“I will not kick you out of your bed in your room - Let me take the floor.” LWJ replied stubbornly.

“Absolutely not - You will ruin all that fine silk!”

Really? Was that WY’s concern? Fine then. That could easily be remedied.

“What—What are you doing, LZ…”
Thread contains:

✨Power bottomji / bottomji with a plan
✨There was only one bed
✨ WY having a normal amount of dinner wine then consensual sex - briefly mentioned
✨ LWJ wearing jewelry while riding WWX
✨ 69ing
✨ Oddly tender smut
Art and thread for Schwamb / @ Dizzidreams! Thanks for being the bestest friend a girl could ask for and always being there for me in good times and bad! LOVE YOU!
LWJ ran his fingers along the wood edges of the small box LJY and LSZ had just delivered to the jingshi. Light from the fire flickered across the lacquered sides, illuminating the delicate patterns someone had painstakingly carved into the box with great precision and care.
Part of LWJ was wary of it. The Yao sect was having…Issues again, and as Chief Cultivator, LWJ would have to step in to mediate.
He wouldn’t put it past their sect leader to send this as a form of - well. LWJ didn’t want to stoop so low as to assume, but it wouldn’t have been the first time.

Tentatively LWJ carefully removed the lid and felt himself release a breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding
Bold, rushed brush strokes looked back at him, stark in their contrast against the pale parchment.

“WY,” LWJ breathed, tenderly tracing the characters of his name with a long index finger - as if he were caressing WWX’s cheek.
It had been nearly a year since they had parted ways on that path. Nearly a year since he had last heard WY’s laugh or seen his bright smile. The genuine one, where WY smiled with his whole face. The one that made his heart beat just a little bit faster.
Seeing WWX’s letter filled his chest with a sense of peace, and longing. His last one had arrived nearly a month and a half ago, but it felt like an eternity since he had received concrete word that WWX was well. Of course, there were whispers amongst members of his sect.
Stories of his heroics and the good he was doing on his night hunts. Logically, he knew they weren’t all true.

Logically, he knew that eavesdropping whenever he heard “WWX” or “YLLZ”, was in poor taste.
Unfortunately, his heart didn’t care for logic and when it came to WWX, it had become a greedy thing over the years. A thing wild with wanting.
LWJ gingerly removed the letter, holding it like it could fall apart if he held it too firmly. The paper was yellowed and wrinkled with torn edges - like it was the last scrap in a long series of drafts. When LWJ closed his eyes, he could picture it in his mind.
WWX, sitting at a low table in front of a fire surrounded by crinkled papers. He could see WWX running out of parchment, and grabbing one of the discarded drafts - one with enough space to still write the message he had received.
It was a long rambling story, filled with wild night hunts. There was a line here about his well-being. A line there about the seasonal change from winter to early spring.
What stuck out in his mind, however, were the lines detailing his stay in Wuxi - only two days’ travel by foot from Gusu. WWX intended to stay there for another week, before coming to see LWJ, if that was alright. WY had something he wished to discuss with him in person.
LWJ shakily exhaled, rereading that section again, savoring each brush stroke. WY was so close…And he wanted to come back to Gusu. /To talk to him./ LWJ’s belly flipped in anticipation and nervousness.
What was so important WWX wanted to tell him in person? What did he need to say that couldn’t be said in a letter?
For his own sanity, LWJ pushed his questions to the side and continued, breath hitching on the next line.

/“I hope you don’t think I’m silly.”/

LWJ would never think WY was silly. Not unless he /was/ being silly.
/“And don’t tell me I shouldn’t be spending my money on you!”/ He shouldn’t be.

/“It’s my money, and I can spend it how I want.”/ LWJ would concede to that point.
/“I just had to get them when I saw them - they made me think of you. White jade for the peerless twin jade. I tried to wait to give them to you in person so I could see your expression, but you will just have to show me the face you made when I see you next, alright?”/
LWJ, for the first time since seeing WWX’s letter, looked in the box to see what it was WY had sent him. A pair of white jade earrings peered back up at him - the warm light from the fire licking down their sides, making the gold findings glimmer.
They were exquisite. Simple and stately and not overbearingly gaudy like the pieces some sect members (namely the Jins) wore from time to time. The delicate stone was cool to the touch and slightly translucent, speaking volumes to their quality.
LWJ circled his thumb across the larger disk of the middle bead, feeling the bump of gold press into his finger…and the texture of filigree on the back. Flipping it over, he felt his breath catch in his throat.

A gold lotus.
Shakily, LWJ placed the earring back into the box.

He wasn’t going to make assumptions about this. He couldn’t. He wouldn’t.

