Even if it contradicts the prevailing narratives!
I have more respect and esteem for the political life achievement of Josef Stalin than that of war criminals like Barack Obama.
Stalin rejected any personality cult and achieved great things under the most adverse circumstances.
But it's not about Stalin as a person, but about what we can learn from him and from history.
For me, heads of government like Obama are more like mass murderers and false idols!
How many millions of people have been victims of, for example, Barack Obama's deliberate, direct policy decisions?
There are very many people who believe unchecked the narratives &lies of the ruling class of huge fortunes about socialism/communism (including Stalin) because they have heard nothing else all their lives and then there are those whose job it is to believe it.
In fact, the fight against counterrevolution was and is the central class question, the question of power of the proletarian revolution, the question of being or not being of a socialist society. Andrea Schön refutes the lies about Stalin's alleged mass murders.
The lies about Stalin
The most important research results after the opening of the Kremlin archives
Nazis launch victim legend
Addendum to the thread on Stalin about the propaganda lie that Stalin deliberately organised a famine in Ukraine for mass murder (even then the ruling families of the huge fortunes had their bloody hands in it). #Holodomor
Conquest and Solshenizyn - Sacrifice Legend for the Third Time
The statistical methods of the victim counters
Gorbachev opens the archives and the victim legend shatters.
The official report on the Soviet penal system
The Gulag
454,000 are not 9 million!
The following table gives an overview of those imprisoned in the respective camps or prisons between 1934 and 1953, including the proportion of those convicted of political crimes and all deaths:
Death sentences and executions
The purges of 1937
Andrea Schön, Dortmund
"P.S. Another note from Kenneth Neill Cameron, former professor at New York University: In the Paris Commune of 1870, the working class was not yet aware of the brutality with which the bourgeoisie was trying to regain lost power -
if necessary with the help of its bitter enemies. The result: 30,000 corpses lined the streets of Paris, bourgeoisie and monarchy triumphed. This experience should be remembered again in the future when a new "attempt" is made."
Cameron, Kenneth Neill: „Stalin – Man of Contradiction“ (Stalin – Mann der Widersprüche), NC Press Limited, Toronto 1987
Martens, Ludo: „Stalin anders betrachtet“, EPO VZW Verlag, Berchem/Belgien 1998
Sayers, Michael und Kahn, Albert E.: „Die große Verschwörung“, Verlag Volk und Welt, 1949
Sousa, Mario: „Lies concerning the history of the Soviet Union“, in: Proletären (Schweden), April 1998
What has been sold to us as the fighting term "Stalinists" or "Stalinism" since the secret speech of the Stalin murderer, putschist and revisionist Khrushchev, has little to do with Stalin himself, is lies, slander and pure propaganda.
Please try to approach the historical developments and events of the previous socialist and communist revolutions without prejudice and on the basis of verifiable facts (sources).
Avoid the poisoned fighting terms of the ruling class of the huge fortunes like "Stalinist" / "Stalinism"!
In my view, they are still an expression of the fear of the ruling class of overcoming itself, in which Stalin & Co. were already very successful in part.
Grover Furr
Stalin Waiting For ... The Truth!
Khrushchev and de-Stalinisation. That Stalin planned world war on the globe was already refuted by his generals, without ever getting much of a hearing. ..
However, the fact that in Khrushchev's famous 1956 "secret speech" not only this colportage but literally EVERY statement is a lie and can be refuted with verified archival sources &witness testimony also surprised Furr when studying primary & secondary sources.
The enlightening impulse emanating from Khrushchev's famous "secret speech" turns out to be a propagandist bubble.
In the West, historiography (of the ruling classes!), insofar as it deals with the Soviet Union and the former socialist countries, has always been more or less anti-communist.
This, and more recently (again) a strong anti-Russian bias, weighs particularly heavily on research into Stalin's reign and the balance Khrushchev drew from it in his so-called secret speech.
Ludo Martens, for example, critically questions the prevailing and prejudiced image of Stalin, which does not correspond to the facts. He proves this on the basis of eyewitnesses, archive material &unsuspicious sources ...
In comparison, the Stalin researchers, whether bourgeois or "communist", adopt more or less completely uncritically the statements of fanatical and hateful Stalin opponents even the propaganda of German fascists &secret service agents of the Western democracies,
who had a strong interest in destroying the Soviet Union under Stalin, are still presented as facts today. Facts should be valued more highly than opinions.
By the way, Stalin was not the only successful leftist revolutionary in the history of the world on whom a bucket of half-truths, lies, distortions was poured out, I am thinking of Lenin, Mao, Che Guevara, Fidel Castro....
In my view, capitalism, the ruling class of huge fortunes and their henchmen are the biggest mass murderers of humanity.
Capitalism stands for bondage, dispossession of the masses, war, racism, imperialism, colonialism, fascism, patriarchy, exploitation, mass murder... = rule of the ruling class of huge fortunes and NOT for "free market economy" !!!!
and socialism, capitalism, anarchy, Stalin (in the original sense, not yet in the Orwellian twisted sense by the ruling class) stand for the attempts to overcome the rule of the ruling class of the huge fortunes in the direction of a rule-free society.
