Step, the Mentally Devastated Profile picture
Nov 26, 2022 88 tweets 14 min read Read on X
Smutty story in progress:
Izzy goes to the captains to help settle his mind. They know how to help as long as he asks
#steddyhands #nsfw
It's the weekend. Another one of Stede's stupid changes. No work on weekends. Izzy isn't allowed to yell at anyone. He isn't allowed to work. He's bored and there's nothing to keep his mind from wandering.
He knows it'll get bad if he doesn't stop it.
There's so much poison in his mind just waiting to drown him.
He knows the solution. He craves it and he hates himself for needing it. He is weak though, he gives in and heads to the Captains' cabin.
He knocks, hoping they ignore him and needing them to answer.
"Come in, Izzy."
Bonnet's voice. The fuckers already know. The shame heats his face.
The Captains are sitting together on the couch, cuddled like lovers. Ed's laying his head on Stede's lap, Stede's fingers petting his hair.
He looks content and comfortable, like a fat fucking cat. It makes Izzy sick and jealous and hungry.
"Izzy, to what do we owe the pleasure?"
He wants to punch Bonnet's smug face. Bite him and make him bleed and lick it up.
He is already feeling craven just being in this room with them.
"Come over here. Stand where we can see you."
He complies, he has to.
Stede tuts when he sees him.
"You look tired, Izzy. Trouble sleeping?" It's said in a tone of concern but Izzy's wishes it was contempt.
His kindness is infuriating.
Izzy refuses to answer, and Stede lets the silence drag on.
Ed turns his face to look at him, and Izzy feels so wrong that Ed has to look up to meet his eyes. He wants to go to his knees.
"You have to tell us what you want, Iz." Ed says softly.
"We can't help if we don't know what you want."
Stede pets his hair again, pulling slightly at the hair near his scalp and he closes his eyes in pleasure.
Izzy feels like he might split open.
"You know what I need...I wouldn't be here otherwise."
Ed sat up. Izzy had ruined their night. They were having a lovely night together alone and Izzy ruined it. He ruined everything. He just causes trouble and is a burden to his captains and crew--CRACK
Stede was standing in front of him. His hands still clasped from the clap.
"Israel. Answer me yes or no."
Izzy nodded his assent.
"Are your thoughts troubling you?"
Even the simple admission helped to settle him.
"Do you want us to help keep them away?"
"Do you want us to touch you?"
"Yes" so much, so badly his brain continued, but he trapped the words behind his teeth.
"Do you want us to hurt you?"
Izzy wavered here. Sometimes pain helped, kept him connected to his body.
And he could touch the bruises later, press in and remember that his captains made them, that they cared enough about him to mark him.
But today he thought too much about the pain he'd caused to find comfort in it.
" you...soft?"
Fuck he hated how his voice betrayed how close to tears he was already.
"Oh good boy." Ed.
"Thank you for saying that, Israel." Stede.
Another pregnant pause as Stede looks at him, thinking.
"Do you want sex?"
Stede says it so bluntly, like he's offering tea and not the use of his body to Izzy.
"Yes." It's an instant answer and the color deepens in Izzy's cheeks. He wants to get taken, shown how he can be used and good.
"Both of us?"
Izzy looks from Stede to Ed and back. There's no judgment on their faces, just kindness and acceptable he doesn't deserve.
"...yes, please."
Stede takes a step closer, touches his face urges Izzy to look in his eyes.
"Okay, Israel. We'd love to do that for you."
Ed gets up, stands behind him, a hand on his back leeching warmth through his shirt.
"All you have to do is ask, Iz. You're always welcome here."
Izzy can feel the brush of Ed's hair as he leans in and kisses Izzy's neck.
Izzy is shaking, needy, ready to split at the seams.
That's all I have for now 😈🤷‍♀️ more hopefully tonight pr tomorrow
"Do you remember the rules, Izzy?"
He nods, but he knows that's not enough.
It's getting hard to speak now that Ed's hands are on him.
And they know, they notice, because Ed withdraws to help Izzy sharpen.
"Answer me, Darling." Stede says it sternly, a command, and it helps Izzy focus more.
"Yes," he forces out. It's a hiss more than a word.
"Rule number one?"
"'Polaris' or three presses to stop."
"Wonderful, good boy. Rule two?
"'Kochab' or two to slow."
"Lovely, so good, Izzy."
Stede's voice is still firm, but it's quieted and the rhythm of these words he knows by heart helps settle Izzy even more. He's not floating, yet, but he's...receptive.
"Those are the most important rules, aren't they, Israel?"