This wasn’t a courting gift. It wasn’t a statement of intent or a proposal…And it wasn’t WY marking his claim on LWJ.
It was just a gift from a friend…And the man LWJ had loved through this lifetime and the last.
Still, LWJ felt his heart pound with longing in his throat. It would be so easy to mistake this gift as something more. It would be so easy to lie to himself and let himself believe that WY wanted him…
LWJ placed the earrings back in the box and rose from the table. He couldn’t spend all night looking at them, dwelling on his desires. He needed to meditate and prepare for bed.
Tomorrow, he would reply to WY and remind him that he would always be welcome in Gusu and CR…and his home.
The earrings were a heavy weight on LWJ’s mind as he went about his day. He tried to ignore them as best he could, but he couldn’t. He kept picturing them - lying in their box in a hidden corner of the Jingshi…Their mysterious meaning hidden from him.
He still didn’t know how to thank WY. What to say. What was he thanking him for, exactly? A gift with what intent?
He could practically picture WY strolling down the market streets, stopping at each vendor to look at their wares before pausing and delicately picking up a single dangle, turning it over in his long, elegant fingers.
Fingers LWJ wanted to pop into his mouth and—

“—Wangji.” The sound of his uncle’s stern voice snapped LWJ’s attention back to the here and now. “You’ve been distracted today. You have been staring at that page for the last incense stick.”
LWJ felt his eyebrows draw together in a slight frown. He hadn’t been aware his drifting thoughts were noticeable…

“Apologies, Shufu,” LWJ bowed. “I will try to refocus my attention to where it should be.”
LWJ could feel his uncle’s eyes on him, even as he began rereading the proposal from the Yao Sect.

“Wangji,” LQR began after a moment. “Perhaps you should go on a night hunt. It’s been,” he paused here, considering his next words carefully.
“I think it could do you some good. I heard Wuxi has been plagued by some vengeful spirits.”

Wuxi. Where WY was right now. Shufu couldn’t have known that…could he?
LWJ hesitantly drew his gaze back to meet his uncle’s and though he tried to hide it, there was no mistaking the knowing look in LQR’s eye.
“Shufu…” he swallowed, the knot of his throat bobbing. “I cannot abandon my duties.”
“Is it abandonment, if you are gone for one night hunt?” LQR mused, arching one brow at LWJ. “I expect you will return shortly. Until then, I can tend to both our sect and the Yao Sect’s…/situation/.”
What his uncle was offering…it was too tempting. He didn’t want to say no - he didn’t know if he could.

If he left within the hour, he would have enough time to find WY and share dinner with him for the first time in a year. He felt a pang of longing shoot through his chest.
“Shufu…Are you certain?”

“No,” LQR replied honestly, his tone softening just a bit. “You should leave before I change my mind.”

LWJ inclined his head, rising to his feet.

“Thank you Shufu.”
“Mm,” he replied, picking up the Yao correspondence as LWJ turned to leave. “Wangji,” LQR called when LWJ reached the door, making him pause. “Do try to notify us if we should prepare for a rather /loud/ visitor. I would like to replenish my chamomile tea first.”
By the time LWJ landed in Wuxi, the sun was already beginning to set. It had taken LWJ much longer than he had anticipated to prepare for the trip. He felt like a teenager again, fretting over what to wear and what to take with him…Not the Chief Cultivator he was now.
Ultimately, he had chosen to wear his new set of royal blue robes with peonies painted into the silk. It was perhaps a bit more…extravagant for a night hunt, but he wasn’t intending to night hunt this evening.
Tonight, he simply wanted to find WY and share a meal with him. If WY let him.

As for the earrings…perhaps it was silly but…He wanted WY to see him in them. He wanted WY to know how much he loved his gift.
And maybe, if he was lucky, WY would let LWJ show him how much he appreciated his gift. That could come later, however.

First, he needed to find a room. It looked like it was about to rain.
“I’m sorry Xiandu…We’re all booked for the night,” the deeply apologetic innkeeper and her friend bowed.
The rain had just begun to fall when LWJ entered the establishment - it hadn’t picked up yet, but it meant the inn was experiencing an influx of travelers trying to escape the bad weather.
LWJ had just barely heard the homely woman’s faint words over the din of happy customers enjoying their dinner in the room behind her.
“There is another inn down the road that might have some rooms available, however? If you would like to wait for the rain to let up, we would be happy to offer you a meal and some tea?”
A loud roar of laughter crackled through the room from one larger party in the back corner, drawing LWJ’s attention. It was a group of four men huddled together, drinks in hand.
There was something about their appearance that reminded him of the one time WY had convinced him to go to Caiyi with JWY and NHS. WY had been at the center of their little group then, telling stories and flirting with everyone who passed…
But that was a lifetime ago, and bore no importance on the present.
“Mm,” LWJ bowed back to the innkeeper. “Thank you, but that won’t be necessary. Perhaps you can help me on another matter?”

