[TDLR: they compare well]
- invisible odorless radioactive gas
- Rises from ground & accumulates indoors
- 2nd leading cause of lung cancer
- EPA link for more background
2/ Radon is more of a problem in some places than others, depending on the rocks in the soil. Places with granite are worst. There are maps such as from EPA or Airthings.
November is lung cancer awareness month, EPA promotes hashtag: #TestFixSaveALife
10/ Trick: both report every 1 h. But @airthings applies 24 h rolling average to reduce noise
[This is really annoying, I asked @airthings for an option to remove it, they refused]
So to compare, apply 24 h rolling average to @EcosenseInc data
Done in plot, COMPARE WELL!
11/ I want to stress that this is VERY GOOD for consumer-grade devices.
I have seen a lot worse (e.g. ALL the CO2 sensors that are NOT NDIR = non-dispersive infrared DO NOT WORK!)
12/ For the scientists in the audience, this is the scatter plot
Given short period, and that I am not sure I am exactly duplicating the @airthings processing algorithm for the @EconSenseInc data (dominates high values for tall short spike), this is VERY GOOD
But yes, should be more of a problem for basements or ground floors
Not impossible it is a problem in a higher floor if there is an air path (just like for COVID transmission dx.doi.org/10.1093/infdis…), not very likely
2/ Y esto es con mascarillas en su mayoría MEDIOCRES o POBRES como las que se han llevado en todos los colegios
El efecto sería mucho mayor si se hubieran llevado mascarillas de más calidad como KF94 o elastoméricas (e.g. flomask.com)
3/ Hubo un estudio en España que concluyó lo contrario hace unos meses (tuvo mucha prensa interesada).
Pero era un estudio MUY POBRE: unas clases CON y otras SIN mascarilla en el mismo colegio. Los niños tienen hermanos, se contagian en casa o en otros sitios en la MISMA ciudad
There were lots of other areas of agreement in this DELPHI study, including the use of "vaccines plus" approach. So not just vaccines, but also NPIs non-pharmaceutical interventions) to reduce transmission, such as ventilation and filtration, high-filtration masks, isolation...
A lot more details of the overall @Nature DELPHI 386-expert 112-country study on "How to end the COVID-19 public health threat" in the posts from @JVLazarus. e.g.:
3/ Muchas recomendaciones de consenso para terminar con la amenaza de COVID-19 a la Salud Pública (de prevención, comunicación, vacunas, tratamientos, desigualdades, y sistemas de salud)
Excruciating process to get unbiased & representative #CovidConsensus
3/ Many recommendations on different areas, on which there was significant agreement among all the experts (grouped in areas of prevention, communication, vaccines, treatments, inequities, health systems):