The Custodians 😈of the Holy Places are the watchers, the caretakers, the corrupt Brotherhood, the Energy Absorbers.... who have plotted and acted against Hue-mans, against TMH Creator for Millenia !
The origin of the "Crimea war" is to be found in Jerusalem where Orthodox & Catholic monks clashed over the custody of the holy places. In 1852, the Russian government, believing that the Orthodox clergy had been unjustly evicted, decided to intervene with the Ottoman government
on which Palestine depended.
The Ottomans recognized the preeminent rights of the Orthodox but refused that Russia acted in the name of all the Orthodox, which would have been an insult to Ottoman sovereignty...
Understand that the "Crimean War" as well as the "War in Ukraine" are Military Ops in the Axis....
The "War In Ukraine" (which has never been a war like you think) is the continuum of the Crimean War which started in 1854 with the Military Op ...
in the Pacific theatre in which the Russians were victorious at Petropavlovsk. (End of Naval Op).
Then, they started in the land of Crimea. After the Battle of the Alma River, won by France and "Allied" on September 20th, 1854, they delayed their attack on Sevastopol ....
after the death of Armand Jacques Leroy de Saint Arnaud, Commander of the French Force in Crimea (on September 29th 1854) and quickly lost the Battle of Balaklava on the Black Sea on October 25th, 1854 since Lord Raglan, from the British Force had been left alone...
They resumed the long siege of Sevastopol which could have been stopped with the death of Nicolas I on Mars 2nd 1955, but the new Tsar Alexander III (his son) decided to go on....and Lord Raglan died after the serious defeat on June 18th, 1855...
The second siege of Sevastopol will be done in 1941, Störfang Op is the codename. That time the Russians will be defeated by the Germans who joined the Axis Ops in the European Theatre ! I have the Operational Codenames ...
You are sinking into that phony Ukrainian war that nobody believes.
We are taking back what belongs to us, that is to say EVERYTHING!
It was the last session, Custodians, and the curtain fell 🕊️
🚨How to find Freemason "ancestors", not only those of your "Family"... in France ?
It is difficult because many "archives" were destroyed or seized during the German Occupation, in order to erase compromising information & replace them with new "manufactured" records.
Books do not escape that "rule" & undergo the same, with new versions...even dictionaries and enCYCLOPEdias (Cycles written by the "one eyed" CYCLOPES/ the U connect the dots? ). And the paper books disappear today with the digital, crushing the "old" versions...
Always think about the meaning of "Amnesty" too ...which erases the "Debts", meaning the past....which is an illusion.
Did they really think their REAL Akashic records were erased ? Of course not and it is impossible : they are in your DNA...
La Coupe du Monde pour la FIFA est de faire gagner leur Cyborg Lionel Messi, le "Messiah" pour ses fans ("L'homme qui valait 3 milliards", lisez mes "fils" et "threads"), le produit "breveté" du FC Barcelone et dont les "services sont loués... Il est aussi parrainé par Adidas.
Il n'a jamais gagné la "Coupe du Monde", pensez à la cote des paris... et ce mondial est LE mondial, la machine à cash de Satan pour les deux camps.
La corruption ne va qu'augmenter au fur et à mesure des matchs, et des résultats....
🚨Réveillez vous les Français ! Regardez cette vidéo qui vous montre ce qui se passe dans les multinationales. Voici le sort des femmes, cadres supérieurs, pour qu'elles ne deviennent jamais Mères : on leur propose un package tout compris (suite)
en leur demandant de se "débarrasser" de la vie qui démarre en elles, assorti d'une promotion. Ces femmes sont "complètes" et elles ont un QI élevé, et les enfants qu'elles portent et porteront bénéficieront de ce QI... Evidemment, le Malin suggère sans dire... (Suite)
et la décision finale revient aux femmes qui portent alors toute la responsabilité de cet acte abominable (et les futurs Papas sont évincés de cette décision, ce qui divisera encore plus les couples, éloignant les Hue-mains Hommes de leurs compagnes/épouses) (suite).
🚨#Darwin-ians (like followers of Copernicus in another field) are Satanists and have always rejected the Creation but it's never meant that the #Owen-ians were right, they had to continue their research until U, the "Thomas", brought the irrefutable proof of the Creation
since you are skeptical and only believe what you can see and hear ("Those who have eyes, let them see ; those who have ears, let them hear") and therefore your goal was to collect all the clues proving the Creation and come back to the Creator...
leading the people from "I believe" to " I know". And what you name "Satanism" led with Terrorism (the Modern Inquisition controlling people), is your own reflection... that you can't stand any longer and want to erase since it harms you now ...
🚨The East and West Cardinal Points have worked against you to build the deception ! And some people have not yet landed even if they know that outer Space does not exist and that Earth/the Heart has never been a globe... THREAD
Now they're strenghtening the West Wing, the Ilusory West with the West Cardinal Point : WestPoint (Military Academy created in 1802, north of Fort Knox), and willing to erase the illusory East but REAL EastPoint which has been so useful in their evil game to "play pingpong".
Understand EAST and WEST are the two faces of the unique Bifrons. East/West from a "geographical point of view, is nonsense once you know that Earth is not a globe but is flat : North is its core and South is its circular border !
🚨The #abomination of that TRISTATE CITY : a SMART megalopolis, a giant Prison in Hell with 45 million slaves/Androïds bred in battery, across Netherlands (Amsterdam), Germany ( Cologne), Belgium (Brussels).
The purpose of that dystopia is forced expropriation and the Dutch Nazi Rutte with Klaus Schawb, two unclean spirits are rejoycing to do harm... They are stealing the lands to destroy them. Remember their Agenda "Own nothing and be happy"...
Even urbanists who have been programmed in their Institutes, already stand up saying it is not attractive, not sustainable at all...Do you know that in they dystopia they have already created floating "villages" to tackle city-density and sea level 😈?