“Of course,” the second woman nodded. “How may we be of service?”
“I’m looking for a man.”

“Aren’t we all,” the first woman whispered loudly, making the second blush beet red, and LWJ felt his ears heat at the implication as well.
“His name is WWX,” LWJ continued, ignoring the scandalized look the second woman threw her friend. “Can you tell me if he’s staying here?”

If he wasn’t, then remaining here wouldn’t be worth it, even if it was raining.
LWJ watched as the first woman’s eyes widened, then the second’s as she raised a hand to point just past LWJ’s shoulder.


“—LZ? LWJ? HGJ? Is that you?”

LWJ turned around, exhaling slowly as he did. Oh…Oh it was him. He hadn’t imagined it…

“WY,” he exhaled, feeling his shoulders relax.
“LZ! It is you! I heard someone say they had just seen the most handsome Lan man, and I thought to myself, ‘the most handsome Lan man? Surely LZ isn’t here - he’s so busy with all of his Chief Cultivator work! But who else could they be talking about, hm?
It would be an insult to the good Lan name to say that about anyone but you! But it is you! Tell me, what are you doing here? Did you get my letter? Ayio…LZ…You didn’t come all this way just to see little old me, did you?”
“I did,” LWJ replied, causing WY to bark out a full-bodied laugh, throwing his head back and exposing the long line of his neck.
“Aiya…LZ! You did what? I asked you like, four different things! Ah LZ…LWJ…You came just for me, didn’t you? That’s ok - you don’t have to say.” WY grinned, grabbing LZ’s shoulder. “Let’s catch up, hm? What do you say - have dinner with me? We can go to my room!
The dining room is packed. Well? What do you say? I want to hear everything!”


That was exactly what he wanted.
“Don’t look at me like that, LZ! It was horrible! I was covered in mud after, and I had to bathe in a stream! It was freezing!”

“Mm,” LWJ smiled wryly. “I thought you did not mind bathing in cold temperatures.”
“Ah...Ha…Well…You know how it is. If there’s a peerlessly handsome man already there, and it’s for medicinal purposes, it’s not so bad,” WY blushed, rubbing the side of his nose.

It was endearing.
LZ poured more wine into WY’s cup and felt WY’s intent gaze on him as he artfully pushed his sleeve to the side so it wouldn’t drag across the table.
“LZ…Ah LZ…Look at you in those robes…Such a pretty color on you. Is this a recent change? Tell me - I want to know everything you’ve been up to this past year!”
“Why?” LZ asked, eyes flicking to meet WY’s gaze, and his breath hitched at the longing he thought he saw there before WY’s mask of genial merriment slipped into place.
“Because you always say so little in your letters! What’s it like, being the Chief Cultivator now? You must have more marriage proposals than you know what to do with!”

He did - except for the one he wanted most.

“Mm,” LZ inclined his head, taking a sip from his tea.
“Well? Tell me! Are you considering any of them?”

“Not at the present - no.”

“Really? Has no one caught your eye?”
How could they, when the only person who had ever /had/ his eye sat across from him now? LWJ caught WY’s gaze and held it for a long moment, saying nothing. How could he convey the depth of what he felt for WY with words? He didn’t know where to begin.
“LZ,” WY whispered quietly. “Ah LZ…LWJ…HGJ…I had hoped you came here because of my last letter,” WY chuckled breathily, running his hands up and down his arms over the rough, thin fabric of his robes.
He needed a new pair. Perhaps new shoes as well - LWJ looked forward to buying them for WY and spoiling him when he came to CR.

He deserved the best.
“I’d hoped when I sent it, you’d want to see me and you’d show up. I didn’t think you could, because of your duties…But I’d still hoped. I didn’t think you’d come looking like this, though.”
WWX reached out, tenderly smoothing an errant strand of hair behind LWJ’s ear before pausing to cup it. “Ah LZ…Your beauty truly knows no bounds. Do you know that?” WY’s tone was butter soft - his touch somehow softer as he ran his thumb down the length of the earring LWJ wore.
“WY,” LWJ swallowed, eyes dancing across WY’s face, drinking in the softness of his expression. He wanted to remember the tenderness in his eyes. The soft curve of his mouth as WY looked at him in wonder.
He wanted to press his own mouth to WY’s. He wanted to feel the softness of his lips against his own.
LWJ’s heart beat painfully against his ribs at the thought. He was so close to WY…LWJ could take WY’s hand and press it flat against his cheek. Draw him in closer…
Their noses would brush softly as WY’s hot breath would fan against his lips - a gentle tease of what was to come, just before they would touch in a soft caress.
It would be so easy…

“Do you like them? I’m sorry I didn’t wait to give them to you in person. I was so close to Gusu…I kept telling myself, just a bit longer…Then maybe you would tell me I could go see you. I could do it then. But then I started wondering:
‘What if he doesn’t want to see me? He’s Chief Cultivator now. What if he doesn’t want me to come…’”


“Ah…Ha…Ayio…I know LZ…I do…All the same, I’m glad you came tonight. Tell me - how long will you be in town? Are you staying here too?”
“They were out of rooms by the time I arrived.”

