Oshy is trying to write 🥲 Profile picture
Dec 20, 2022 56 tweets 12 min read Read on X

Tæhyung has been wet all day, he couldn't milk his pussy so he has been waiting for Jeongguk the whole day

But when he realises Jk is very much tired he doesn't have the heart to tell him

But ofcourse his husband would know when he hears moans from their bathroom+ Image
At midnight that it's tae who's frustrated because dumb baby can't find his sweet spot without jk's cock in him

So Jk sleepily calls for him & tae runs out of the bathroom when he hears jk from bedroom

Poutyly crawling onto jeongguk's lap who obviously takes care of his husband
— bp!th x husband!jk
— unprotected sleepy sex
— dom/sun undertones
— missionary+riding
— Overstimulation
— dom top guk / sub bottom tae

Lmk if you want this 👀❤️💋~

#taekookau #vottom #bottomtae
#topkook #bptae #nsfwtwt

When Jeongguk entered their apartment after coming home from work Taehyung was excited, he had been waiting for Jeongguk the whole day, but as soon as he registered the male’s tired eyes and droopy shoulder.

Taehyung didn't have the heart to tell him That he had been waiting
for Jeongguk to come home so he could fuck the neediness out of his pussy. So he sucks it up putting on a mask of indifference & greets his husband with a comforting hug, massaging the knots in his shoulder & running his fingers through his hair. When he hears his husband sigh in
contentment his heart blooms, cherry blossom dancing in his stomach at the small tired but not less genuine smile on his husband’s face

“Tiring day gukkie?”

“Not anymore sweetheart”

Jeongguk says, voice coming out gruff maybe because of tiredness but his tingling pussy doesn’t
know that it gushes out slick like a broken faucet because Jeongguk is hot even while breathing. Not like his heart didn't tingle with equal if not twice intensity at Jeongguk’s sweet answer, his husband is such a flirt Taehyung fears for his blood.
After they’re all cleaned and snuggled up in bed, Jeongguk wakes up hearing some voice from the bathroom, a sleepy smirk curls up his lip when he registers it fully.

Taehyung being the good husband he is, he didn’t want to bother Jeongguk for his neediness. So he decided to take
care of his problem himself even though he knew nothing is going to work, he had already tried every single thing today

But when he hears Jeongguk’s raspy voice from the bedroom he couldn’t stop himself from whining. pussy lips hugging the thick girth before he’s pulling himself
off of it, leaving the wet silicone toy on the floor in the favor running off to his husband.


He whines, borderline crying.

“C’mere pretty”

Jeongguk rasps, running a hand through his messy hair. Taehyung runs to their bed without any care for his bare wet pussy out,
clad in nothing but one dress shirt that belongs to Jeongguk and has his scent clinging to it. It’s fully unbuttoned so it gives jeongguk the perfect view of his perky nipples poking through the synthetic fabric, tits visible in the middle.

Taehyung crawls onto his lap poutily,
whining when his bare pussy rubs over Jeongguk’s flaccid cock.

jk's hands rub soft circles on Taehyung’s bare thighs, squeezing them softly until Taehyung is squirming, slowly gliding them up toward the delicate curve of his waist, rough hands running along the smooth baby skin.
“Were you trying to touch yourself petal,hm?”

As soon as the sleepy husk of his husband’s voice hits Taehyung’s ears he arches his back, cunt rubbing over the soft limp cock under Jeongguk’s sweatpants. Dainty little fingers scratching Jeongguk’s chest making him hiss.
“Been wet all day gukkie” he cries, on the verge of tears, frustration seeping out of his whines. A gasp left his lips when Jeongguk’s hips twitch upwards in a rough, hasty thrust, unconsciously.

“Been thinking about your cock all day long”

“Fuck petal”
Jeongguk roughs out before his calloused veiny hands come up to grab Taehyung’s fluffy tits, giving them a meticulous squeeze before rubbing the dusky nipples. Pinching the pink areolas between his fingertips.

