#Thread on what was happening in the world during passage of #Kaliyuga "A Celestial Clock Reset" caused by planetary conjunction dating 18th Feb 3102 BCE #Archaeology#Astronomy
During 3100-3200 BCE lot of Geological, Meteorological, Weather, Oceanological, Civilisational changes occurred. It was very tumultus. Hindu Epoc #Kaliyuga Started during this period only
Meteor Showers & Comets recorded 3100 BCE
• 4 comets one month apart made terrestrial orbit intersections with the Earth-Duncan Steele
• Comet Proto-Encke made its closest pass to the Earth
• Fall of dust veil all over the world - Tree Rings in Ireland and England
The Henbury Meteorite Crater is in the Northern Territory of Australia and is five hundred feet wide and is dated to 3,100 BC. britannica.com/place/Henbury-…
Professor Ioannis Liritzis of the University of Rhodes in the Greek Islands found evidence that a comet hit the Mediterranean Sea in 3,150 BC leading to Tidal waves. Could b reason for relocation in Egypt, Crete, Cyprus, Malta
On the other hand, dry land has sunk into the Atlantic, making underwater canyons extending out into the ocean floor from African river mouths. C-datings of a tree embedded in lava in this rift indicated that the catastrophe occurred around 3000 BCE cnx.org/contents/s1uw7…
There was a peak in vulcanism in Iceland in 3,100 BC at Mount Hiemay. This was coincidentally with massive vulcanism in the Azores around 3,100 BC. jstor.org/stable/2883752
There are sea level evidences from coastlines around the world that land submerged or emerged in two alternate quadrant around BC 3100.
Src: Atlantis of the West: A Drowned Neolithic Civilisation
There are evidences that #Nile floods were high and erratic during 3100-3000 BCE in comparison to earlier records by Herodotus. After 3000 BC the sea level dropped and land rose exposing #Nile Delta.
In Bahamas, mangrove swamps only grow on tidal range, dating 3210-3120 BC were found 3 meters high on Bimini
Charles Darwin noted raised beaches as high as 500 meters in some places in Patagonia and Chile
Brazilian sea levels curve show a high sea level of 5 mtr
Sumerians arrived in Southern Iraq around 5,000 years ago, were acc. to their scribes, survivors of the Flood and, after leaving their original homeland, they stopped at a land called Dilmun which is generally thought to be Bahrain (a trade hub of Meluhans)
Chinese mythology mentions that the Emperor Fu Hsi arrived after the Great Flood which occurred around 2,950 BC (150 years after #Kaliyuga)
Pic src Ma Lin 馬麟 , Anonymous - Zhongguo gu dai shu hua jian ding zu (中国古代书画鑑定组). Public Domain
Massive flooding in Taiwan forced Austronesians who are members of an archeological group called the Dawenkou and inhabited Shandong and Jiangsu to leave Taiwan and travel south to the Philippines. These are the ancestors of the proto-Malay groups of people and languages.
Incidentally in Indian Scriptiures, Dwarka was submerged by a suddenly rising ocean at the dawn of the Age of #Kaliyuga was in 3,102 BC. en.unesco.org/silkroad/silk-…
The prehistoric megaliths monument built in Wiltshire, England dates from 3100 years B.C.
Along with Avebury, Stonehenge is one of the most famous groups of megaliths in the world
Egyptologist Peter Clayton gives a starting date of 3,150 BC for the beginning of Egyptian civilization. web.archive.org/web/2008031918…
The direction of the Earth’s magnetic field abruptly changed in 3,150 BC when a comet hit the Mediterranean Sea.
Uriel's machine : uncovering the secrets of Stonehenge, Noah's flood, and the dawn of civilization
Acc. to Glaciologist Lonnie Thompson there was a major change in Earth’s climate appx 5200 years ago. He found that plants released by the Quelccaya Ice cap in the Peruvian Andes Thompson were suddenly buried alive by ice around 3,200 BC.
Around 3,150 BC the climate of Peru changed suddenly from that of a warm and wet and tropical climate to a different climate that was colder, dryer and less tropical. The Aspero pyramids were built at this same time.
Surprisingly Brazilian Sea-shell Pyramids also came up during 3rd Millennium BCE. These pyramids are 500 years older than Egyptian Pyramids curiosmos.com/unwritten-myst…
Have you ever wondered why the topic of dinosaurs in India seems absent from common knowledge?
In truth, dinosaurs thrived in the Indian peninsula 250 to 65 million years ago, and they were unlike any others seen globally.
Sadly, many people, including myself, aren't aware of this, which is why I'm sharing this #thread.
