Uncrpdhelp #derb Profile picture
Canadians with disabilities write the United Nations Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities uncrpdhelp@protonmail.com
Nov 24, 2022 6 tweets 19 min read
@islandgurl381 @CQualtro @Irek_K @karinagould @MarciIen @FP_Champagne @SeamusORegan @KamalKheraLib @JustinTrudeau Pillar 1 says IMMEDIATTE AID &
Long term aid
We need #derb $2500 a mth 4 all disabled, all ages, no claw back, paid at least monthly
ROYAL ASSENT 24 HRS AFTER SUBMISSION. Pwd recieving govt support are automatically approved. Online portal for others
#derb @islandgurl381 @CQualtro @Irek_K @karinagould @MarciIen @FP_Champagne @SeamusORegan @KamalKheraLib @JustinTrudeau Maybe pay it out thru gst accounts . Homeless maybe there is a shelter where they can get mail use as their address until they can finally get a home. Homes r out there but at market rent. Food price sky rocketing & more expensive to b disabled Set it up fast and keep it simple
Nov 19, 2022 17 tweets 15 min read
Disabled people are dying due to legislated poverty. At 11 yr. Its deep deep poverty that has likely not been seen since the great depression. Dying of hypothermia, suicidr, hunger, hospital triage policys, Maid the free suicide that was the disableds
#derb Pandemic plan courtesy of the federal govt.
Disabled need help yesterday. It is a crisis
And a emergency. With skyrocking prices they can no longer afford to live. Market rent consumes the whole disability check. They need aid like Cerb that was given to workers.If you know
Nov 17, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
If you got to vote on it which would u choose.
1 Maid & leave disabled incomes and supports at present (about) 1/2 of poverty line ie. 11-15k until 2024
2 provide immediate emergency aid like Cerb 2 disabled until the long promised Canada Disability Benefit starts 2 pay 2024 What i am suggesting is a flat rate of $2500mthly. No subtraction due to provincial/territorial disability. Just straight $2500 to anyone on any kind of govt benefit who is disabled. All ages. That way they are doing it more like Cerb and it wud b possible to do it fast
Nov 17, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
Dear Disabled Peeps
If you got temporary monthly emergency aid of $2500 would you wait for Billc22 to have protective legislation added to it before it passes?
#derb #pwd #billc22 #cdb #derbit #derbistheword
@BonitaZarrillo Thats $2500 ON TOP of your provincial or cccd. That way the #derb check wud likely cover rent in most places in Canada leaving u still with 100% prov/cd to spend on other bills and to catch up on stuff u couldn't afford ie, dentures home care etc
No claw back .all ages
Its gotta
Nov 16, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
United Nations on poverty & Maid 4 disabled not at end of life/terminal. ITS CLEAR ITS NOT OK.
Its a giant step backwards 2 ww2 what Canada is doing. Maid is not treatment. Suicide via govt is not a right.Why has our govt not fought with the same determination for pwd supports? Why are so many invited guests at our Maid committee already clear supporters of pretty much every kind of Maid. This is eugenics when the govt stacks the deck. I can't even listen at times when they discuss killing kids and infants. Monstrous.
Oct 27, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
It wud appear there may b some confusion. At the Huma committee 4 bill c22 the impression is that they think pwd want the cdb to b the same $ amount as Cerb was. That figure was for people to temporarily survive at a very basic minimum survival level 4 the able bodied.
#pwd 🧵 Is it that we want
a) $2000 a mth
B) Is it that we want to see similarity to cerb such as a fast roll ounce it gets royal assent, easy to apply for, passed quickly as possible
An amount based on the present outrageous inflation rates and lift us Out of poverty
With the
Oct 9, 2022 8 tweets 6 min read
@JustinTrudeau @KanataFoodCpbrd What a hypocrite. Did u sit all the poor kids together & explain 2 them that they r poor because u do not value their #pwd disabled parents life. Did you " teach" them how during the pandemic u sent cerb 2 to the kids/ parents of able bodied but offered 2 execute their parents? @JustinTrudeau @KanataFoodCpbrd Did u sit the poor kids down and give them a math lesson how its cost effective for their disabled parent to die/sacrifice themselves to increase the wealth of others. Did u explain how soon they too may get the same opportunity when assisted murder will b offered 2 mature minors
Oct 7, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Ok Canada is this going 2 far? Maid was supposed to b 4 terminal illness.Then it was expanded 2 disabled. Then in March 2 mental illness, then possibly 2 mature minors.....& now someone ( an "expert") is suggesting

Under 1

at the Review of Maid Committee.
#maidismurder To me this is mind bendingly disgusting. Just imagine. Who wud decide whether your baby has a life worth living? Is that doc a big supporter to Maid or disability rights. Do u decide for baby or doc. Well to me its genocide.
And I had a baby brother who lived only 9 days and my
Oct 5, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
I am reading Amad committee report. Maid for mental illness. It is so twisted i feel like I have been beamed to another planet. So a person who can't access a psychiatrist/phychologist due to waitlists or costs cud likely get a Maid psychiatrist for purpose of death?
There is Total lack of understanding on what discrimination pwd is. They are worried it will b against our Charter if they DONT kill someone where I see it as against our charter, human rights and United nations crpd to kill someone who cannot obtain
Sep 27, 2022 34 tweets 22 min read
@UN_HRC When is your next meeting?
Canada needs u to address the extreme poverty of Persons with disabilitys. Social programs payments are less that the market rent leaving many with no food or Homeless. Malnutrition is on the rise. Canada is NOT a leader in disability rights
#pwd @UN_HRC Canada:Wait lists 4 subsidizeded housing can b as long as 13 yrs. Foodbanks r overwhelmed.
#pwd were promised a federal disability benefit but are told it is years away from any payment. Can't eat promises or pay rent. Food and shelter shud b a human right. Winter is coming.
Sep 26, 2022 6 tweets 5 min read
Organ donation after Maid. What we need to know

