Krippenreiter Profile picture
Nov 25, 2022 11 tweets 7 min read Read on X
[1/11] "Token Allowances" sind integraler Bestandteil einer jeden #DeFi Applikation (Swap/#DEX), da mit der erteilten Freigabe, in deinem Namen Coins & Tokens, bis zu einer bestimmten Obergrenze hin, ausgegeben werden können.

Eine Anleitung und das Security 1 x 1 in einem 🧵
[2/11] Zuallererst muss man verstehen, dass eine "Allowance" keine Private-Keys klaut.

Vergleichbar mit einer Vollmacht (Allowance), ermächtigt (Approve TX) eine Person (Wallet) eine dApp als Bevollmächtigter (SmartC.) wirksam zu handeln & erhält dafür die Vertretungsmacht V o l l m a c h t Source: h...
[3/11] Eine Eigenschaft dieser Vertretungsmacht ist es im Namen des Wallet-Inhabers die vollständige Kontrolle der "approve(ten)" #Tokens zu übernehmen, um diese im Sinne des Smart Contracts zu #swapen/#traden, zu #staken oder zu #delegieren.

⚠️ Klingt gefährlich? Ist es auch 😅 ALLOWANCE bit2me ACADEMY So...
[4/11] Grundsätzlich werden die "Approves" meist mit der Obergrenze "Unlimited" signiert. Erteile ich dem SmartC. nun die #Allowance eine unlimit. Anzahl von $WSGB zu verwalten, möchte aber eig. nur 1000 $WSGB in den SmartC. legen, könnte ein Exploit die $WSGB vollst. leer räumen Don't let him steal your So...
[5/11] Dazu kommt, dass die #Allowance nicht auto. "#revoked" wird & im Hintergrund ein "vergessenes" Sicherheitsrisiko darstellen kann, wenn diese nicht limitiert o. besser gleich ganz widerrufen wird.

Die einzige Abhilfe für $SGB war es sonst, die Wallet gleich ganz aufzugeben
[6/11] Eine dieser "aufgegebenen #Wallets" werde ich nun mithilfe von @ftso_eu wiederbeleben ❤️🥳

Dabei handelt es sich um eine Allowance für einen SmartC. im @flrfinance Ökosystem, welcher "theoretisch" in der Lage wäre meine $CAND Tokens, im Falle eines Exploits, zu stehlen. Source:
[7/11] Schritt 1⃣ — $SGB Wallet mit MM verbinden Source: @krippenreiter
[8/11] Schritt 2⃣ — öffnen EVMALLOWANCE Source: https:...
[9/11] Schritt 3⃣ — Eine Error Meldung bei Vivaldi und Brave erhalten 😥 Ooopsi! Source: https://evm...
[10/11] Schritt 4⃣ — Neu probieren mit Chrome, nicht aufgeben und die Allowance revoken (Auf 0 limitieren) Source: @krippenreiter MM
[11/11] Schritt 5⃣ — @ftso_eu bei Twitter folgen und sich bedanken 🥳❤️
(Optional) Schritt 6⃣ — @krippenreiter folgen 😉 Source:

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Mar 24
[1/🧵] XRP Ledger Vocabulary Overview ‼️

The greater the XRPL becomes and the more features are introduced, the more I feel that a dictionary is needed.

Let's start with 10 words you NEED to know. 👇 Source:
[2/14] — XRP —

Digital currency that is secured by cryptography and supported by the XRP Ledger.

Also used for:
🔸 Transactions
🔸 Fees
🔸 Reserves
🔸 Bridging trades
🔸 Cross-border (Peer-2-peer) payments Source:
[3/14] — XRP Ledger —

A decentralized blockchain that enables fast and cost-efficient transactions for processing and recording financial data.

Most important feature:
🔸 There is no single central authority Source:
Read 15 tweets
Mar 16
[1/🧵] The XRP Ledger is particularly superior when it comes to the fundamental task of moving value.