Taehyung arches up into his touch pushing his tits more into his
hands for him to fondle & play with them.

“Was waiting for you to come home gukkie, but you were tired a-ah so didn’t want to b-bother you”

He answers, all while grinding on Jeongguk’s rapidly chubbing cock. Chest blooming with tingles when Jeongguk’s rough hands are all over
them, soft skin bruising prettily under the rough touch.

Whines leaves his lips steadily when Jeongguk squeezed his waist, mind blooming cherry blossoms at the thought of the bruises on his thighs and waists from all the rough handling from Jeongguk.

“Never a bother petal”
Groan leaves Jeongguk’s lips when Taehyung slips back on his thighs, hastily pulling on the drawstrings of his sweatpants before dragging the fabric down, eyes hypnotized on the cock which springs up in the air as soon as freed.

Taehyungs grips the thick girth in his dainty
little fingers, hips snapping a little unconsciously over Jeongguk’s thighs when his cock twitches in his hand, beads of precum dripping from the flushed tip.

Jeongguk nudges Taehyung’s hand away, taking the veiny dick in his hands before lazily stroking it.
Taehyung whines when his pussy leaks more into Jeongguk’s thighs at the super hot gesture his husband pulled, unconsciously rubbing his pussy over the strong thighs.

Jeongguk sleepily smirks, raising his thighs just an inch to have Taehyung gasp and whine at the rough texture of
sweatpant b/w his pussy lips, slowly moving it back & forth in a motion his clitty gets crushed the best way possible, pussy hole gushing slick like a broken faucet on his thighs

“I’m tired baby”

Jeongguk voices his thoughts, pulling Taehyung near his dick with a firm grip on
his waist which surely will leave a bruise behind, which Jeongguk would love to admire when he sees it bloom on his pretty baby soft skin. Taehyung bruises easily, like a peach, and Jeongguk loves to take advantage of that fact, not like his husband doesn’t enjoy it and basically
a whore for having Jeongguk marking up his body

He smears the precum over the flushed tip, hissing a little before sliding up his cock between Taehyung’s pussy lips earning a gasp from the latter. He continues his ministration until his cock is slicked up in Taehyung’s juices
all wet & slippery, dick twitching in his vice when he imagines the wet silicone toy in the bathroom probably all slicked up and wet in a similar way. He groans before nudging the tip in his pink rim eagerly clenching around nothing at the feeling of having Jeongguk’s cock slide
up and down the wet slit. The pink pussy dips under the pressure of his thick cockhead breaching it until it’s fully inside. Groaning from the tight heat, he hears Taehyung moan like a whore finally getting a cock.

“But never too much to not take care of my baby”
With his final words, he bottoms out in one swift motion, both moaning loudly at the sensation, Taehyung’s pussy clenches around his cock greedily, trying to swallow it more and more till he’s dripping on his cock. His pussy lips split apart, hugging his cock perfectly,
his pulsating clit perfectly perked and Jeongguk couldn’t stop himself from rubbing a wet thumb over it or maybe pinching it softly between in index and middle finger.

He tries to sit up, to fuck his baby better when he feels Taehyung pushing at his chest gently,
motioning him to lay back down

“Rest gukkie, I need your /cock/”

With that being said, Taehyung raises himself up & slams down on his cock, drawling a moan and pulling out a groan from Jeongguk. He throws his head back before he picks himself up and slams down on the cock again
Jeongguk from this angle has the perfect view of Taehyung’s pussy dipping under the pressure of his girth, and when he slams down on his cock /god/ his tits jiggle deliciously, the soft flesh bouncing up & down with Taehyung’s rhythm who’s fucking himself on Jeongguk’s cock like
there’s no tomorrow. Throwing his head back in ecstasy like a whore, He’s such a sinful sight.

"you have such a greedy pussy petal, greedy for my cock, been weeping all day hm?"

