When Gill Bates tells you what he's going to do, believe him. He's terrible at keeping secrets. He told you in 2010:
Gill Bates told you again in 2019:
Bill got on TV and bragged about how much they were going to make off of vaccines--which, in reality, means how much he was going to make off of all the human Guinea pigs in the world:
Remember when Gill Bates spilled the beans on vaccine passports a year ahead of time--and then TED Talks tried to bury it? March 2020:
Seriously, Gill Bates has the worst poker face. From 2021--
>Just what was this pressure the FDA was under?
>Why does he chuckle when specifically discussing *severe* side effects?
He tells us everything--whether it's coming out of his mouth, or not:
Now let's go ALL the way back to 1997 when Gill Bates established his "INSTITUTE FOR POPULATION CONTROL" at Johns Hopkins.
Yes, the same Johns Hopkins who teamed up w/Gates to run the #Event201 global coronavirus pandemic "simulation" in October 2019:
Remember when Bates sponsored #Event201 in Oct 2019, which simulated a global coronavirus outbreak & the leaders all agreed controlling the media & free-flow of news/information was absolutely necessary to their mgmt of the pandemic & then everything they simulated happened?
Now go read this thread taking you all the way back to Gill Bates's childhood!
🧵 2/ Last year, when I ratio'd Arynne Wexler, her fellow j-ish psyop buddy DC_Draino jumped in to defend her. The only interaction he's ever given me. Then he blocked me.
White Protestants: ~2.45 million
White Catholics: ~47.5k
~2,000 jews
(700k non-citizen slaves)
By 1865, America was ~88% White/10% Black. In 1965, it was 89.5% White, still only around 9-10% Black. 93% Christian.
🧵3/ In 1965, America was a White European Christian mono-culture. A White Christian ethnostate w/a 1-time special carve-out for Blacks--who were largely also Christian. America was 90/10 bi-racial, but it wasn't multicultural in any significant sense at the national level.
I recently watched 2 Christmas movies with my family: Frank Capra's "It's A Wonderful Life," and Irving Berlin's "White Christmas."
Both movies are part of the Great American Pantheon & beloved by generations of Americans.
Both are movies we watched several times over the decades as a family, ever since I was a little kid. My dad was a school teacher & would bring movies home on old film reels along with a movie projector--both checked out from the library at the school where he worked.
I first saw both of these classic movies projected onto a white sheet hung over our fire place. As the years progressed, I would eventually see them on TV, videotape & then DVD.
However, I hadn't watched either in several years, and this time I had a completely different viewing experience for each. One is Christian centered and the other, jewish. This framing made for a stark contrast as I watched.
🧵2/ "It's A Wonderful Life" was made by Frank Capra, an Italian Christian.
The main character of the movie passes through 3 phases: an ordinary, mundane life, followed by the experience of "dying," capped off by his triumphant return as a redeemed hero. His guardian angel, Clarence--sent from heaven--receives his wings.
The movie is essentially about Life, Death & Resurrection--decidedly transcendent, Christ-centered, eternal themes.
Clarence The Angel reminds us that each of us has a mission from heaven, just as the Savior did. And as Christ came to earth & fulfilled His mission, so too can each of us.
The movie ends with the cast singing "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing--glory to the Newborn King." An explicit reference to our Savior Jesus Christ, who made it all possible.
The movie is about service, salvation & the Savior Jesus Christ.
🧵3/ "White Christmas" was written by Irving Berlin (real name Israel Beilin), a jew from the Russian Empire.
The movie is glitzy & glamorous, portraying lots of show business & related themes. It's about Hollywood's version of "The American Dream," rags to riches, the commercialization of Christmas, and, of course--SNOW!
One thing I noticed this time that I didn't notice before is the famous scene where Bing Crosby & Danny Kaye cross-dress as females to perform a musical number called "Sisters."
I was immediately reminded of things like Magnus Hirschfeld, transgenderism & the Frankfort School. I saw a movie by a jew, injecting the beginnings of jewish-sponsored degeneracy into a family movie about Christmas.
The movie ends with a Santa Claus scene unfolding against the backdrop of a burgeoning winter snowstorm.
All in all, it's a fun, heart-warming, time-tested story & piece of entertainment....completely devoid of Jesus Christ whatsoever.
🎄🏦 Christmas Eve, 111 years ago, the Federal Reserve was announced as simply a "currency law" that was a "fine Christmas present" to "aid business." @RonPaul @RepThomasMassie
#MerryChristmas #EndTheFed
🧵2/ #MerryChristmas from the jews
🧵3/ How the jews celebrated #MerryChristmas in 1913.
🛑 GERMAR RUDOLF IMPRISONMENT UPDATE: holo caust expert Germar Rudolf is being left to rot in jail in New York, awaiting transport to Pennsylvania to face charges he'd previously been told by authorities they weren't going to press.
Prison transfer normally happens within 72 hours, but it's been almost 2 weeks & they still haven't moved him. This is a form of punishment.
Rudolf was arrested on December 9th, fresh off of 2 appearances on the Jake Shields "Fight Back" podcast, where he debated certain "truth claims" about the conventional holo caust narrative. @jakeshieldsajj @ShieldsClips
I'm told by a close associate that they suspect he'll ultimately be extradited to Germany, where he'll likely face charges of holo caust denial.
You know who is doing this to him & why. If you'd like to support Germar, buy his "Holocaust Encyclopedia" (link below) & follow him on Twitter @GermarRudolf.
🧵2/ I'm proud to be a partner with Germar. Buy his "Holocaust Encyclopedia" now.