1) When in 1857, #MughalEmpire breathed its last, power transitioned from the Muslims to the #BritishRaj, they were humiliated by the Raj, #Hindus were quick in adapting to the methods of their new masters, where as demoralized and humiliated Muslim nation without power
2) for the first time in centuries, were not so quick in adapting to the changing circumstances, instead of introspecting their own failure's, they were quick to blame everything on religion, on Islam. Argument was put forward that ALLAH has inflicted his anger
3) and displeasure over the Muslims because they didn't followed the teachings of Islam, they left the path of Almighty (I am not going in the exact details, that would require a whole thread), 8 years after the rebellion against the British, in 1866 Dar-ul-Uloom #Deoband
4) was established by two of the renowned Muslim scholar, Muhammad Qasim Nanautavi & Rashid Ahmad Gangohi, the effort first aimed at to preach Jihad against the British Raj, as viewed by Nanautavi, "European Christians were now masters of the land long ruled by Indian Muslims".
5) #ImranKhan's todays speech in Pindi revolved all around Religious Nationalism one can choose to deny it or simply accept the reality that Khan has mastered the art of #Nationalism to tea.
Drawing the parallel from history it is suffice to say that, for Khan the throne on which
6) #ShahbazSharif is sitting, he is the only rightful heir to the throne, anybody else just does not deserve it, the agitation we saw since April 2022, was to create a political crisis to force the government to bow down before Khan directly, he failed.
7) The current position of Khan is like that of a lone warrior, who burnt all his boats, long before entering the endgame. Now a challenge awaits him at the battle front, to keep his warriors charged up to fight the battle, he needs something.
8) with no governance performance at his credit to show to his supporters, he will be on a Religious Nationalism run.