The difference between "Gas" and a heart attack is just one blocked coronary artery!
Any gas or indigestion can be a heart attack if 1. Lasting more than an hour 2. Increasing severity 3. Associated sweating 4. Not relieved by antacids 5. + chest/jaw/arm pain #heartattack
An atherosclerotic plaque or in layman words block in artery can progress in two different ways 1. Arithmetic progression - slow over many months/years due to slow accumulation of cholesterol 2. Geometric progression - over shorter duration due to erosion or rupture #MedTwitter
In case of heart attacks progression from 40-50% to 100% occlusion happens suddenly over minutes due to blood clot and leads to severe chest pain and death if not treated immediately. These plaques are called vulnerable plaques as compared to stable plaques.
I'm simple words vulnerable plaques are more soft and inflamed. Hence liable to rupture. Even if 100% occlusion doesn't happen, a plaque can progress rapidly if it is vulnerable to clot formation and healing with a reduction in diameter of vessel.
13y old girl with Dengue fever. Was admitted in severe shock and myocarditis. LVEF 25%. Going home after a week with complete recovery. LVEF 55%.
To see children as patients is very tough. Hats off to all pediatricians and specialities dealing with kids. #MedTwitter
30y guy presented with palpitations while playing cricket. Pulse was 220/min. Was given IV medication and reverted to normal rhythm in emergency dept. He had similar palpitations in the past, few times, but lasted few minutes and became normal so he did not seek help #MedTwitter
After IV medication. ECG showed pre-excitation pattern. So basically a case of WPW syndrome.
In Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome, an extra signaling pathway between the heart's upper and lower chambers causes a fast heartbeat (tachycardia). WPW syndrome is a heart condition present at birth (congenital heart defect). It is fairly rare.
While there is hue and cry about young people getting heart attacks/cardiac arrests and dying, we have so many young people who visit emergency/OPD with chest pain and ECG changes and need admission and treatment, but are in denial and refuse admission and go home. #MedTwitter
Hindu deities are seldom depicted without their particular ‘vahana’ (vehicles) on which they travel. These vahanas are either animals or birds and symbolises the various forces they ride. #Ganesha
While Lord Ganesha’s vahana is a mouse which symbolises crushing useless thoughts. Have you ever wondered why the elephant god rides on a tiny mouse? Well, there’s a story behind it. Read on to know.
According to Ganesha Purana, there was a celestial musician-god named Krauncha. He accidentally stepped on the foot of Muni Vamadeva who cursed him to become a mouse. However, after he recovered his temper he promised Krauncha that one day the gods themselves would bow before him
When it comes to elderly patients, we just need to listen to all their problems patiently, health related and also their circumstances/other reasons for stress/anxiety. We may not be able to solve any of those .. but listening amd empathising makes them feel better. #Geriatrics
I have an elderly couple. The wife suffers from Dementia and he himself has undergone surgery and radiation for prostate cancer. He takes care of her with help from a caretaker. I tell them to do video consult. But he says he feels good to come and talk to me for few minutes.