At the Superlobby Community we curate all the jobs in public policy, public affairs and politics. Last week I also posted them in twitter and it seemed it was appreciated. So here goed again.
All the jobs in the political arena that caught my eye.
The Party of European Socialists is looking for an economic & financial policy intern in Brussels.
🇳🇱 De Europese Verkiezingen komen eraan! Ik zal dit de komende anderhalf jaar nauw in de gaten houden. De @BoerBurgerB kondigde aan om mee te doen met te verkiezingen en presenteerde haar visie.
Centraal in de EUvisie van BBB is het concept Europees Noaberschap. Noaberschap staat voor een sociale verhouding waarbij buren elkaar met raad en daad bijstaan indien dat nodig is. Daarmee is BBB in weze vóór Europees samenwerking maar dan zonder verlies van NLmsoevereiniteit.
BBB gelooft in vrijwillige en hechte samenwerkingsverband van soevereine Europese landen die kiezen om schouder aan schouder te staan. Het fundament van Europa is volgens BBB gebouwd op christendemocratische en sociaaldemocratische waarden,
Well there are many ways. Some I have tried and tested, others I have seen done, and then some are theoretical. But in case you need to stop EU legislation. Here some ideas.
Influence the outcome of an impact assessment so outcome is to your liking. This required to be very early in the proces and to have your homework done. Or you need to influence the research question. Also a Commissionair needs to sign off on starting an impact assessment.
Lobby for political discontinuity at the start of a new European Commission. The EC reviews proposals of the previous. EC. It then decides whether to pursue or stop these proposals. Invention by Juncker. but Von der Leyen didn't apply it. Lets see what happens in 2024.
Every six month there is a new EU Presidency. We are now living under the Czech Presidency.
But what is an EU Presidency?
And how can you use the momentum of the presidency to your advantage?
A thread 🧵
When the Council was established, there wasn't a big workload and immidialty the idea was to share the Presidency of the Council every six months. Until 2009, the Presidency brokered brokered high-level political decisions in ALL policy areas.
However, The Lisbon Treaty reduced the importance of the Presidency by creating a permanent President of the Council and an High Representative for all Foreign Affairs. That left all the "ordinary" policy Councils to the chaired by "the Presidency".
Whether you are a academic, student, journalist; Everyone needs to BE A LOBBYIST!
So I thought it would be fun to teach the Basics of Lobbying through a thread.
Here goes. Lobbying 101.
First you need to set your lobby goal. For the sake of ease, I distinguish 3 lobby goals. No more.
Changing concept-legislation/policy
Lobby for funding/money
Raise political capital.
While the first two might seem straightforward. Raising political capital might seem not.
For any political endeavour you need to spend political capital. Consider it like money you spend. When you are out of it, no one is going to help you. Ofcourse this is not actual money or else it would be bribe. You need to organise events, do coffee, invest in relationships!
After the successful threads about the EC and the EP, I of course had to do a explainer on the COUNCIL. Bear with me, I will start with some basics and then move on to more advanced stuff.
The European Council is the group of heads of state that comes together every quarter or whenever there is a crisis. Today we are discussing the Council of Ministers. This entails the different Council configurations dealing with EU legislation and policies.
The people at the table are diplomats from the various member states. They are however Brussels based. They work in their Permanent Representations. Confusingly, the head of a Perm Rep is the Permanent Representative.
Into EU Affairs? Here are some useful websites to track, lobby or research the EU.
(some of which you didn't know existed)
The EU Council has a voting calculator. Yes I know they never get to actually vote, but it does give you a good idea if something will survive council. You can also use the calculator for QMV in delegated acts
Did you know the national parliaments have an EU website/network. Here you can find all the reasoned opinions, the subsidiary checks, the political dialogues with the European Commission. But also the agenda of all Inter-Parliamentary Conferences