🚨FREE ENERGY is offered by Nature (Tesla). Don't you remember the real use of the weather vane, the little wind turbine which was replaced on purpose by the cock 😈? Free Energy is available for all & those who have a yacht, have always known it ! powernewenergy.company.site/Horizontal-Win…
And you should have remembered it from a long time... Your grand parents, your great grand parents, your great great grand parents should have known it. And beside, the language told it : didn't we say that "people changed their minds depending on which way the wind was blowing"?
But when the weather vane/little turbine was replaced by the (French) cock 😈, that "set expression" was replaced too and today we say that "people change their minds with the weather", the wind had disappeared.../..
It was the time of "Gone with the wind", it was in 1939 and Nikola Tesla died in 1943😈, and 1939 signed the beginning of the NWO...
Tesla's death ? It is a murder but he didn't die immediately of a "trombosis artery", he was placed back in his bed...
His death set their ritual (with the 369 rule). He became their first Terrorist (a National Security Threat). He was murdered in his "ART" Yorker Hotel, that the murderers nicknamed the "Tower of Terror" [ a copy of the original was built in Disney MGM studios...
for the film (1997), the "Tower of terror"/ "Hollywood Terror" is in Disneyland resorts/ Marvel resorts, and people should have understood for long the problem with the "lifts" /"elevators", Disney being Rothschild], the first Tesla Tower working with FREE energy...
with all the "modern" facilities for free ...
And his death beam is a weapon of deterrence that Nikola Tesla had planned to propose separately to the World Powers, his goal being to end all wars on Earth. But the Adversary with all the Allies and minions want Wars...
perpetual wars... Terra has become Hell and their rite is the cult of Death. Nikola Tesla discovered an American-Nazi double agent and contacted the American army. Itwas not only because of the free energy he offered to people but first of all because he would have revealed ...
the evil plot of the Constellation of the Minervals which at that epoch started the "Cold War" Op, preparing the masses to the global psy-op using "terrorism"...to be ready today for the global take-over of the Earth/Heart...
General William J Donovan was asked by FDR to draft a plan like the British M16 and SOE which led to the creation of the CIA. And the Adversary went on mocking Tesla in 1959 when John F Kennedy launched the "Airlift Initiative" straight from the New Yorker Hotel...
Kenya being aligned with them, the unfamous plot 😈against the Almighty Creator and Creation.
Rewards for the aligned countries... and scholarships & living expenses were given to Kenya students allowing Barack Obama Sir to come from Kenya to the USA, and marry Ann Dunham...
🚨HUGO BOSS - Pour ceux qui aiment les beaux costumes, les belles chemises, j'espère que vous en souviendrez ! C'est en 1997 que l'on apprend via un compte bancaire dormant en Suisse, qu'Hugo Boss aujourd'hui décédé a participé à "l'effort de guerre Nazi"! (suite)
Ferdinand Hugo Boss a fourni le parti Nazi en chemises brunes dès 1924. Après la crise de 1929, il a adhéré au parti et pas seulement pour fournir a Wehrmacht et les SS en uniformes. Ferdinand Hugo Boss adhérait à leur politique ! (suite)
mais il n'était pas le principal fournisseur d'uniformes du régime. Cela n'atténue en aucun cas sa trahison. Le fabriquant a du présenter ses profonds regrets, une communication de gestion de crise pour "sauver l'entreprise"...(suite)
🚨Marionnette des Illuminati pour la Lybie qui proposera de solder le problème "Gaddafi", le Hongrois de Budapest, Nicholas Sarkozy a prospéré en Gaule en vendant la France à l'Europe 😈 (suite)
🚨The Admiralty Laws and their extensions are not THE LAW. Beware of what is offered ? They need your consent! General Amnesty are fake general pardon in that world of forgers : it radicates condamnation since it stops prosecutions! (to be continued)
Only non intentional and non recurrent mistakes can be pardonnable! Don't play their game giving consent to what they offer, reject their world, their System, their Matrix. All the Elites, all the rulers on both sides, play in the same Club against the Creator (to be continued)
against the Creation, against YOU. This world has been hijacked by the Adversary, the Force who are Dark entities, unclean spirits !
The Last Judgment of the Almighty Creator will come soon and will be given on due time. (to be continued)
🚨L'Hygiène, c'est celà !
Et c'est Florence Nightingale, qui a donné son nom au Nightingale Hospital à Londres, célèbre pendant la pandémie fabriquée du COVID 😈. Elle était infirmière auprès des soldats de Crimée pendant la guerre, une expérience in situ pour ses études ...
et qui a collaboré avec le Ministre de la Guerre du Royaume Uni, Fox Maule Ramsay (ou Lord Panmure) en 1858. Elle était "infirmière" et a récupéré les données...pour les traiter, car c'est une célèbre statisticienne.
Regardez ses oeuvres, tout a été préparé depuis si longtemps
les diagramme circulaires ou pie charts, c'est elle et au 19ème siècle ! Ces panneaux présentés font partie des "Sciences pour tous" entre 1850 et 1900.
The (Red) Lion is the king of the savannah, the Great (Red) Stag is the king of the forests : they are both representations of the Almighty Creator.
Animals were used not to be banned and sent you information. Animals were used in poetry, in architecture, in nursery rhymes... like those used by Jean de Lafontaine(=> The Fountain/ the Source).
The Great Stag (cervus elaphus) lives in the temperate forests of Europe, North Africa, Western Asia and America.
Have you ever heard his BELL in autumn gathering its people. This is the time to sow the new seeds that will grow in the dark for 222 days...
MAIS ne tombez pas dans ce piège, ne l'acceptez jamais comme une fatalité, cessez de subir, sachez qui vous êtes : des êtres libres et pas des prisonniers. Il faudrait déjà avoir accepté l'identifiant unique (ID), l'identité digitale pour passer à cette étape (à suivre)
ils vous poussent avec leurs leviers : la PEUR et l'INTIMIDATION. D'ailleurs il est bien noté "has proposed" : Ils proposent et vous disposez ! Dites fermement NON ! Ne succombez pas à la tentation, celle de Satan. (suite)