“Oh,” WY breathed. “Oh then you’re at the other inn? Or do you need…If you need a place to stay, if you want, you could stay here. If you wanted. Unless you have a place?”
The rest of WY’s words became fuzzy in his mind - a dull buzzing over the roar of blood rushing past his ears as his heart sped up. WY was offering him a room. He was offering him a bed.
He was calling him beautiful…LWJ knew he flirted with everyone, but he couldn’t - wouldn’t - say no. Not if he…

LWJ wouldn’t get his hopes up, but it was possible WY might…Well. It was possible.
“Mm - that is very gracious of you,” LWJ replied, inclining his head when WY finally went silent and began gnawing on his bottom lip - bruising it and making it flush red. “I appreciate the offer to stay.”


“I accept.”
“Oh,” WY exhaled. “Good. That’s…Good. Great! I can take the floor. I know it’s getting late for you - I should go and see to an extra blanket,” WY mused, rising from the table and LWJ quickly stood as well, ignoring his overwhelming disappointment.
“No - there’s no need. I will see to the blanket and take the floor.”

“Aiyo, LZ…I’m not letting you take the floor!” laughed, crossing his arms over his chest. “You’re my guest! You should take the bed.”
“I will not kick you out of your bed in your room,” LWJ replied stubbornly. “You are doing me a service. Let me take the floor.”

“Absolutely not - look at you!” WY exclaimed, gesturing at LWJ. “All that fine silk? No - I don’t think so. You will ruin it!”
Really? Was that WY’s concern?

Fine then. That could easily be remedied.

With the jut of his chin, LWJ reached for the ties of his robes. He heard WY’s breath hitch in his throat as he began to undo them, and suddenly he felt very aware of WY’s eyes on him.
“What are you…What are you doing, LZ…LWJ…”

LWJ slowly pushed the silk down his arms - the usually smooth silk somehow felt uncomfortable against his skin under the heavy weight of WY’s gaze.
“You said I’d ruin it,” LWJ calmly stated as the fabric caught in the crook of one arm. “I’m rectifying that.”

“You don’t…” WWX breathed. “You’ll get cold. You can’t…

“I am,” LWJ stubbornly countered, slipping his robe off his other shoulder.
“LZ…Fine. /Fine!/ If you won’t take the bed, then neither will I!” WY quickly grabbed at the ties of his own robes, throwing them open and shirking out of them. “There!” he cried triumphantly as LWJ began folding his royal blue robe.
“Mm. Very good WY. Now neither of us will take the bed,” LWJ replied dryly, adamantly keeping his gaze on his own clothing and not the vast expanse of skin WY had just bared.
“Yes. Which is why you should sleep in it - it would be a shame to waste a perfectly good bed, HGJ!”

“Then why don’t you sleep in it with me?”
The words slipped past his lips before he could stop himself, and he felt the tips of his ears heat. It was a logical solution. He knew this. WY knew this too. The suggestion still felt far more intimate than he had intended.
“I…” WY exhaled before squaring his shoulders. “Yes. Fine. We’re both men.”

“Mm,” LWJ hummed in agreement, allowing his eyes to skim across WWX’s chest briefly before refocusing on folding the next robe.
Men indeed.
“I’ll just,” WY decided, pulling the sheets back and scooting against the wall as LWJ draped the last of his folded robes across the top of the privacy divider in the room.
When he turned around to face the bed, he saw WY laying with his arms tightly folded across his chest, like a Lan.

/Like a Lan./
The thought made LWJ shiver - the idea of WY becoming a part of the Lan Clan was…/heady./

“Ayio…Already getting cold…LZ, you shouldn’t be so stubborn! Come warm up in bed.”

LWJ slowly exhaled as his mind helpfully provided several ways he could warm up in bed with WY.
“Mm,” LWJ agreed, sliding in beside WWX. “Good night, WY,” he said, doing his best to ignore the erratic beating of his heart. WY was so close - his body so warm - LWJ was certain WY could feel his heart pounding in his chest.
“Good night, LZ,” WY whispered into the suddenly heavy air around them. The weight of it felt suffocating, but then again, LWJ found himself hyper-aware of everything in that moment. The rain falling outside. The scratchy feel of the sheets against his skin.
The rise and fall of WY’s chest as he breathed.
It would be so easy, if he wanted, to reach out and hold WY’s bare torso against his. He could feel WY’s skin against his skin. Beneath his hands …
“LZ,” WY breathed, shattering the deafening silence around them. “Are you still awake?”