Before he knows it, Jeongguk is planting both his feet on the mattress and lazily thrusting up into
his pussy, making Taehyung let out a surprised moan. he starts fucking up into Taehyung’s pussy, Catching him off guard so Taehyung lets out a whine before planting his hands on Jeongguk’s sturdy chest, brows furrowed in pleasure, sinful moans leaving his pink luscious lips.
His body bouncing up and down with the sheer strength of Jeongguk’s wild thrusts, the prettiest ‘uh uh uh’s getting punched out of his whiny throat at the continuous thrusts of Jeongguk’s hips

Jeongguk thinks Taehyung looks the prettiest when he’s crying and breaking on his cock
just like now with tears streaming down his face, head thrown back in pleasure, pussy all pink and trembling from his cock’s assault.

"Been milking your tiny pussy hm, poor baby. but it seems like you’ve forgotten to whom this pussy belongs to.”

He groans when Taehyung starts
meeting his thrusts, bouncing up and down on his cock.

“The only thing that can make this pussy cry is my cock, huh. this pissy motherfucker can’t squirt until I get that dick inside your tight cunt”

He curses when he feels his balls draw up when
Taehyung clenches around him tightly.

“Fuck don’t clench around me like that petal, might just cream your pussy early, gotta fuck that bitch into tears until it’s weeping”

Taehyung cries at the filth coming out from Jeongguk’s mouth, he has such a filthy mouth that always makes
his cunnie wet and soppy, tingling from the pleasure and implications. The best part is that Jeongguk acts on those filthy words, they’re never empty.

“Ahh gukkie, so- so rough ahh, t-tried everything but couldn’t hahh couldn’t cum”

Taehyung confesses with a whine, never shying
from hiding his distress from his husband who always takes care of him

"Petal can't cum without me huh. been waiting all day Hmm? Waiting for me to fuck you open like this, Use you on my cock?"

Jeongguk trails out, whine rough in his voice. His thrusts making his speech rougher
and his breathing hard like a beast.

He has enough of it when he feels Taehyung’s pussy getting wetter with each passing moment. He lowers his hips on the mattress with a confused whiny Taehyung on his cock, he shushes him with a chaste kiss before lowering the other on his back
Taehyung whines when Jeongguk grips his under-thighs before pushing them towards his chest, bending him in half. He spreads his thighs so his wet sopping pussy comes into view, groans leave his lips when he sees the pink pussy eagerly clenching around nothing but air,
always greedy to have something inside it.

If Jeongguk wasn’t tired, he would’ve laid his palm flat on the wet surface before rubbing it furiously, make the beauty under him whine and make his legs shake in the air, before pinching the pink trembling bud meanly.
But for now, he aligned his cock on the wet eager hole, pushing it inside in one swift motion with a groan, he doesn’t play around, he means it when he said he’s tired.

He starts drilling into Taehyung’s pussy with harsh breaths, the beauty underneath him whining and moaning his
name, the sheer strength of his thrusts making the beauty’s speech nothing but incomprehensible babbles.

Jeongguk growls like a wild beast when he sees Taehyung’s swollen pussy hugging his cock from this angle, clenching around his cock repeatedly, trying to swallow it whole.
“Such a greedy little slut for hyung aren’t you pretty”

With a groan, he starts fucking him again, cock twitching inside the wet heat at the next word from his husband’s mouth.

“Yes y-es m’hyung’s slut, wan hyung’s cock in me all the time, l-love your cock so much h-hyung”
Taehyung blabbered with teary eyes in a whiny tone, clenching around his cock like that was the last straw, Jeongguk is only a man after all.

