It all comes down to understanding POWER AND WEALTH.
Power and Wealth comes from owning REAL ASSETS that the economy cannot do without.
Or, by becoming what the great Peter Thiel calls, "To become a monopoly.".
Let's see Buffett and Koch Brothers.
They know quite well that MONEY does NOT exist.
To reiterate, you ought to be ultra wealthy to understand that MONEY DOES NOT EXIST.
Money is just a note on a piece of paper of computer that you have collateral.
So, Buffett keeps buying REAL ASSETS which increase his CONTROL of the supply chains, even when it doesn't make any sense, like with Occidental Petroleum.
Buffett owns BNSF railway which hauls crude oil, competing with pipelines.
Same with Koch Industries. Their chemical mega large business was in danger of control by crude oil mega trading houses.
So, Koch Bros set up their own trading house, Koch Trading, in order to keep control of the supply chains.
Let's move to Gates and Bezos.
What Gates and Bezos own is basically a MONOPOLY, which Peter Thiel explained.
Gates and Bezos own a mega large complex algorithm called Windows and Amazon.
Neither Gates, nor Bezos have any money.
Neither Koch Bros nor Warren Buffett have any money.
They have the stuff that CREATES money, they have the COLLATERAL that RUNS THE REAL ECONOMY.
They are all invincible at this point for as long as they have such control of the Real Economy.
Now, let's look at Elon Musk.
What kind of COLLATERAL which is indispensable to the real economy and supply chains does he own?
Nothing Elon Musk owns is either a Monopoly which the economy can't function without (Windows, Amazon), nor a large chunk of supply chains (Koch Industries or Berkshire).
And that is what Musk wants to become INDISPENSABLE to the real economy, as Peter Thiel has explained.
Musk is trying hard to achieve that point with all sorts of stuff, Tesla, SpaceX, whatever.
He is not there yet. He keeps demanding and begging for the US Government to fund his fantasies and programs, he is not there yet.
Buying twitter was one way to force the public opinion and/or the government to hand him out mega billions.
Will he succeed?
I don't know.
I'd say, no he will not. But, you never know.
So, this is what Elon Musk is and what he is trying to achive.
Ja ta shpjegoj më mirë.
Zogu - Hoxha donin evropianizimin, që do të thotë Katolicizmi apo Protestantizmi. Ortodoksia shihej si orientalizëm në atë kohë.
Kështu që Zogu - Hoxha donin shfarosjen e islamit ndër shqiptarë.
Çështja është që Katolicizmi ishte për bashkëjetesë me Islamin në atë kohë, si dhe për katolicizimin e ortodoksëve. Ishte politikë zyrtare e Vatikanit.
Vatikani ishte pro islamik, dhe anti ortodoks në atë kohë. Politikë zyrtare. Nuk po shpik gjëra.
Pro islamik sepse në 1849, sulltani njohu Miletin Katolik si pasojë e lobimit Francez. Që nga 1849 nuk ka konflikt Vatikan - Islam, ka bashkëveprim.
We have literally Serbia, Greece and Türkiye, Bulgaria established as states via genociding each other.
Whereas Serbia and Greece were relatively small, could not genocide Albanians fast (per Europe - Turkiye agreements), Türkiye is quite large country.
Whereas it became possible to slow down genocide of Albanians from Greece and Serbia (per Europe - Türkiye agreements) because they had no adequate resources to do that fast, Türkiye had all the resources to exterminate Albanians fast if we shared a border.
1) Too much money created by the Gov and distributed to people.
Supply chains CANNOT provide goods and services demanded.
Case: 2020 Covid demand
Conclusion: Shortage of Supply.
2) Too much money created by the Gov and distribution to Shadow Banking.
Shadow banking rehypotheticates Energy and Raw Materials, using them as Money thus causing shortage of energy and raw materials.
Supply chains break down.
Shortage of Supply. Inflation.
Case: QE
3) Country A wants to harm country B. One way to harm is to stop trading with country B, doing trade embargo.
Citim nga literatura, @pvengu , ajo që po bëhen me Portin e Durrësit, dekontaminimi dhe kthimi i sipërfaqes tek Qyteti.
Brownfield port construction usually involves large-scale clean-up operations of contaminated soil and the renovation and deepening of the quay walls.
@pvengu It results in the rehabilitation and reuse of existing port real estate, thereby avoiding lengthy and difficult port extension procedures. Redevelopment of port brownfields produces numerous environmental, social, and economic benefits.
@pvengu By cleaning up and returning these lands to communities can remove dangerous structures and stop or stabilize contamination...... Port redevelopment presents valuable opportunities for waterfront redevelopment, and it may catalyze revitalization in the broader community.