"Yes, Captain."
"Tell us why, Iz," Ed prompts.
"My captains want me safe and happy and in control."
"Yes, we do. You're important to us and we want you to feel good and get what you want."
"Rule three?"
"Obey my captains' commands." Izzy shivered at the thought of it. This was his favorite rule. Letting them tell him what to do emptied his mind.
"And four?"
"No hiding." Izzy whimpered as he said it. This rule was hardest. He hated that they wanted him loud, wanted to see his face. Izzy thought it made him vulnerable, but his captains knew best.
Ed touched him again, now that they finished with the list.
He just rested his hands on Izzy's hips gently, but it felt possessive abd Izzy wanted to push back into him.
"Good job, Iz. We're so proud of you."
Stede stepped up to him and started to untie his cravat, his fingers brushing Izzy's neck and sending shocks through his skin.
"Yes, that was such a lot to remember, wasn't it."
"Uh-huh," was all Izzy could manage, and Stede smiled affectionately.
"Let's get you bare, now."
His captains worked in tandem to strip him quickly. They moved around him like dancers, giving him quiet, easy commands.
Lift, step, stay, hold.
They moved his limbs like a he was their doll. Something gentle, fragile, and cherished. And then he was naked for them.
"Izzy darling, open your eyes for us." He didn't realize he'd closed them, but it was easy to open them again.
"Izzy darling, open your eyes for us." He didn't realize he'd closed them, but it was easy to open them again.
"I think he needs time on his knees for a bit. What do you think, Dear?"
Ed moved around and joined Stede in front of him.
Without the furnace of Ed's body behind him Izzy felt chilled. He knew they wouldn't leave him cold for long.
Ed gave him an appraising look.
"Yeah, I think so."
They sat back down on the couch and Ed beckoned him forward.
One of them said "kneel" and he dropped to his knees. A pillow was waiting to catch him.
"C'mere, Iz."
Izzy shuffled forward into the space between his knees and layed his head on Ed's thigh.
"Good boy, just stay awhile."
Their hands came back then, touching his face, carding through his hair, stoking him like a pet. They cooed nonsense at him, praises that Izzy let wash over him. He drifted and the tension that usually held him still began to ease.
More tomorrow !
Izzy stayed down on his knees for a good while just letting their words wash over him and their hands flutter about him. It was like being submerged in a warm bath, soothing to his body and soul. But like a bath, it eventually cooled.
He rolled his head up to see their gentle smiles and his stomach did a little flip.
"Looks like you've had enough time down there, eh Iz?"
Izzy nodded.
"Do you still want more?"
Izzy was still floaty, he knew that would be enough to keep him straight for a while.
But Izzy was greedy. He wanted what was offered. He wanted to be made precious in their hands.
"Yes, please, Captains."
"Okay, go ahead and stand for us, Dear." Stede took his hands and helped Izzy to his feet slowly.
He was a bit unsteady and Stede's strength did a lot of the work keeping him upright.
"How about you get on Ed's lap. Let him taste you."
Izzy groaned and hurried to straddle his Captain, falling onto him gracelessly as his cock started to harden.
Ed chuckled good-naturedly, "Eager aren't you, Iz?"
"Yes, sir."
Ed leaned in and whispered, "Me too" and grabbed Izzy's ass with both hands, urging him back up to his knees.
Izzy's cock was brought up to face level. Izzy looked down and watched as Ed leaned in and nuzzled at the fold of Izzy's thigh. The brush of his beard felt deliciously rough on the sensitive skin of his thigh.
"Smell good, Izzy." He nibbled on the skin there, "taste good too."
Izzy whimpered, wanting to ask for more.
Ed didn't wait for him to ask though, just ran his nose down the length of Izzy's cock and then took him into the heat of his mouth.
Izzy tried to keep himself still, let Ed take what he wanted.
"Ah, gorgeous, both of you" Stede praised as Ed pulled on Izzy's ass, encouraging him to thrust so thar he was taking Izzy's length as deeply as he could.
A strangled sound was pushed from Izzy's throat at the feel of Ed's throat around him.
"Remember we want to hear you, Darling." Stede said, seeming utterly calm as Izzy was unraveling.
Izzy looked over and saw that Stede was stroking himself slowly as he watched them. It felt decadent to have so much attention on him.
"Ed loves having you in his mouth, don't you Dear?"
Ed moaned his agreement, the feeling curling Izzy's toes in response.
"He tells me all the time how much he likes it. How you fit in him so perfectly. That your cock is his favorite treat."