Since the October Revolution of 1917, the ruling class of the huge fortunes has left no stone unturned to sabotage, defame, taboo & demonise every attempt to fight capitalism in the direction of socialism &a domination-free society.
Again and again they resort to the unsubstantiated claim/lie that socialism/communism is the biggest killer in history with 100 million or more victims. The only source is the Black Book of Communism.
In the Black Book of Communism, historian Courtois listed estimates of people killed by communists in his introduction, which he characterised as "rough approximations, based on unofficial sources"
Estimates & Unofficial Sources?
In Russia, for example, there was a civil war after the Russian Revolution combined with the foreign intervention of a total of 14 states, first and foremost the German Empire, the USA, England, France...
Do you count the dead of the interventions &the civil war as well?
17 dead imperialist US soldiers are carried out of Russia after American troops invaded Russia to try to stop the Bolshevik-led proletarian revolution.
In total, over 1 million soldiers from 14 different capitalist nations were involved in the Entente powers' invasion of the Russian Civil War to help the White Army fight the Bolshevik Red Army.
In 1917, the October Socialist Revolution in Russia shook the world and opened a new epoch in world history.
"This event surpassed all revolutionary upheavals in the history of mankind up to that time, for here it was no longer a question of the replacement of one antagonistic class society by another with a new ruling exploiting class....
"...The replacement of capitalist society by socialism intended in this revolution opens up to humanity the perspective, with the elimination of the last antagonistic class society based on private ownership of the means of production..."
"...to overcome the division of society into ruling propertied and ruled propertyless classes altogether, and thus to abolish once and for all the exploitation of man by man...."
It was this perspective that resonated with the working classes throughout the world, arousing both enthusiasm and hope, while it aroused consternation, fierce rejection and hatred among the ruling propertied classes."
Alfred Kosing
Out of the struggles and turmoil of revolution and counter-revolution, bloody civil wars and military intervention by imperialist powers (14 nations including the USA, Japan, Germany...), the revolutionary Soviet power under Stalin emerged victorious.
Historian Isaac Deutscher wrote in an obituary of Stalin:
"In three decades the face of the Soviet Union has changed completely. The core of the historical impact ...[of Stalin] ... is this:
[Stalin] has found a Russia that worked the field with the wooden plough, and he leaves it as the owner of the nuclear reactor. He has elevated Russia to the second industrial power in the world, ...
and it has not been a question of mere material and organisational progress.
Such a result could not have been achieved without a broad cultural revolution
In the course of which a whole country was sent to school to give them a broad education."
quoted from
Domenico Losurdo,
Stalin: History and Critique of a Black Legend. With an essay by Luciano Canfora
Stalin thus became the hope for the whole world for a better future in a rule-free, classless society of the greatest possible freedom, participation and diversity for all people without exception.
Conversely, Stalin became the world-wide spectre of the ruling class of the very great fortunes and strengthened the hostility of the reactionary forces of the world against socialism and communism.
This led to the murder of Stalin by the putschist and revisionist Khrushchev (in the service of the ruling class) and to an almost unprecedented falsification of history and slanderous campaign against Stalin, demonising and demonising him with lies.
Soviet. Postcard from 1961 for International Women's Day also thanks to Stalin's work.
At that time, the FRG still actively supported every colonial regime &women were neither allowed to open a bank account on their own nor to go to work without the husband's permission/the latter only permitted from 1977 onwards.
Unthinkable without Stalin
Today is the birthday of the first man in space.
One man,1.57 m tall, demonstrated the superiority of socialism.
Happy birthday, Yuri.
"I was in heaven and looked around carefully. There was no trace of God."
Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin
Just compare the life achievements of Joseph Stalin and those of Barack Obama ...
The Great Metamorphosis (Part 1 of 2) - From the Degenerated Workers' State to State Capitalism
In contrast to the conception of Lenin, Trotsky an the Bolsheviks around 1917, who had placed the revolutionisation of Russia in the context of the world revolution,
Stalin, with his conception of "socialism in one country", which he first proclaimed in 1924, emphasised that it was possible for the USSR to achieve socialism on its own if necessary.
It is always the same challenge for a revolution. All revolutionaries agree on the overthrow of the existing system and the removal of the existing rulers from power, but then the dispute begins about the right path afterwards and the next goals and about power.
The revolution eats its own children, because a revolution always develops a dynamic that leads to increasing radicalisation. Revolutionaries with extremely radical views receive more attention and thus strengthen their ideological power base.
The heirs of revolutions care less about realising their utopias than about universalising their spirit and transferring it into the normality of a new order. This is where their historical fate is decided /
according to Peter Brückner #HandbookRevolution
And every successful revolution leads to attempted counter-revolution as a counter-reaction and attack on the children of the revolution by the rulers...Violence plays an important role in controlling and fighting revolutions....