“Mm,” LZ replied, turning his head to look at WY - one of his earrings rolling against his skin as he did.
He must have forgotten to take them off when they were playing their game of floor chicken.

“Oh…Ok,” WY finally replied, hesitantly.

“WY?” LZ prompted, watching WY’s profile in the scant few rays of moonlight that made it past the rainclouds.
“It’s…Nothing. Nothing, really,” WY chuckled humorlessly, and LZ felt the bed shift as WWX tightened his arms around his chest. “I was just wondering…LZ…Ah LZ…It’s…It’s ok. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”
“Anything,” LZ interrupted, despite himself. He’d tell WY anything he asked.
He was silent for a long moment, making knots appear in the pit of LWJ’s stomach. Was WY second-guessing himself? Or was he trying to think of how to piece his words together? The suspense and uncertainty were making LWJ anxious.
“I guess I just…I wanted to know why you won’t accept any of those proposals?”

“WY…” LWJ breathed, rolling over in bed to face WWX.
“I just. I don’t know, LZ. You come here looking like that…Wearing the earrings I gave you…And I just…” WY chuckled humorlessly. “I shouldn’t read into it. I know I shouldn’t—”

“—You should.”

“I should?”
“You should,” LWJ repeated, reaching out to lovingly sweep a strand of WY’s hair behind his ear. “Did you know Shufu sent me?”

“What? Why?” WWX asked, baffled.
“Because I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I haven’t stopped thinking about you once, this past year. Knowing you were so close was unbearable.”
“LZ…Tell me. I…I need to know. The reason you haven’t accepted any of those proposals,” WY asked, eyes wild with hope in the darkness.

“I won’t marry anyone but you, WY…And you haven’t asked.”

“And…If I ask?”

“I’d say yes.”

“...Even…Even if I’m not worthy of you?”
“You’ve always been worthy, WY.”

“LZ…LZ come here, come here,” WY demanded, hands tugging at LZ’s shoulders to pull them close.
The first press of their lips was more than LZ could have ever imagined. He was overwhelmed by the tenderness of it - the surprising rush of emotion he could feel from WY.
He was so gentle. So caring in the way he cupped the side of LZ’s face - thumb brushing against his cheek, caressing it like LWJ was the most precious thing in the world to WWX.
It made LWJ’s stomach flip - his heart feeling almost unbearably full as WY deepened the kiss, running the tip of his tongue along the seam of LWJ’s lips. If there had ever been a time in LWJ’s life where he had been happier than he was right now…He didn’t recall it.
Was there anything better than WY rolling him onto his back? Pinning him to the bed as he straddled his waist, knees bracketing his sides - hand hot on his shoulder?
LWJ felt a full-body shudder ripple through him as WY’s hand smoothed across his chest - fingers dancing across his brand before locating his nipple. His thumb brushed across it, tracing his areola.
It sent a bolt of something hot and piercing through him, and LWJ wove his fingers through WWX’s hair, looking to ground himself

Instead, he accidentally tugged at WY’s roots and /oh/…Oh that was a nice reaction. LZ felt WY shudder against him and sink his teeth into LWJ’s lip
So WY liked it rough?

LWJ nipped back, scraping his teeth along the mole that had haunted LWJ’s dreams for far too long and WY mewled against him.

“LZ…Lan-Er-Gege…” he breathed, allowing his weight to bear down further into LZ’s and his breath caught in his throat.
He could feel him. WY’s excitement. His /need./

“Tell me to stop,” WY moaned, lips wetly trailing across LWJ’s chin to his ear, taking an earring between his teeth. “Tell me we should wait for our wedding night, like good, proper little cultivators…”
“Why would I do that,” LWJ demanded, rolling WY over so he was atop him - pressing WY into the bed.
“I have you right where I want you. Besides. You haven’t asked me to marry you yet,” LWJ reminded before crashing their lips together - their bodies grinding together as their mouths swallowed their moans, lips barely parting long enough to breathe.
When they did finally part so LWJ could taste the skin just under WWX’s ear, LWJ heard a breathy laugh escape from WWX. It filled LWJ’s heart to the point he was certain it would burst.
“LZ…LWJ…HGJ…” WWX murmured, grasping LWJ’s face between his hands and turning it so he could meet his eye. WY was flushed, and his eyes were bright and hopeful.
“I love you. I don’t have much to offer you - just life, my body, and my heart. Will you honor this humble man by becoming his husband?”

