Looks like Andrea Burkhart is the best of a bad bunch. But I don’t think she’s really on Depp’s side given her role in giving the world the unsealed documents.
The CANNES FILM FESTIVAL is notorious for celebrating men who have a history of violence, including sexual assault.
The festival seems proud of this, as though they are champions of art for looking past crimes such as rape, domestic violence, assault & child sexual assault to… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Woody Allen (won: honorary Palme d'Or 2002)
This award is given to renowned directors whose works have achieved a global impact but have never won the Palme d’Or.
In August 1992, American filmmaker and actor Woody Allen was alleged to have sexually molested his adoptive… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Luc Besson (President of the Jury for Feature Films 2000)
The Cannes Film Festival's board of directors appoints the juries responsible for choosing which films will receive an award. The jury president is an internationally recognized personality of cinema.
"Any survivor knows that the ability to tell their story often feels like the only relief, and I cannot find enough words to tell you the hope your belief in me inspires, not just for me, but for all of you." #AmberAppeals#AmberisFree#IStandwithAmberHeard
"Time is precious and I want to spend my time productively and purposefully. For too many years I have been caged in an arduous and expensive legal process, which has shown itself unable to protect me and my right to free speech." #AmberAppeals#AmberisFree#IStandwithAmberHeard
🧵Here are all the Amicus Brief Graphics that were made and distributed via my AH Discord. Please feel free to use and spread these! #AmberAppeals#ExpertsForAmber
🧵The Jury's singular focus on allegations of physical abuse is contrary to the evidence presented at trial & demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of the law #ExpertsforAmber#AmberAppeals#IStandwithAmberHeard
🧵The trial court rejected Ms Heard's request to provide the jury with an instruction on what amounts to abuse and, as a result, the jury improperly disregarded non-physical conduct when considering whether actual abuse occurred. #ExpertsforAmber#AmberAppeals
Everyone knows how much I love to debunk sad attempts at debunking AH support. I may only get a part of the way through this tonight because I’m le tired.
Okay first — amberopenletter.com Here’s the letter. Please read it if you haven’t yet because you know we’re about to get into the weeds. #ExpertsForAmber
So, this is blatantly wrong. Organisations have been talking about the use of defamation lawsuits (&NDAs) to silence survivors for a while.
Ms Mag: “perpetrators of sexual violence use the courts to punish survivors for speaking out about abuse.”