Although there are limits, we are about to overcome them big time! But how? 🤨

Follow me as I show you all the missing blocks 👇 Source: @Krippenreiter
[2/15] — 1⃣ Fundamentals —

What makes the XRP Ledger so great is that "things just work". 😉

To move value from A to B, you don't need a master's degree, because every single imaginable feature is engineered deep into the core. Source:
[3/15] — 2⃣ Fundamentals —

No matter if we talk about tokens, the decentralized exchange, escrow, or payment channels.

They are all tiny building blocks that a developer can put together to form the base layer of any solution. Source:
Read 16 tweets
Mar 9
[1/🧵] A paradigm shift for the XRP Ledger is on the horizon ‼️

It's a future that's:
🔸 Programmable
🔸 Automated
🔸 Compliance-first

Let's take a look at some of the fundamental arguments and work out what this will mean for XRP. 👇 Source: @Krippenreiter
[2/18] — 1⃣ Status Quo —

To date, the XRPL is a so-called “fixed-function” blockchain, which only allows new native features to be added to the XRP Ledger if the on-chain governance process votes in favor of it.

If you're a pessimist, you would call this “permissioned”. 😉 Source:
[3/18] — 2⃣ Status Quo —

But there are actually many benefits and advantages that support this approach, e.g.:
🔸 Battle-tested (i.e. Escrow, Paychannel)
🔸 Aggregated Liquidity (CLOB+AMM)
🔸 Automatic Version Upgrades
🔸 Higher Standards (More Audits and Performance Tests) Source:
Read 19 tweets
Feb 25
[1/🧵] One of the more fundamental proposals became public today. It's a draft that lays out a path to an inheritance solution for the XRP Ledger. 🧐

In my view, this is so much more than “just” an inheritance solution.

Let me show you what I mean. 👇 Source:
[2/10] — 1⃣ What's the matter? —

The way I see it, there are some hidden aspects that make this really powerful and a true “Plan B” solution if you lose access to your wallet.

It's much more than a solution to claim the last will and testament. Source:
[3/10] — 2⃣ What's the matter? —

It's the Plan B that could be your lifeline if you voluntarily or involuntarily lose complete access to your funds.

Voluntarily? What? 🤨

Let me give you a few cool examples to clarify this. 👇 Source:
Read 14 tweets
Feb 2
[1/🧵] There are people out there who still believe that there are ways to clawback XRP on the XRPL. 🤨

While this is NOT possible & is written all over the official documentation, there is one more argument that should hit the nail on the coffin.

The ULTIMATE reason why 👇 Source: @Krippenreiter
[2/14] — Tokens —

Whenever you hear “clawback”, you should automatically think of “issued assets”.

They are fungible and come in many forms and structures:
🔸 IOUs
🔸 Stablecoins
🔸 Multi-Purpose (later this year)

Anyone can issue these kinds of tokens on the XRP Ledger. Source:
[3/14] — Structure —

On the XRPL, all currently issued token holdings exist via so-called “trust lines”, i.e. an accounting relationship between a person holding a token & the issuer.

In other words, something to prevent you from holding a token that you don't want. Source:
Read 15 tweets
Dec 14, 2024
[1/🧵] Roughly 68% of all nodes have already upgraded to the latest version of the XRP Ledger server software.

However I bet you have no idea about all the new features that have been introduced, right? 🧐

Here's everything you need to know, short & simple. 👇 Source:
[2/16] — 1⃣ Background —

Nodes upgrading to the latest rippled version 2.3.0 are not automatically forced to vote "Yeas" on any new amendment.

It's up to each validator in the governance process of the XRP Ledger by voting on proposed amendments that get introduced. Source:
[3/16] — 2⃣ Background —

The reason why some new features are "special" and proposed as an amendment is because they change or affect transaction processing on the XRP Ledger.

Since the XRPL is decentralized you need validators (>80%) to agree on these drastic changes first. Source:
Read 17 tweets

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