Disabled people are dying due to legislated poverty. At 11 yr. Its deep deep poverty that has likely not been seen since the great depression. Dying of hypothermia, suicidr, hunger, hospital triage policys, Maid the free suicide that was the disableds @BonitaZarrillo #derb
Pandemic plan courtesy of the federal govt.
Disabled need help yesterday. It is a crisis
And a emergency. With skyrocking prices they can no longer afford to live. Market rent consumes the whole disability check. They need aid like Cerb that was given to workers.If you know #derb
A death is imminent does the government have the obligation to help? Yes under United Nations Convention on the rights of persons with disabillity. There is an obligation. Recently bill c 22 was going thru committee its a Canada Disability Benefit but it #derb@BonitaZarrillo
Probably won't pay until 2024. So how are disabled to survive till 2024. Well the govts own Disability Inclusion Ction Plan it says both immediate and long term supports. Sadly govt has not really brought it up. Govt looked around and saw the need for Cerb, #pwd @BonitaZarrillo
It was not perfect but I am sure it saved homes and people had some food. Govt shud look around see the need of the disabled and start emergency payments to pwd 2 ward off starvation, hypothermia & when hope has been lost and they cannot bare the poverty @BonitaZarrillo #derb
They are suiciding by Maid. Its not dying with dignity but rather suuciding because the govt does not provide enuf $ to live with dignity. Even ppl who have housing are not safe from hypothermia They may not have heat because of the cost of hydro and natural gas @BonitaZarrillo
Or they can't afford to repair a broken furnace.
So some M.P. needs to act ,create a benefit quickly to save lives. Pwd need the need #derb an addition to their present disability checks. $2500 mthly will ensure housing and food. There shud b no claw back, #derb @BonitaZarrillo
It wud b on top of the present ridiculously low prov/terr/fed benefits.
Cerb was $2000 but it costs 40-60 % more on average for pwd to live.
Pwd wyd be automatically approved if on govt benefits. No point proving yet again that they are disabled.
Cerb, small and large businesses got help even horses got $2500
Some disable got zero pandemic aid, some a 1x payment of $400 and others got a 1x payment of $600. Pwd to survive the extra costs of ppe and isolation costs maxed out credit cards, @BonitaZarrillo #derb #pwd
Overdrafts and payday loans to survive. Frankly $0-600 one time for a 2 year period was outrageous. So right now pwd need #derb done similiar to Cerb where the legislation was written fast and in just 24hrs got Royal Assent, and created a online portal to #derb @BonitaZarrillo
To apply. Its amazing how fast govt can move if they want to. So please retweet this in support disabled living in 3rd world conditions and tweet your M.P. that u want to see #derb created. The govt by sending billc22 to committee have acknowledged that #derb @BonitaZarrillo
If you got to vote on it which would u choose.
1 Maid & leave disabled incomes and supports at present (about) 1/2 of poverty line ie. 11-15k until 2024
2 provide immediate emergency aid like Cerb 2 disabled until the long promised Canada Disability Benefit starts 2 pay 2024
What i am suggesting is a flat rate of $2500mthly. No subtraction due to provincial/territorial disability. Just straight $2500 to anyone on any kind of govt benefit who is disabled. All ages. That way they are doing it more like Cerb and it wud b possible to do it fast #derb
Also we know that with $2500 a month that ppl can pay market rent just like everyone else in Canada. 40% of unhoused ppl are disabled this wud get them out the cold into housing. And pwd can b integrated into the community. Just like in United Nations CRPD says. #derb
Thats $2500 ON TOP of your provincial or cccd. That way the #derb check wud likely cover rent in most places in Canada leaving u still with 100% prov/cd to spend on other bills and to catch up on stuff u couldn't afford ie, dentures home care etc
No claw back .all ages
Its gotta
Be significant as we are soooo far below poverty level. As most ppl wud be able to pay market rent it gets some 40% of homeless into homes
We deserve 2 live with dignity, whatever it takes 2 b integrated into society not segregated. So 4 me I want the $2500 on top of odsp #derb
United Nations on poverty & Maid 4 disabled not at end of life/terminal. ITS CLEAR ITS NOT OK.
Its a giant step backwards 2 ww2 what Canada is doing. Maid is not treatment. Suicide via govt is not a right.Why has our govt not fought with the same determination for pwd supports?
Why are so many invited guests at our Maid committee already clear supporters of pretty much every kind of Maid. This is eugenics when the govt stacks the deck. I can't even listen at times when they discuss killing kids and infants. Monstrous. #derb #pwd ohchr.org/en/press-relea…
Nothing about us without us? They are ignoring objections by disabled community groups & a letter of about 888 doctors. 2 panel members quit because its so biased. Its eugenics not treatment or rights.
When they came for us did u object? Or will u wait till they come for u? #pwd
It wud appear there may b some confusion. At the Huma committee 4 bill c22 the impression is that they think pwd want the cdb to b the same $ amount as Cerb was. That figure was for people to temporarily survive at a very basic minimum survival level 4 the able bodied. #pwd 🧵
Is it that we want
a) $2000 a mth
B) Is it that we want to see similarity to cerb such as a fast roll ounce it gets royal assent, easy to apply for, passed quickly as possible
An amount based on the present outrageous inflation rates and lift us Out of poverty
With the
Sorry in b) this shud read fast roll out once it gets royal assent
@JustinTrudeau@KanataFoodCpbrd What a hypocrite. Did u sit all the poor kids together & explain 2 them that they r poor because u do not value their #pwd disabled parents life. Did you " teach" them how during the pandemic u sent cerb 2 to the kids/ parents of able bodied but offered 2 execute their parents?
@JustinTrudeau@KanataFoodCpbrd Did u sit the poor kids down and give them a math lesson how its cost effective for their disabled parent to die/sacrifice themselves to increase the wealth of others. Did u explain how soon they too may get the same opportunity when assisted murder will b offered 2 mature minors
@JustinTrudeau@KanataFoodCpbrd Did u sit the poor kids down & say soon there may b an opportunity 4 the government to kill off babies up to age 1 if they have a disability. To prevent this unacceptable situation from recurring in ww2 Germany oops I meant 2 type Canada in the first place. Eventually ridding
Ok Canada is this going 2 far? Maid was supposed to b 4 terminal illness.Then it was expanded 2 disabled. Then in March 2 mental illness, then possibly 2 mature minors.....& now someone ( an "expert") is suggesting
To me this is mind bendingly disgusting. Just imagine. Who wud decide whether your baby has a life worth living? Is that doc a big supporter to Maid or disability rights. Do u decide for baby or doc. Well to me its genocide.
And I had a baby brother who lived only 9 days and my
Mom treasured that time with him. She had carried him the whole 9mths. He died of natural causes in her loving arms. But for there to b a system in place to terminate him? Thats beyond disgusting.This doctor shud lose his license & check into a psych ward for thinking this way.