Stalin is (along with Mao and Fidel Castro) among the greatest bugbears of the ruling class of the very great fortunes, the anti-communists: films, books, school, newspapers - all suggest Stalin stands for mass murder, crime, dictatorship and injustice.
The capitalist fighting terms Stalinism and Stalinists explain that discussing Stalin is taboo. They are meant to unsettle and often do. Any objective discussion of Stalin and communism is to be prevented.
I reject the terms Stalinism and Stalinists.
They are anti-communist fighting terms - pure propaganda terms.
They accuse Stalin of atrocities and equate fascism and communism.
Meanwhile, I defend Stalin's merits and pay tribute to his great achievements and objectively criticise (always referring to the historical context) his mistakes in order to learn from them. Stalin has not yet been able to learn from Stalin.
The neglect of the necessary ideological struggle against the petty-bourgeois mindset and the extensive abandonment of the mobilisation of the masses against the petty-bourgeois degenerated representatives of the bureaucracy were, in retrospect, two of Stalin's main mistakes.
It is time for a dispassionate examination of Stalin's life work.
A reminder
Legendary Greek composer & freedom fighter Mikis Theodorakis recalls, "What held us together was communism, the Communist Party, the Soviet Union and Stalin in particular.
At that time, many shouted "Long live Stalin!" before being tortured.
Stalin gave us strength. He was the antidote." To free oneself from the paralysing effect of anti-communism, a factual discussion of Stalin's life and work is inevitable.
It is time...
to prevent the next war, we are arming again, enemy images are being created, China is being targeted and it will become a nuclear war...
Ich denke über eine Politik des Gewissens nach, die nicht im Dienste der gerne unsichtbaren, verschwiegenen Machtinteressen steht, sondern wirklich im Dienste der ganzen Gesellschaft steht und von allen in der Gesellschaft selbstverantwortl. gemeinsam ausgehandelt&gestaltet wird.
Eine Politik, die sich von der Macht, den Mächtigen und ihren Interessen befreit, die sich sich nicht mehr von vielen Nebenthemen ablenken lässt, die nicht mehr korrumpiert und kontrolliert wird von den Mächtigen,
die alle Zusammenhänge, Abhängigkeiten und Verpflichtungen aufdeckt und berücksichtigt und nicht die Übersicht verliert.
The highest goal of all human beings, as far as they have not been damaged in soul and spirit, is a life in peace, in community and in love.
In contrast, there are numerous conflicts in all areas ...
Für mich sind und bleiben alle Menschen Menschen, egal ob aus der herrschenden oder beherrschten Klasse, egal was die Menschen denken und tun.
Das hohe Ziel ist letztlich alle Menschen in einer herrschafts- und gewaltfreien Gesellschaft friedlich zu vereinen und zu integrieren.
For me, all people are and remain human beings, regardless of whether they are from the ruling or dominated class, regardless of what people think and do.
The ultimate goal is to peacefully unite and integrate all people in a society free of domination and violence.
Sobald Politik zum Beruf wird, besteht die große Gefahr der Abhängigkeit vom System und der Diagonalkarriere vom Rebellen gegen das System zum Handlanger des Systems und zur Korruption.
Dazu den Thread 👇
Die Aufgabe der korrumpierten Parteien &ihrer Berufspolitiker ist das Ablenken der Gesellschaft auf Nebenthemen wie Corona von den Hauptthemen der Systemfrage, der Überwindung der Herrschaft der herrschenden Klasse der sehr großen Vermögen, vom Klassenkampf&Krieg abzulenken
Wenn wir solche käuflichen Politikzombies wie die Grünen verhindern wollen hilft nur eines:
Die Berufspolitiker abschaffen und die
Parteien entmachten
Rebellen bei Tafelrunde
Großbritannien: Netzwerk Palestine Action @Pal_action attackiert Rüstungsunternehmen, die an Israel liefern jungewelt.de/artikel/440563…
Mitglieder des Netzwerks »Palestine Action« sind am Freitag morgen in eine Fabrik des US-amerikanischen Unternehmens Teledyne Labtech Ltd. im walisischen Städtchen Presteigne eingedrungen und haben die Produktion zeitweise zum Stillstand gebracht.
Am Abend zuvor waren sie bereits bei einer schicken Tafelrunde in London aufgetaucht.
Strategiepapier der Linke-Spitze jungewelt.de/artikel/440569…
"Persönliche Verantwortung übernimmt niemand. Bei hemmungsloser Eigenaufmunterung der ... Linke-Garde der Diäten- und Wahlbeamtengehaltsempfänger stolpert die Partei den nächsten Debakeln entgegen."
"Das Betteln um Zulassung zu den Trögen in Parlamenten und Landesregierungen hat seine eigene Komik, es charakterisiert auch den Zustand der Partei: Programm ist nebensächlich."
Wer auf der Seite der beherrschten Klassen steht &die Herrschaft der herrschenden Klasse der riesigen Vermögen, der Faschismus-Macher überwinden will, der darf weder auf die meisten Berufspolitiker noch auf Parteien &das parlamentar. System setzen.