I think its the next unthinkable thing we r going to have to deal with


cmaj.ca/content/191/22… If its nothing without us #pwd & we are the new source of viable transplant donors how come we were not consulted in this panel in creating the guidelines. Like when a person is considered dead (enuf) 2 get in there & get the organs We were left out These ppl were on the panel. Image
Sep 20, 2022 23 tweets 18 min read
I am listening to the debate about Bill c22 . I dont hear the words that disabled people have rights. I dont hear United Nations CRPD rights or even Human Rights Commission rights .
But I do hear what I have been saying all along that bill c22 is empty. That there is a plan to Study it for 3 years. I dont feel any of them recognize the right to live without the discrimination caused by legislated poverty. And I hear $2000 batted about which spied to the able bodied 2 years ago b4 inflation. O don't hear anyone really taking it seriously. There
Sep 18, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read

I did a little survey and we determined that a person with a disability needs about $3000 a mth to live a life worth living where we r no longer in poverty imposed segregation.
Segregation a nasty word . But its true the discrimination/ableism is that bad that we are segregated. Might as well write on the doors of restaurants, gyms, seniors centers, pools, concert halls, airports
Pwd are the only minority group where govt has created the segregation by
Sep 18, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
I have some questions. I am finding things confusing
1) is this specifically about the disabled issue to end poverty for disabled people in Canada?
Or it this something general like end poverty for all in Canada or the world.

2) any age or specific age ?
3) has any lawyer been 3) cont been hired? If so who? ( not just following )
4) after researching the Nova Scotia case to determine their costs for their narrow housing class action? I believe it came off the settlement. Has anyone got an estimate of what our "case " will cost?
5) who is fund raising?
Sep 14, 2022 4 tweets 5 min read
#derb a word that sounds silly, but its been outrageous that the disabled are in deep poverty in wealthy Canada. #derb Disability Emergency Relief Benefit is needed now till u get the CDB figured out. Hunger and homelessness is skyrocketing
So #derb now!
#odsp @CQualtro
Sep 9, 2022 54 tweets 31 min read
If u r going to make the effort to do the welfare challenge please take the time to REALLY learn what its about. The media release showed there is much u r unaware of.
So peeps with disabilitys
#odsp Can u chime in here.
What wud u like them to learn?
My 1st request is they read the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Disabled Persons and all documents ( letters/inspections) between U.N. and Canada. That will change the way we are viewed we are not beggars we have
Sep 6, 2022 6 tweets 10 min read
@ondpmedia @ChandraPasma @MTaylorNDP @LiseVaugeois @JessicaBellTO @JoelHardenONDP Remember u cannot reach for anything that was in your kitchen before u did your odsp shopping. Not even the salt shaker. Anything that happens unexpectedly during the 2 weeks comes out of the food budget. Your Nana gets sick and needs u that gas or bus ticket comes
#odsp @ondpmedia @ChandraPasma @MTaylorNDP @LiseVaugeois @JessicaBellTO @JoelHardenONDP Out of your food. Unexpected hospital visit (u may if u r lucky be reimbursed by odsp next month) that $10 parking fee comes out of your food, tp, Kleenex, personal hygiene products, lightbulbs, batteries, over counter meds like tylenol,vitamins, condoms all out of food budget.
May 27, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Dear disabled peeps,
Heres info on the next U.N. disability conference. Please take a moment and tweet your opinions to @UN_Enable as to how Canadians with disabilitys are treated in comparison to how we r supposed to be treated under U.N. law which u can read in the This link

May 27, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Still surprises me 2 find blatant discrimination in violation of human rights laws. New " affordable" housing 1 bed apartments but u MUST Have a job or self employment
Must earn at least $15,000
Province funded 11.5 million to the building. PWD receiving benefits need not apply! Ticks me right off!
How can they advertise offering units at rents as low as $375 then pwd dont even get to apply. Brand new building fully rented out.
On govt site theg complement them!!!
May 24, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Dear peeps with disabilitys, on June 15th is the next big big meeting by the United Nations on CRPD. Here is the info link and a link to watch it live.
But do u have something to say about how u r treated as a disabked person in Canada? Yes? So tweet to @UN_Enable
Links follow What do u think of our below poverty level income? Inability 2 obtain housing that is vacant? The Canada Disability Benefit fiasco?
May 21, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
The United Nations inspected a country & were truly shocked at the level of poverty of its disabled citizens. The U.N. travels around the world and sees really nasty stuff. A country covered by both Human Rights and Convention on the Rights of Disabled Persons law
Canada Why ? Because they said Canada is such a wealthy country . No excuse for the state of its disabled citizens. U.N. was also concerned that the government created Maid and enlarged it to cover this same population.
So vote
Make sure its a decision u can live with & b proud of