“Ridiculous,” LWJ murmured, turning his face to kiss the inside of WY’s palm.
“You say you have nothing to offer…then offer me everything I’ve wanted since I was a boy?”



“Is that yes?”

“Mm,” LWJ nodded, reaching for the bindings of WWX’s pants. “It was always yes.”
“Oh…Good,” WWX laughed breathily, reaching to undo LWJ’s pants as well. “That’s so good, gege. I’m—LZ!”
WY yelped as LWJ tugged WWX’s pants off quickly followed by his forehead ribbon before pouncing on WY, wetly mouthing at WY’s navel like nothing had just transpired between them. He ran his tongue around it - nipped at it.
“LZ!” WY yelped, spasming beneath him. “Such an animal…Such a brute! Who would have ever thought that the peerless HGJ would be so—LWJ! Just where do you think you’re biting!” WY demanded as LWJ sunk his teeth into the line of muscle pointing down towards WY’s cock.
“Wherever I want,” LWJ replied, soothing the bite marks he left behind with his tongue, sucking at it.

“You’ll leave me all marked! LZ!”

“Good - that’s the point,” LWJ informed him, this time biting the inside of his thigh. “I want you to remember you’re mine.”
“LZ,” WY chuckled, running his fingers through LWJ’s hair. “I’d never be able to forget. I’ve always been yours.”

A deep, aching hunger erupted within LWJ nearly blinding with its intensity. He had waited long enough in this life. He was done waiting.
“WY,” LWJ said seriously, pulling WY’s attention to him. “Listen to me very carefully.”

“I…Yes…Ok…I’m listening gege…I’m listening…”
“I’m going to sit on your face and suck your cock,” LWJ told him very clearly, enjoying the high-pitched whine WY released.
“Then I’m going to ride you. Tomorrow, we will go on a night hunt, and when we’re done, you will return with me to CRs and become my husband. Do you understand?”
“I…Oh…Yes. Yes I like that plan very much, gege…” WWX nodded, just before LWJ settled himself over WY’s face and licked a stripe up his cock. The sound he made was delicious - the most beautiful music he had ever heard…

Until LWJ took WWX into his mouth.
He felt hot and heavy in his mouth - hard against his tongue. It was easy to fall into a steady rhythm, alternating between bobbing his head over him and swirling his tongue around the head of WY’s cock.
WY felt good inside him - the taste of WY’s cock feeding the fire burning inside his veins, and he realized as WY hit the back of his throat that he could lose himself in this.
He could lose all sense of time - all sense of purpose - existing only to do this. Make WY moan and cry out for more and beg LWJ not to stop. LZ felt WY shift beneath him.
His hips thrust up into LZ’s mouth and WY’s knees rose up to bracket LWJ’s head before limply dropping back down as his toes curled in the sheets.

Good. LWJ wouldn’t say he allowed himself to feel smugness often, exactly, but he felt it was warranted on this occasion.
“LZ,” WY mewled below him, just before he felt WY’s hands smoothing over the globes of his ass, massaging it. It sent a shiver of anticipation down his spine as WY’s breath ghosted across his hole for a long moment before he felt the hesitant press of a tongue.
LWJ felt himself moaning long and low in his throat, encouraging WY to do it again.

WY…So quick…So smart…He did it again. WY’s confidence quickly built the more he did it, spurred on by the sounds LWJ allowed himself to make.
LZ felt himself sob around WY’s cock as the tip of WY’s tongue pressed past the tight ring of muscle of his hole, and he pulled himself off in a weak attempt to compose himself.
A laughable thought, given the way he was pushing back into WY’s mouth. Grinding against him, like he could fuck himself on WY’s tongue. He nearly lost himself when WY moaned long and low against him, and LZ pulled off of WY completely, despite the other man’s whine of protest.
“LZ,” WY pleaded, hands reaching for LWJ to pull him back to WY. LZ just swatted them away and kneeled over WY.

“I want to ride you.”

It was a statement, reminder, and request all at the same time.
WWX blinked hazily up at LWJ, his hips grinding into the air like if he did it long enough or hard enough, he would be able to entice LWJ’s mouth to come back.

“I…What…Oh…” WY blinked up at LZ, the haze in his eyes slowly clearing.
“Oh…Right. Yes. Good thinking, gege,” WY nodded, limply rolling to the side to reach under the bed, searching for something.

He presented LZ with a small jar a moment later, a blush trailing over his cheeks and down his neck.
“I ah…Ha…I think you might…Well…Here,” he stammered bashfully, flustered as he pushed the jar towards LWJ. He took it, arching a brow at WY as he removed the top.

LWJ knew exactly what this was.
“You kept this under your bed,” LWJ demanded, watching the flush across WY’s skin deepen.

