1. Create a note and name it in your usual citation style. e.g. "Connell 1964". Use a template where you include the DOI at the top. Here is an example
2. Scroll down to the bottom of the note and use the "Inset Attachment" command. (Hit ctrl/⌘ + P and type in "Insert Attachment")
Now select the file you have downloaded to embed it directly into the note.
Pro Tip: Assign a Hotkey to "Insert Attachment" to use it instantly.
3. Install the dataview plugin if you don't have it. It is complicated to use, but all you have to do is install it for now.
Go to Settings > Community Plugins and click "Browse"
Then select "dataview"
4. Now let's write a text citing those papers from step 1. Here is an example where I cite two papers. The one from before and another one.
5. At the bottom of this note, we will embed a small snippet of code. It will pull all the papers we cited here and print them into a neat table:
TABLE DOI FROM outgoing([[]]) AND "1️⃣ Primary Sources"
6. As you have seen in the previous video I can copy paste the used DOIs. To create the final citations you need go to bibtex.com/c/doi-to-bibte… and paste the list there.
We have essentially replaced Zotero with Obsidian! Minus this one last step - and I have a feeling someone might make a plugin for it...
Check out my system of note taking for academia that goes with it:
Every academic wants to find meaningful research gaps.
❌ Old way: Read 1000s of papers
✅ New way: A step-by-step, visual strategy
Here's my workflow using Obsidian, Litmaps, Consensus and DrawIO:
(and a webinar on how to do this!)
1. Start with finding research questions
Sometimes there are papers dedicated to identifying them.
This will make your literature review process ENJOYABLE, as you won't follow ideas that are irrelevant (but inspire you personally).
Here are two examples:
2. Next find key papers on this topic.
One of the fastest and easiest ways to get started, is to use @ConsensusNLP GPT.
Find it in the GPT store or just use their website.
Here I just copy and pasted question 8 from the previous image.