The very first dinosaur discovery, Titanosaurus Indicus, unearthed from the Deccan Traps in Jabalpur, dates back to 1832 and is 70 million years old. After vanishing in 1877, it made a dramatic comeback, resurfacing in the Shiwalik Gallery of the Indian Museum.
Titanosaurus blanfordi was 2nd dino remain found in Pisdura, Maharashtra.
Rajasaurus - Regal Lizard remains were found in Kheda, Gujarat and Jabalpur MP. This 30 feet giant roamed in India around 70-65 Mya
IMO, History is variable and rewritten by the rulers.
In this series here's a brief thread on an expected spurt of Krishna and Radha's relationship following the Mongolian incursion. The artwork, largely from Kangra, Sirmaur, and Mandi, portrays Krishna observing Radha, glancing at other gopis, or caught in moments of affection.
Take a couple of minutes to explore this intriguing twist. If you believe that these scene are from any epic pl do share
#Thread 🧵 Pic representational
This earliest find is after Akbar started interpolation.
In the scene,
- Krishna Kisses Radha.
- The crown are typical marriage crown during the period.
- There are persian vases placed in the back and front of the scene
The Page from the Boston Rasikapriya (Lover's Breviary)
India (Rajasthan, Amber?)
ca.1610 (Mughal rule)
Not sure which Purana mentioned this scene where Krishna can be seen making love on a swing in the central circle.
inscription: śrī ṭhākurā rī kṛḍā rā a. inscription_translation: [ Love] Games of Thakur [Krishna], page 131
Regardless of the patent under the name Ludo by Britisher Alfred in 1896, Pachisi (25) has been played in India for over 5000 years. #Archaeology uncovers cultural appropriation.
Bhanpur (3000 bce), Banawali Haryana (3000bce), Chandraketugarh (200 bce), Modern
in 1938, the American toy and game company Transogram launched a widespread board game edition titled Game of India, which was subsequently advertised as Pa-Chiz-Si: The Game of India
In America, there is evidence for home-made boards and boards without a clear origin from the 1850s. A dubious story credits the invention of Parcheesi to Sam Loyd who supposedly sold the rights to the game for $10 at one point but since Sam Loyd was a notorious self-publicist and deceiver, it is probably best to ignore this account. The earliest definite record is that John Hamilton of the Hudson River Valley claimed copyright to the game in 1867. Rights were sold to one Albert Swift who then sold them on to Selchow and Righter in 1870 and this famous company trademarked the game in 1874. Parcheesi went on to become the bestselling game for Selchow & Richter Co. for decades.
The later 'Frustration" based on Ludo and initially published by Irwin Toy was made popular in many countries using the marketing muscle of MB Games (Hasbro) ' in a plastic incarnation featuring the gimmick of a centrally placed "pop-o-matic" dice roller.
There appears a native woman upper selling goods to seemingly a converted. The contrast between the converted and native is startling. However, both seems to be from poor class.
In another scene, a woman slave is being auctioned by a Portugese. The woman appears to be poor and covers only her waist.
Thread exploring the tradition of 'Nose-Piercing in India. Some believe it's inherently Indian, although it was actually foreign to Indian customs 1000 years back. Let's dive in.
Female Beauty #Archaeohistories
The first mention of nose-ring (for nose piercing) is in Old Testament when Abhraham's servant gives his daughter-in-law 'Rebekah' a golden nose-ring ("Shanf" in Hebrew). This practice of gifting rings to brides continues even today.
Nose-Pin or नथ is expressed on sculptures paintings in Moghul period not before
Tavernier (c. 1638 ce) describes of Arabian woman wearing Nose-Pins while other Traveller 'Hanway' speaks irreverently of the 'nutt' is proof of Nose-pin of Arabic origin
Matrimonial connection between ancient Greece and modern India
The similarities between these two civilizations are striking, from fathers arranging marriages for their daughters to wedding rituals spanning several days.
Vases dating back to 500-400 BCE found in Greece and artifacts from 200 BCE-200 CE found in Chandraketugarh, Bengal hint at a connection.
Let's begin
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Preparation for marriage | Finding the groom
A woman's guardian, or kyrios, was responsible for arranging her marriage, as she couldn't legally do it herself. She likely had some social contact with her future husband. Marriages within extended family groups, such as first cousins, uncles and nieces, second cousins, or half-siblings, were common.
Preparation for marriage | The Dowry
In ancient Greek weddings, the first step was the dowry, provided by the woman's kyrios (guardian). It was usually given at the betrothal but could be delayed until the wedding ceremony if agreed upon.
The dowry often comprised money but could include items like furniture or, rarely, land. Non-monetary items were given a cash value. Land was seldom included, as men preferred to reserve it for their sons' inheritance.