Ed's hands tighten on him, urging him to thrust harder, faster.
"God fucking hell, please Stede."
"Please what, Israel?" Stede asked, playing dumb.
"I need to come, please, please, Captain." Izzy is begging. He is shameless and wanton and so beautiful in his need.
"Of course darling, give Ed his treat."
Izzy comes hard, Ed swallowing around him until he's spent.
Izzy looks down and watches Ed suckle his cock until he can't stand more.
"My lovely, good boys. You were perfect, both of you."
Izzy looks back to Stede, his face bright like sunshine.
"More, please."
End for now!
42. Stede reached out and cupped Izzy’s cheek, rubbing his thumb on his tattoo. “Of course, Israel. You look so lovely for us, bright like a star.”
The praise was hard to take, but Izzy didn’t argue.
43. Stede moved down and thumbed a bit of drool from the corner of Izzy’s mouth. He tried to follow it and suck the digit in.
“Oh dear, you do love your mouth full, don’t you?” Stede asked teasingly.
“Would you like to return the favor for Edward?”
44. Izzy moaned at the thought, quickly nodding his assent, “please.”
Ed turned Izzy’s face back to his and kissed him hungrily, letting Izzy taste his spend on Ed’s tongue.
“On your feet, Israel.” Stede commanded.
45. Israel felt like a colt, his legs unsteady as he tried to step off the sofa without breaking away from Ed’s mouth. He felt Stede’s firm hands grasp him again, his stockinged feet urge his legs apart until he was positioned to his liking.
46. Ed fisted a hand in Izzy’s hair and pulled him away from his mouth. “You have such a pretty mouth, Iz. Want it on me, now.”
Ed pushed his head down and Izzy mouthed at his flushed cock.
47. He felt Stede’s thumb start to caress the skin around his hole as he took Ed in his mouth.
God if he wasn’t the perfect size for this. Izzy tried to concentrate on Ed’s voice as he started bobbing on him, the sweet platitudes and groans meaning Izzy was doing good.
48. He was good.
Stede’s thumb left and then returned wet with oil, and Izzy wanted to yell at him to hurry the fuck up. He settled for moaning on Ed’s cock and pushing his ass back, trying to entice Stede to move faster..
“Yes, gorgeous boy, you’ll get what you need.”
49. Stede’s thumb pushed into his hole, the stretch so much and not enough.
“Oh Israel, aren’t you a treasure for your Captains. You take us so well.”
Izzy pulled back to suck on Ed’s tip while Stede pressed his thumb in and out.
50. Ed tightened his fingers in Izzy’s hair and pulled him off all the way. “Okay, Iz?” He asked, peering down into Izzy’s glazed eyes.
“Yes, yes, yes, more, more, please Ed, please”
Izzy felt tears welling in his eyes ,wishing he knew how to say it better.
51. “Don’t tease, Dear. Let our sweet Israel have what he needs.”
Stede pulled his thumb out and returned with two of his thick fingers and Ed pushed his head back down.
52. Izzy just held Ed’s cock in his mouth, sucking him slowly as Stede stretched him, two fingers became three and then Stede was pressing his cock into him.
They both gave him a moment to enjoy the fullness, the decadence of being spread out between them.
53. At a signal beyond Izzy’s narrow focus, they began thrusting into him from both sides.
Izzy floated away.

More to come at a later date 💜
54. Izzy was no longer in control of his body.
They could move him however they wanted.
They could touch him however they wanted.
Everything in Izzy’s world was them.
He felt only them. He tasted only them. He smelled only them.
55. He was just a vessel for Ed and Stede’s pleasure.
And Izzy was awash in his own in return.
“Oh Israel, you feel so lovely. So soft and hot for me inside. ”
Stede pressed kisses and bites into Izzy’s neck in between his praising words.
56. “You take us so well and you look so beautiful doing it.”
Izzy felt drool dripping down his chin as Ed fucked into his throat over and over.
Ed was losing words, his “fucks” and “Iz” devolving into groans and grunts.
57. Izzy felt a shift as Stede reached a hand out to Ed’s cheek.
“Darling, are you close?”
Ed nodded frantically, his ridiculous doe eyes opening wide and meeting Stede’s then Izzy’s.
“On his face, Dear. Let him feel how much you desire him.”
58. Izzy wanted it, fuck he wanted it. But he still chased Ed’s cock as it slid out of his mouth.
With his mouth now empty, Izzy couldn’t help what came out of it. Moans and pleads and “yesses” and “more”.
