Psychologist Dr. Lee-Anne Gray founded a school whose mission is “Empathic Education for a Compassionate Nation.” She teaches the art of empathic listening and it is a powerful technique to dismantle normalized bullying in our society @bulliedbrain#resist…
Identifying with the aggressor is comparable to Stockholm syndrome, in which a hostage will bond with their captor. This bonding occurs because the brain is aware that the captor could harm or kill the #hostage. The bond intensifies as a survival strategy…
@bulliedbrain's clients want to know why as employees, they suffered repeat abuses. To overcome this obstacle to recovery, we must first recognize how bullying works.
If you are daily coming into contact with a boss or peer who bullies you, your brain predicts that the situation is one of fight, flight, or freeze & this causes your body to release the stress hormone cortisol more often & in greater amounts than you need…
Victims choose, consciously or unconsciously, blindness to their betrayal as an adaptive strategy to cope with an impossible crisis. Not surprisingly this divisive response often leads to “symptoms of depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder"…
In some ways, bullying is like a virus; the behavior can seem to spread from person to person—especially from adult bullies to children in their care—and it may come with lasting damage to physical and mental health, especially to its child victims #resist…
Pointing out to a child that bullies do not have the power they claim is not designed to minimize or dismiss the incredible harm a #bullying child can do, but it undermines the bullying myth that tends to position the bully as powerful & the victim as weak…
Flight is the response of employees who quit their jobs when they have a Machiavellian manager who transforms a work environment based on mutual respect, care, & meritocracy into a toxic environment where favouritism rules the day @bulliedbrain@PsychToday…
Thirty years ago, researchers had an opportunity to find out if neglect was harmful to children’s #brains and bodies. They discovered that ignoring children was devastating. They learned that ignoring babies and children eroded their brains @bulliedbrain…
In his extensive research into the destructive impact of adult bullying and abuse on children, Dr Vincent Felitti describes it as a “reverse alchemy” whereby a child’s once golden health and potential are turned into lead by the adults who rule their lives…
When a victim's traumatized self identifies with the perpetrator, the brain creates the conditions for bullycide. We cannot fully keep youth safe from harm, but we can balance toxic stressors w/ extensive education on how to best manage their mental health…
In 2018, @pfizer had turned to Kathrin and her research team to identify a partnership that would advance mRNA development for a game-changing seasonal flu vaccine. During the #partnership search, she made fast friends with the Turkish-German cofounder and BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin
Pfizer signed a collaboration agreement to codevelop a first-in-class, mRNA-based coronavirus vaccine, aimed at preventing COVID-19 infection. BioNTech received $72 million up-front & was eligible for future milestone payments of an additional $563 million…
In addition, we were going to provide $113 million in cash to @BioNTech_Group by buying equity from the company. The two parties agreed to share all development costs and profits fifty-fifty. If the project failed, @pfizer would bear all the losses alone
The myopic focus of companies on profits has been criticized in recent years. Mads Øvlisen, the former CEO of @NovoNordisk, explains how the pursuit of a corporate purpose beyond short-term profits, can actually lead to higher long-term profits @TimaBansal…
Corporate purpose isn’t just about vision and values, it’s about keeping an eye on the long term. Upholding #corporate purpose requires leaders to resist the short-term demands of shareholders & investors in order to build good & successful companies #CSR…
In 1971 for the first time in Novo Nordisk’s history, #Øvlisen’s father-in-law had to make the decision to lay off employees. Faced with a similar challenge, Øvlisen worked hard to relocate them elsewhere in the organization, even if the fit wasn’t perfect
@JeremyFarrar: (laughs) If I knew, I'd be a @NobelPrize candidate–or a multibillionaire...
It would be a once-in-a-lifetime vaccine like the one against measles,
it would cost a cent,
it would block transmission…
Is it still possible to find a vaccine for this soup of different variants? @JeremyFarrar: We have to get ourselves out of that situation. And I think the only way we're going to get ourselves out of that is the generation of vaccines @bredow@VHackenbroch
How realistic is it that a perfect vaccine will materialize?
Farrar: Is it possible today? No, certainly not. Would it be possible this decade? Possibly not yet either.
If the political class moves on & pretend it's over, I fear, that investment won't come
We have tested the antibody in various doses on 856 patients on 3 continents. After only 6 months we observed positive results, and after 18 months 81% of the group receiving the highest dosage showed lower levels of amyloid beta than the level we measure in Alzheimer’s-Lannfelt
“The idea for the antibody originated back in the 1990s, when the team identified a change in the genetic material of a Swedish family that had been severely afflicted by Alzheimer's disease. The mutation indicated that the cause seemed to be protofibrils”…
Overnight a Swedish professor made $350 million. The lucky man, Lars Lannfelt, was not particularly famous. He had done pioneering work on Alzheimer’s, but it was in the 90s and belonged to a sub-field that, after a litany of failures had fallen from grace…
The @StanfordDaily reached out to Science and @Nature, where another of Tessier-Lavigne’s papers containing alleged data alteration was published, for comment. @ScienceMagazine's editor-in-chief @hholdenthorp wrote in an email that he would “check around.”
Marc Tessier-Lavigne’s papers with issues confirmed by the University have accrued tens of thousands of downloads and include some of his most cited work in neurobiology. None of the papers has been retracted or corrected @tab_delete@StanfordDaily#scipol
Right now, we're going after the pathology of the disease–plaques & tangles-but I think we need to start going after the biology and, as a result, the pharmacology that addresses the altered biology with aging that occurs in Alzheimer's-@a_hfillit@TheADDF…
“The mixed data shows that while anti-amyloids are a promising starting point, we will need a combination of drugs aimed at different targets informed by the biology of aging to effectively treat this disease”
-@a_hfillit, M.D., co-founder and CSO @TheADDF…