transmission
🔹1 in 107 (0.9%) of the population actively infectious
🔹1 in 3 regions in high/very high transmission (16 states and DC)
PMC Dashboard, Mar 24, 2025 (U.S.)
We have had a steady state of about a half million infections the past several weeks. That's over 50 million estimated infections so far in 2025.
In a room of 40-50 people, there's a 1-in-3 chance of exposure if no testing/isolation.
PMC Dashboard, Mar 24, 2025 (U.S.)
There's a good chance of steady transmission the next month. Often, we'd head into a low lull about now. BUT there are no universal precautions, immunity is waning from the fall & winter 2023-24, & viral evolution looks less 'lucky.'
It was before the pandemic declaration, before the federal government recommended masking.
COVlD spread quickly through New Orleans, leading to one of the highest mortality rates per capita in the U.S....
2) New Orleans service workers were disproportionately hit by the early pandemic. Many died. Many developed #LongCOVID at the time or have now through repeat infections. Many have switched to other sectors....
3) The sad fact is that many service workers are continuing to get #LongCOVID through repeat infections today because the pandemic is ongoing and many restaurants have high occupant density and horrendous air quality....
🔥1 in 72 actively infectious
🔥Sustained high transmission
🔥30 states in high/very high transmission (CDC)
🔥3x the transmission of Feb 2021
🔥668,000 daily infections
🔥Only 1 in 28 cases reported
2) PMC COVlD Dashboard, Feb 17, 2025 (U.S.)
This is a mid-sized wave, meaning substantial transmission. Notice that transmission remains steady at high rates.
Expect steady or slightly declining transmission, unless the real-time data are retroactively corrected.
3) PMC COVlD Dashboard, Feb 17, 2025 (U.S.)
Notice that 30 states remain in high/very high transmission, per CDC categories.
This is the same as last week. Transmission is 3x higher than in Feb 2021, when people were taking more precautions around masking and testing.
1) PMC COVID Dashboard for the Week of Jan 27, 2025 (U.S.)
🔹1 in 108 actively infectious
🔹3.1 million weekly infections
🔹>150,000 weekly resulting Long Covid conditions
2) We predicted the wave peak would be 0.8 to 1.3 million across various forecasts. We presently have it at 0.9-1.0 million, though retroactive corrections can change that. The WHN also runs an excellent model, with a peak estimated at 1.3 million. whn.global/estimation-of-…
3) Approx 1 million daily infections is quite serious. This is a far cry from the various #nothingburger predictions, and the Monday morning quarterbacks who in hindsight minimize U.S. infections, Long Covid, & disability.
Perhaps they have social media revenue COIs. I don't.