59. He would feel embarrassed of how needy he sounded if he had any control over it, but that was long gone.
Stede slowed to a grind as Ed stroked himself off inches from Izzy’s face. He must sound so pathetic with his mouth empty, Stede punching whimpers out of him.
60. “He’s going to cum all over your pretty face, Israel. Gonna claim you. Is that what you want? What you need?”
“Yes! Please, Captain!”
“Fuck Iz!”
Ed roared and Izzy felt as his face was striped by Ed’s spend.
Ed’s face relaxed and he smiled lovingly at Izzy.
61. He did this, he helped bring this pleasure to his Captain.
“What a…lovely sight he makes…our Edward.” Stede’s composure was slipping after seeing Ed’s release.
“Not as pretty as our Izzy.” Ed responded fondly, and it made Izzy feel warm all over.
62. Ed reached out and ran his thumb along Izzy’s cheek, gathering up some of his spend. Izzy opened his mouth, and Ed slipped it in Izzy’s ever hungry mouth. Ed tasted like the sea.
63. Ed leaned in and he felt Stede doing the same, their mouths meeting just outside his sight and he couldn’t help whimpering. Whether at being excluded or being unable to see, he couldn’t say.
64. They broke apart and Stede pulled Izzy back with him, shifting him to sit on his lap and driving his cock even deeper in him.
Izzy felt Stede’s fingers digging into his hips as he helped Izzy ride him.
65. The new position allowed Stede to hit the right spot with every thrust and Izzy felt himself losing control.
“Look at me,” Ed commanded. Izzy rolled his neck to look at Ed’s smirk face.
“Come for us, Izzy”
66. And he did, he had to. His body tightening as he came untouched, painting his stomach.
“Fuck, so tight…In or out, Israel?” Stede asked breathlessly.
“IN! Please!” Izzy cried, still coming down.
67. Stede gave two more thrusts and then he was coming in him with a cry of “Izzzzz…!”
The room quieted to the sound of their slowing pants as they savored the moment and closeness.
Next time: Aftercare!
68. Ed leaned in and kissed Stede again as Izzy caught his breath. And then he looked down and pulled Izzy’s face in close and kissed him sweetly.
“So good, Izzy. Perfect between us.”
69. “Absolutely heavenly.” Stede murmured as he rested his head against Izzy’s sweaty neck, nuzzling and snuffling at him like a calf.
Izzy would stay like this forever if he could, basking in the affection of his Captains.
70. He was fuzzy again, like he’d been on his knees, but this was different. His mind wasn’t empty, just foggy, the thoughts there just slow and soft. This moment, this feeling was fleeting, so Izzy tried to hold on as long as he could while he felt Stede soften in him.
71. “Alright, Dear, let Ed help you up.”
Ed grasped his arms to steady Izzy as he stood and Stede’s cock slipped from him.
Standing, Izzy felt the wetness of oil and Stede’s release started to leak from his lax hole and he grimaced, making a mewl of displeasure.
72. Ed laughed gently at his expression. “We’ll get you cleaned up in a min, Iz. Just hold on.” He pulled Izzy into his arms, holding him close and firmly, running his hands over his sweat soaked hair and back.
73. Stede stood, pressing another quick kiss to his neck and sauntered to the bath.
Ed looked down and urged Izzy’s face up to meet his eyes. “Okay?” Ed asked tentatively.
The answer was yes, amazing, perfect, but Izzy just nodded and gave a pleased “mm-hmm” and a small smile.
74. Stede returned with a damp cloth and started cleaning the mess off of Izzy’s body. As he worked, Stede started talking again; complimenting Izzy, confirming with Ed how good he’d been.
75. They were talking at Izzy more than to him, and it was a kindness that they didn’t seem to expect him to take part in the conversation.
Stede had run the cloth over every inch of his form, making him clean and cool. It was nice being cared for so thoroughly.
76. All the while Ed kept hold of him, helping maneuver Izzy as needed. He felt like a treasured doll. Something precious and loved.
As Stede finished, Izzy started to feel chilled, but that too was soon resolved.
77. Stede wrapped one of his ridiculous robes around Izzy’s shoulders. And then they were guiding him to the bed.
Stede sat back, and Ed transferred Iz to his arms as he sat down between Stede’s legs.
Izzy was so close to sleep.
78. “Not just yet, Dear. Ed’s getting you a drink and a snack. Then you can sleep.”
Izzy felt the words vibrate from Stede’s chest to his and he nodded again, fighting to keep his eyes open.
Ed returned as promised, holding a cup and a couple of tiny tarts.
