1/21 🧵
Release of #PISMReport “Military-Technical Assistance to Ukraine: An Assessment of Its Short- and Medium-Term Needs”.
Full report here: bit.ly/3BP9PcM
Teaser of report: bit.ly/3G4Endg
Military aid has played a key role in preserving independence of Ukraine, but it is still insufficient to break Russia’s potential, to recapture Russian-held territory, or even to stop Russia’s next possible offensives—in short, to end the war. #PISMReport
Ukraine cannot rely on its own defence industry, which has been largely destroyed. It is necessary to increase both the scale and scope of military support for Ukraine, which should include more NATO-standard weapons than before. #PISMReport
Although the situation on the battlefield became favourable for Ukraine in autumn 2022, Russia still has an advantage in terms of quantity and reserves of arms. #PISMReport
Without breaking the Russian offensive potential, there is no chance for changing Russia’s strategic ambitions and calculus. #PISMReport
The course of the war has confirmed that the results at the strategic and tactical levels depend on the concentration and use of heavy conventional weapons. #PISMReport
The six essential for Ukraine types of capabilities are: heavy artillery, armoured vehicles (MBT, APC, IFVs), longer-range missiles, air power, UAVs and loitering munitions, and air defence systems. #PISMReport
So far, Ukraine has serious gaps in each category, and this asymmetry persists despite Russia’s high losses. Most barriers to providing military assistance to Ukraine are, above all, political in nature. #PISMReport
Ukraine’s partners differ in their calculations, scope, scale, and determination to provide assistance. Obstacles to aid stem also from limited reserves and decades-long policies of reducing the production capacity of defence industries.
In general, the first step for providing military aid to Ukraine is clarifying capability gaps, that is, the disparity with Russia. #PISMReportbit.ly/3BP9PcM
The next step is to analyse available options for supply of weapons and ammunition. #PISMReport
There are three set of available options: the Soviet/compatible systems, STANAG (NATO-standard weapons), and asymmetric means (systems that are not equal to a given capability but countering it). bit.ly/3BP9PcM
A third step, esp. for Ukraine’s neighbours, could be to use the support of NATO forces and means, or accelerated individual modernisation efforts, to fill the gaps created by the transfer of their weapons to Ukraine.
In most of the capability gaps analysed, there are severe limitations to further pursue the eastern options, due to the rapidly depleting reserves of Soviet systems or ammunition in NATO countries. #PISMReport
At the same time, asymmetric options must be considered as interim or complementary solutions in the absence of a willingness by some of Ukraine’s partners to supply weapons analogous to Russia’s. #PISMReport
The most desirable and effective capabilities that can be offered to Ukraine are systems identified in this report as STANAG options, which are produced in NATO or by some Asian states. #PISMReport
NATO’s attention should focus on the capability gaps emerging in some Central European members due to their delivery of weapons to Ukraine. #PISMReport
NATO’s forces and systems on the Eastern Flank must support credible deterrence and defence posture, which to now relies mainly on U.S. efforts. #PISMReport
Only synchronised military aid to Ukraine and reinforcement of NATO’s Eastern Flank countries will ensure the complete failure of Russia’s plans in Europe. #PISMReport
Check out analysis and options for Ukraine in full report bit.ly/3BP9PcM
1/9 Ukrainian forces are resisting Russian assaults. Heavy fighting continues around Kyiv and in the South around the port of Mariupol and Mykolayiv. Russian troops continue shelling and aerial bombardments of cities.
2/9 13,000 people were evacuated through humanitarian corridors on 12 March but many attempts to rescue civilians or provide humanitarian aid were prevented, including in Mariupol where inhabitants of are deprived of water, gas and electricity.
🚨Szanowni Państwo, codziennie w godzinach porannych podsumowujemy wydarzenia z ostatnich 24h na Ukrainie. 🇺🇦
Zachęcamy do śledzenia #Kronika_agresji w wątkach @PISM_Poland 🧵
1/9 Siły ukraińskie powstrzymują rosyjskie natarcia. Trwają walki w okolicach Kijowa i na Południu, wokół Mariupola i Mikołajowa. Jednostki rosyjskie kontynuują ostrzał artyleryjski i bombardowania miast.
2/9 12 marca udało się ewakuować korytarzami humanitarnymi 13 tys. cywilów, ale wiele prób ewakuacji lub dostarczenia pomocy humanitarnej zostało udaremnionych, w tym w Mariupolu, gdzie mieszkańcy są pozbawieni wody, gazu i elektryczności.
1/10 Russian troops continue siege of Kiev and Kharkiv, and bombed the city of Dnieper, and Lutsk and Ivano-Frankivsk in western Ukraine. Mariupol remains cut off from humanitarian aid. Russians abducted the mayor of Melitopol unian.ua/war/viyna-ukra…
2/10 The Polish Border Guard confirmed that from February 24, nearly 1.6 million refugees from Ukraine crossed the border with Poland.
🚨Szanowni Państwo, codziennie w godzinach porannych podsumowujemy wydarzenia z ostatnich 24h na Ukrainie. 🇺🇦
Zachęcamy do śledzenia #Kronika_agresji w wątkach @PISM_Poland 🧵
1/10 Rosyjskie wojska nadal oblegają Kijów i Charków. Zbombardowały miasto Dniepr oraz Łuck i Iwano-Frankowsk na zachodzie Ukrainy. Mariupol pozostaje odcięty od pomocy humanitarnej. Rosjanie uprowadzili mera Melitopola unian.ua/war/zsu-strimu…
2/10 Zgodnie z danymi polskiej Straży Granicznej od 24 lutego granicę z Polską przekroczyło blisko 1,6 mln uchodźców z Ukrainy.
1/9 Yesterday's meeting in Antalya 🇹🇷 between Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba and his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov with the participation of minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu did not bring any progress on the ceasefire.
2/9 Planned evacuation of civilians from sieged Mariupol failed.Attempt to reach city by convoy with humanitarian aid was also unsuccessful because of the 🇷🇺 actions. Local authorities reported that as for today 1300 civilians died after attacks by 🇷🇺 Army.
🚨Szanowni Państwo, codziennie w godzinach porannych podsumowujemy wydarzenia z ostatnich 24h na Ukrainie. 🇺🇦
Zachęcamy do śledzenia #Kronika_agresji w wątkach @PISM_Poland 🧵
1/9 Wczorajsze spotkanie ministra spraw zagranicznych Ukrainy Dmytro Kułeba i jego rosyjskiego odpowiednika Siergieja Ławrowa z udziałem szefa tureckiej dyplomacji Mevlüta Çavuşoğlu zorganizowane w Antalyi nie przyniosło postępów ws. zawieszenia broni.👇
2/9 Niepowodzeniem zakończyła się próba ewakuacji ludności z oblężonego Mariupola. Działania Rosji uniemożliwiły też dotarcie do miasta konwojowi humanitarnemu. Lokalne władze podały, że do tej pory w wyniku ataków rosyjskiej armii zginęło tam 1300 cywilów