“It—I—well! It’s where I am when I want to use it!”
“And how often do you use it,” LWJ pressed, dipping his fingers inside to coat them in the slick liquid. “There isn’t much left in here, WY.”

“LZ! That’s a very personal question you know!”
“Mm,” LZ agreed, reaching his hand behind himself to finger his own hole. He normally loved to tease himself - ease himself into it.

Today, he was impatient.

“Tell me,” LZ demanded, beginning to work himself open.

“I…Enough, ok? I do it enough!”
“And what do you think about?” LWJ demanded, slipping another finger inside - relishing the feeling of WY’s eyes on his body, watching him as he opened himself. The stretch was so good - everything was so good. He felt so powerful in a way he never did. “Tell me.”

“Tell you?”
“Mm,” LWJ replied, head rolling back onto his shoulders as he added a third finger. WY was large. He’d need the preparation. “I want to know what you think about when you touch yourself,” he breathed.
“LZ,” WY croaked, sitting up and smoothing his hands over LWJ’s shoulders, and down his chest before winding them around his neck. “Ah LZ…Don’t you know by now?”

LWJ’s heart flipped in his chest at the implication.
“Say it anyway.”

“You, LZ. I always think of you.”
LWJ grabbed WY by the back of his neck, crashing their lips together as he continued to work his fingers inside of himself. Everything felt too good - too surreal, and yet he knew he wasn’t dreaming.
He was holding WY. Kissing him. And WY was telling him he wanted LZ in all the ways LZ had ever wanted WY.

It was too much - he couldn’t take it anymore.
LWJ broke apart from WWX, pushing him down onto the bed and reached behind himself to grab his cock - lining up the head with his hole.
“LZ,” WY rasped, and LWJ lowered himself over WY. The stretch was exquisite - he felt full almost to the point of discomfort as he shakily exhaled.

“WY,” shakily replied, reaching out to cup WY’s cheek before sliding it down WY’s sweat-slick body.
He was beautiful in the moonlight - limited though it was. LWJ couldn’t wait to do this again in the daylight, so he could watch WY properly. Maybe next time, he’d even tie him up with his ribbon.
It was a heady thought, and something best left for later, when he wasn’t already achingly hard and ready to come just from sitting on WY’s cock.
“LZ,” WY said again, “Ah LZ, you should see yourself. You’re so beautiful - so perfect. Such a good boy for me, sitting on my dick like this…”
“Shameless,” LWJ replied out of habit as he began to move, rising back onto his knees before allowing himself to slide back down. It was so good - his body felt like it was on fire as the coil within his belly twisted tighter.
“Very,” WY nodded, bringing his hands to LWJ’s hips to help him move. “Can you blame me, LZ? Look at you…How can I not be when you’re like this? So perfect - so good...Taking my cock so well…How can I not tell you? How can I not praise you?”
LWJ shuddered and began moving faster, his earrings bouncing in time with his movements. He felt like he was going to burn alive, and he was grateful for it.
What better way to meet one’s end than by ridding WY’s cock? He could feel himself teetering on the edge - he was so close to coming…Just a bit more…
“Gege,” WY breathed, his words becoming increasingly incoherent the longer LWJ rode him. “So good for me,” he managed, thrusting his hips up to match LWJ’s movements. It was driving LZ mad. He couldn’t take much more of this, but he had to.

He needed to make WY come.
He wanted that, almost as much as he wanted his own release.

“For you,” LWJ agreed through the haze in his mind - so far gone he barely knew he was responding at all. He was teetering on the edge of a knife’s blade. “Only you.”
“Ah! LZ…LZ I’m so…So…” WY panted, his head rolling back as he bared his neck for WY.

“Come for me - let me watch,” LWJ encouraged, his words somehow both a demand and a plead.
That was all it took for WY. He roared his release, the tendons of his neck straining against his skin as his body arched like a strung bow.
It was the most erotic thing LWJ had ever seen…and it was all he needed to finally tip over the edge. Thick ropes of his cum splattered across WY’s body as LZ rode him through their orgasm, slowly easing them down from their high until he collapsed into a boneless mess atop WY.
He felt like he was floating for a long time. Little things started to slowly come to him in pieces. The sensation of WY kissing his forehead. The feeling of a damp cloth against his skin. The hot breath and body of his beloved beside him.
Finally, LZ cracked his eyes open when WY began pushing his sweat-soaked hair from his temples.

“WY,” he breathed, meaning sweetheart.

“LZ,” WY replied, meaning I love you.

“Sleep,” he murmured, meaning I love you too.
WWX yawned in response - his jaw nearly unhinging itself.

