People don't understand America, even Americans don't understand America.
Americans don't understand America, because they don't care.
Americans don't live in America. Americans live in their local communities. Americans wouldn't care less about America, they care about their communities.
If you are a Progressive, you have lots of progressive places in America to live.
If you are a Conservative, you have lots of Conservative places in America to live.
If you want Government Health Care, go to Massachusets.
If you don't want Government Health care, go somewhere else.
If you want to pay taxes for services, lots of places to go.
If you don't want to pay taxes, because you don't want services, lots of other places to go.
If you don't like guns, lots of places to live.
If you love guns, lots of other places to live.
If you want to practice a christian denomination, lots of places to live.
If you want to practice a muslim denominations, lots of places to live.
If you hate wars, good for you.
If you love going to wars becoming a soldier, good for you as well.
It's all up to you. There is a place for all.
You don't want to speak English. Nobody gives a shit. don't speak it. There is no official language in America.
They don't even care about who they are, they just want to live their lives in any way imaginable they think it.
If a lifestyle doesn't exist, they make it happen, they create a community.
The best way to describe America is:
The LOCAL COMMUNITY is at the core of United States of America.
States routinely asset their sovereignty vs the Federal Government, whether Conservative States, Progressives states of Centrist States.
Military, Congress, Supreme Court, any part of the government is setup in such a way that th THE COMMUNITIES can be preserved at any cost.
There are communist communities, nazi communities, centrists, gay communities, feminist communities, and even male communities (MGTOW).
There are all kinds of Christian, Muslim, Hindu, (enter a religion here) COMMUNITIES.
Live your life as you want it.
Anyway you want to live, you find a community.
It exists and it doesn't exist at the same time.
Catholicism vs Protestantism conflict is essentially a SUPPLY CHAIN WAR.
Let me repeat:
Catholicism vs Protestantism conflict is a SUPPLY CHAIN WAR.
The Supply Chain War was brewing between German Nationalist Elite vs Italian Nationalist Elite.
Elitarian Nationalism started in the 12th century as a result of the mutual disagreements between the German controlled Pope of Rome and Contantintople New Rome.
Në mendësinë anglishtfolëse ka një praktikë menaxhimi, Benefit of the Doubt.
Shqipërohet si Përfitimi i Dyshimit.
Kjo ka bazë nga Etika e Krishterë.
Llogjika është që çdo njeri është i mirë, kështu që nëse ka dyshim, jepi kohë që të provjë veten.
Përfitimi i Dyshimit është praktikë normale e menaxhimit të shtetit të Kanadasë i aplikuar gjerësisht në menaxhim publik dhe privat, që unë akm eksperiencuar vetë.
Për shembull, sistemi i taksave në Kanada është me Vetë-Deklarim, në konceptin e Përfitimit të Dyshimit.
Kur KM Albin Kurti dhe Presidente Osmani bënë një aleancë zgjedhore unë u çudita pak.
Presidente Osmani është vokalisht kundër bashkimit kombëtar, dëshiron krijimin e Kombit Kosovar, sipas parimeve të Rugovizmit.
Ja ta shpjegoj më mirë.
Zogu - Hoxha donin evropianizimin, që do të thotë Katolicizmi apo Protestantizmi. Ortodoksia shihej si orientalizëm në atë kohë.
Kështu që Zogu - Hoxha donin shfarosjen e islamit ndër shqiptarë.
Çështja është që Katolicizmi ishte për bashkëjetesë me Islamin në atë kohë, si dhe për katolicizimin e ortodoksëve. Ishte politikë zyrtare e Vatikanit.
Vatikani ishte pro islamik, dhe anti ortodoks në atë kohë. Politikë zyrtare. Nuk po shpik gjëra.
Pro islamik sepse në 1849, sulltani njohu Miletin Katolik si pasojë e lobimit Francez. Që nga 1849 nuk ka konflikt Vatikan - Islam, ka bashkëveprim.
We have literally Serbia, Greece and Türkiye, Bulgaria established as states via genociding each other.
Whereas Serbia and Greece were relatively small, could not genocide Albanians fast (per Europe - Turkiye agreements), Türkiye is quite large country.
Whereas it became possible to slow down genocide of Albanians from Greece and Serbia (per Europe - Türkiye agreements) because they had no adequate resources to do that fast, Türkiye had all the resources to exterminate Albanians fast if we shared a border.
1) Too much money created by the Gov and distributed to people.
Supply chains CANNOT provide goods and services demanded.
Case: 2020 Covid demand
Conclusion: Shortage of Supply.
2) Too much money created by the Gov and distribution to Shadow Banking.
Shadow banking rehypotheticates Energy and Raw Materials, using them as Money thus causing shortage of energy and raw materials.
Supply chains break down.
Shortage of Supply. Inflation.
Case: QE
3) Country A wants to harm country B. One way to harm is to stop trading with country B, doing trade embargo.