@AyoCaesar also leaves out the Muslim agitators who were using anti-Hindu language and hoaxes.
Communalism is bad for Hindus and Muslims. A poor attempt by Ash to bring the issue into light.
Communalism is a real. Trying to argue Hinduphobia doesn't exist won't help.
@AyoCaesar completely skips past all the data that's been collected from Leicester.
If she'd bothered to read any of it. She'd know @AmritWilson thesis is built on her own bias against Modi and right-wing politics. Wilson's Hindutva spectre fell flat on its face thanks to Aina.
It opens with an acknowledgement that cricket related violence happened in 2017, but that the recent escalation was unique.
@guardian@nytimes come under fire lack of due diligence on Majid Freeman.
"As the events in Leicester took shape, NCRI analysis also found coordinated activity coming from self-identified Indian accounts amplifying
blame, ethnic distrust, and accusations against the Muslim community and Islam as a tradition."
Are you upset #HRes1430 mentions the religious and ethnic genocide of 1971?
I have talked about Hindus facing communal violence in Bangladesh. Why are you so hostile to the Awami League when they have said Hindus need to be protected?
#Leicester has been in special measures by the security services for years. PREVENT and @leicspolice teams are well aware of Leicester's unique role in European Islamist politics.
FAIR was tied to Jamaat and Muslim Brotherhood figures.
@lemondefr talked about the interpolation of Muslim Brotherhood and Jamaat activities. The movements shared donors and institutions around the Muslim world.
"L'internationale des Frères est constituée d'associations membres et d'autres considérées comme amies, comme la Jamaat-e-Islami au Pakistan ou le Refah en Turquie. Machhour a nommé un responsable pour le représenter à l'étranger : le Syrien Hassan Howeidi, qui réside à Amman."