Upright Posture | Your space for FOCUS is a TEMPLE. You meditate in it.
When you remind yourself to sit upright, you remember the privilege to be here.
Use a chair without arm rests, fold in one or both legs in and stretch up. 🙏
Hotkeys | Mindless tedium and repetition to your focus, is what a chatty tourist is to a temple. Learn Hotkeys eliminate the friction.
I find @tot_app to be most useful to note hotkeys.
A piece of paper will do as well.
Mouse | Use a trackpad with gestures, especially 3-Finger dragging. Set sensitivity to max. Tap, don't click. Alternate hands for simple tasks like scrolling or switching.
I promise, your hands will never feel more relaxed and nimble.
Don't be Greedy | Creativity is like the goose in Aesop's tale. It can lay GOLDEN EGGS, if you care for it. Access it all at once and you kill it.
Set a timer to 60 minutes. Then stop. Google "Pomodoro Timer" if you want an app.
1. Create a note and name it in your usual citation style. e.g. "Connell 1964". Use a template where you include the DOI at the top. Here is an example
2. Scroll down to the bottom of the note and use the "Inset Attachment" command. (Hit ctrl/⌘ + P and type in "Insert Attachment")
Now select the file you have downloaded to embed it directly into the note.
Pro Tip: Assign a Hotkey to "Insert Attachment" to use it instantly.