79. He held the cup to Izzy’s lips and he drank the offered water. It was cool and delicious and he emptied the cup.
“Good boy”
80. Ed offered the tarts next, and they were sweeter than Izzy usually liked, but the lemon filling was tart and the voice in his head said it was just like Izzy. He ate everything Ed put in front of his face and licked the crumbs from Ed’s fingers for good measure.
81. “Okay, you can sleep now, Iz.”
They settled Izzy between them, Stede at his back and Ed in front.
Izzy had never felt more sated, more calm, more safe as he drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


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May 31
Cw: #jackizzy #petplay #nsfw #cnc #cnckink
There's a game Jack and Izzy play called "bad dog." It's just a silly game. Jack is the dog, and he does something naughty and destructive like rip up some paper or piss on the floor at night. +
In the morning Izzy gets up and goes to the kitchen for a glass of water. He walks through the house naked, because why the fuck not?
But on the way, he funds the mess or steps in the wet spot and he sniffs and realizes and yells, "Bad dog, Jack! Naughty, awful fucking dog!" +
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The jam room was cleared out to make room for the communal nest. He collected pieces from each of the crew to fill it with the scent of safety and love and pack.
He drank the drought Roach prepared for him and made sure there'd be enough for the next few days. It assured that nothing would take, but that he'd still be lucid and loose and pain free even as the heat burned through him.
Lastly, he called a meeting on deck to inform the crew
"Three days, maybe four. We're at anchor until the end of it..."
Izzy looked from face to face, seeing nods and smiles. Once it would have infuriated him, but now if made him warm, appreciated.
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May 7
#fangizzyweek #fangizzy
CW: pet death

The night Blackbeard killed Fang's dog, the man was inconsolable. He wailed from below deck, so loud it echoed through the ship. But no one dared go to him.
No one but Izzy.
While the crew just kept their heads down and feigned ignorance, Izzy gave Blackbeard a dark look then stormed away.
He knew he would be punished. He knew Fang was worth it.
Izzy found him in the hold, squashed into a corner where he'd tried to make it a hidden bed. +
Izzy tried not to startle Fang, but as he was in the throes of this sharp new grief, he neither heard nor seen the first mate inching toward him.
Arm outstretched, Izzy tried to lay his hand on Fang's shoulder in comfort, but Fang turned in terror at the touch. +
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May 5
#fangizzy @FangIzzyWeek #fangizzyweek
Fang wakes to the smell of sausage and syrup and Izzy singing showtunes.
The rain and thunder of the night before has been replaced by clear skies and sunshine, both inside and out. Fang sits and revels in the moment.
"Up, you lazy Twat"
Izzy says with a crooked smile as he enters the bedroom with a heavily laden tray.
Fang hops up to take it from him, but the smaller man turns away.
"I meant wake up, not get up! Sit back in bed!"
"Yes, Boss." Fang replies meekly, sitting back down.
Izzy places the tray on Fang's lap then cuddles up at his side.
"Will you please share with me, Daddy?" Izzy asks, his voice softened into something small.
"Of course, Baby! Thank you for asking so nicely!"
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May 2
@FangIzzyWeek #fangizzyweek #fangizzy
Are you sure?"
"I swear to God, Fang!"
"But you're so small! I don't want to hurt you"
Izzy rolled his eyes so hard astronauts could have seen it.
"You slap me recreationally, Babe. I think I can handle you sitting on my lap."
Fang sighed, shaking his head no.
It was time to try another tactic.
Izzy looked up coquettishly through his lashes. "Please, Fang...I want to feel you on top of me."
Fang thought another moment, then, finally, nodded in acquiescence.
Izzy wanted to celebrate, but decided not to risk him changing his mind and pulled Fang towards the bedroom.
"Yes, bed now!"
Fang giggled at Izzy's excitement as he jumped up on the bed like one of the dogs.
He sat back against the headboard and slapped his thighs.
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Apr 30
#nsfw #Izzyistrans #steddyhands
Izzy is sore. His solo session while Stede and Ed were out of town was...frustrating to say the least.
It's always so much harder to cum when he's doing all the work, harder to let himself feel and relax. And last night was the worst in awhile. +
He had spent two tedious hours trying what seemed like every toy in the drawer, but nothing felt right. It was a parade of toys that felt amazing when Stede and Ed used them, but in Izzy's hands they did practically nothing. +
And no one was there to calling him a good boy, or hole, or slut. No one said he looked pretty or smelled intoxicating or tasted sweet. It was just Izzy alone with the sounds of his desperate body and buzzing plastic and the smell of his ripe sweat. +
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