“Mm…Yes. Gege always has the best ideas,” WY agreed, tucking himself into LWJ’s side. WY nuzzled his head into LWJs shoulder, pressing a kiss to his schooling skin.
“LZ?” he whispered quietly - just barely audible over the din of the rain falling outside.

“I am awake,” he reassured. For how much longer, remained to be seen.
“I’m really glad I sent you that letter.”

“Mm,” LWJ hummed in agreement, pressing a kiss to WWX’s forehead. “Me too.”

Head canons:

WY bought the earrings for LWJ because he wanted to start courting him, which is what he wanted to talk to him about in person. He was going to test the water by spending a little time in CR first. See if it was even a good idea...And find out of LWK was taken.
Just a few close-ups of details I'm proud of:
I'd love to put this onto AO3 so people can save this, if they want! Let me know if you have a title suggestion!!!
OMG OK. The thread broke, but it should pick up HERE! I'm SO sorry guys!!!
I swore I put the AO3 link in here but I'm having a day with this thread... I TRIED. 🤣😭


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More from @LemonLushFF

Dec 11
I'm just going through my voicemails right now and saving them to files (going back to 2016) and realizing how they are such snapshots of your life...and getting all Wangxian about it.
Here's the first one WY ever left LZ when they became friends. There's one WY left when he needed to come over to plan a surprise party. One from when WY failed his O-Chem test.
One from after their first kiss when WY got nervous about if LZ was regretting it. Because he DEFINITELY wasn't regretting it, LZ...

One from after their first time sleeping together. A random butt dial with WY singing along to a random song that became their song.
Read 10 tweets
Oct 24
A-Yuan has a favorite scientist youtuber. He's fun and funny and makes science exciting. What he doesn't realize is that this youtuber and his baba share a past. At least not until his uncle gifts him con tickets to meet him in person.
Thread will contain smut, will give warnings when I get there!
LZ can hear A-Yuan on his laptop. Or more exactly - he can hear "WWX" on A-Yuan's laptop. A-Yuan isn't making any sound, aside from munching on a bowl of spicy crayfish potato chips.

He only buys them for A-Yuan, and only after a kid from school gave them to him.
Read 393 tweets
Oct 17

“Eat this,” the note encouraged. It will help you relax!”

LWJ lifted the candy from the plate and sniffed it.

It smelled good - earthy. A little nutty…And he trusted his husband, so…

For @MdzsSmut

This thread contains:

-accidental “sex pollen/viagra” drugging between husbands
-improper use of WWX’s ribbon
-insanely loose use of ”exhibitionism” maybe?? (sex in front of a window)
MDZS Smut Roulette prompts:
-Sex Pollen
-“Were you just masturbating?”
Read 93 tweets
Sep 30
Hear me out.

Lan Zhan has had a long hard day at the office. Despite being repeatedly told by Su She that their updates were on track for deployment, he had (naturally) been lying. The set backs are devastating and it’s going to be on him to get them up to speed. Image
When he finally gets home, he just wants to kiss his husband and help put his son to bed. Maybe they will read "If I Were A Bunny" again. He loves that one.

When he opens the door, he's immediately greeted by a skittish WWX.
He's trying to distract LWJ from going into the dining room. "Let's eat dinner in front of the TV gege!! You look so stressed - let this poor husband rub your shoulders, hm?"
Read 21 tweets
Sep 27
Hear me out.

Wei Ying owns a bakery. One that specializes in things like these buns and erotic cakes...And Lan Zhan needs to pick up a cake. His brother is getting married, you see...And Nie Huaisang just simply doesn't have the time to do it himself.
NHS has 1,000 things to do to plan the bachelor party. Both of them. Because he's doing this as a favor to LWJ, really, who wouldn't know how to throw a bachelor party if his life depended on it. And he simply can't allow his future BIL to spend the day on a library tour.
So, LWJ agrees to pick up the cake and talk over the specifications with the bakery owner. NHS has given him a list of things to ask for. It makes his ears turn bright red...but if this is what people want for bachelor parties, who is he to say no?
Read 9 tweets
Sep 27
Because if I say 777 followers is worth celebrating, then it's worth celebrating!! (And I had this idea the other day and it won't leave me alone).

Romance Book Cover Redraw Contest!!!

Open until Oct. 1! (Meaning, I will be picking one on October 1st)

Deets in comments & pic! Image
In order to win a WANGXIAN romance book cover redraw, please do *ALL* of the following:

- Follow me / be a follower
- Retweet the above tweet (the one with the picture)
- Submit as many romance book covers in the comments as you would like!
Preferred romance book covers will contain a lot of skin and draping fabric, but it is not a must. I'm open to all romance book cover ideas, but I must be able to see the people CLEARLY and I'm more likely to pick one where I can!
Read 5 tweets

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