He starts fucking into Taehyung desperately, with the sole goal of making Taehyung cream his cock and chase after his own release.
“Hyung’s pretty lil housewife huh? Good for nothing but staying at home and taking hyung’s cock. so desperate for hyung’s cock been dripping all day? dumb baby couldn’t make himself cum huh, poor pussy all swollen from milking all day long”

Jeongguk mocks Taehyung who whines,
guts clenching at the pleasure running through his nerves like electricity, heat pooling in his stomach with Jeongguk’s every word. cunt clenching around his cock desperately.

“Ahh hyunggg”~

Taehyung moans squirting when Jeongguk fucks him into a shaking crying mess,
toes curling in pleasure mid air when Jeongguk harshly jabs his cockhead in his sweet spot repeatedly, assaulting his poor cunnie without any care in the world. His liquid starts gushing out creaming Jeongguk’s cock, making it all wet & slippery. His thighs shake in the air when
Jeongguk continues to abuse his precious cunt chasing after his own release.

The filthy wet slapping sound resonates in the room loudly when he pounds him into the sheets like a wild beast until his thighs are shaking in the air.

“Shit, fuck, this tight slutty hole”
Jeongguk curses as Taehyung clenches around him tightly at a particular harsh thrust, his balls draw up before he creams Taehyung’s pussy, painting his tight little cunt white, from his cum from inside.

Taehyung whines when his sweet spot is exploded with warmness,
Jeongguk’s cum swallowing the sensitive bundle of nerves in warmth

Jeongguk thrusts a few more times lazily, milking his cock until the last drop because he knows how much Taehyung loves it.

Always telling him how much he loves it when Jeongguk breeds him with his babies.
Taehyung whines when Jeongguk sleepily falls over him, cock still inside him but Taehyung pays it no mind. He wraps his sore thighs around Jeongguk’s waist with a hiss, ignoring the still faint tinging in his pussy as a post-orgasmic pleasure.
He occasionally whines when Jeongguk’s cum steadily dribbles inside his oversensitive cunt. He buries his fingers in Jeongguk’s hair before massaging it a little, tits squished between himself and Jeongguk’s strong chest. They both fall asleep in that position.
The next day Taehyung wakes up with Jeongguk’s cum dripping out of his gaping hole, moaning when he feels the cock slide in and out of him slowly.

He opens his eyes to see a sleepy messy Jeongguk lazily thrusting inside him with rough groans and huskily whispering filth into
his ears with that morning voice of his which never fails to make Taehyung’s cunnie tingle in pleasure. He loves it so much when his husband takes care of him and his needs.
— hope you enjoyed! if you did don't forget to like❤️💋!
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Dec 13, 2023
#taekookau 🔞

Taehyung has a crush on his academic rival's Father, Jeon Jeongguk.

♥︎ boupussy!tae x DILF JK
♥︎ SocMed + Written Smut
♥︎ A birthday gift for my baby @kvcumcult which was on 11th & i forgot. I'm sorry baby 😔 ily.
⌫ th & somi are unserious rivals
⌫ somi & bahiyyih are jk's daughters

⋆。‧˚ʚ🍓ɞ˚‧。⋆ interactions make me happy ❤️
𔘓 ·𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ 01

Read 27 tweets
Aug 19, 2023

Where Taehyung gets cute little gifts in his locker anonymously every day.

Until one day, he receives THEE famous trending couples "kisses shirt" by none other than his secret admirer.

He short circuits so to say...
▸ Short & fluffy
▸ koo is a shy bean
▸ secret admirer trope

╭・🌸 𓂃❨˖ ₊ ⊹

Please like and interact if you enjoy this ⁠♡
( 🌸 )—— 01

Day 1

Read 23 tweets
Aug 17, 2023

Taehyung was raiding his rival's residence.

He didn't expect to encounter a lovely boy, with shaky limbs & eyes as big as stars looking at him with fear.

"w-who are you?" he trembled.

"well aren't you one sweet little thing"

He had a smirk on his face, & an idea
when Taehyung crowded him against the wall, trapping him between his hands & covering his small frame with his body only then he realized how weak the boy looked. He didn't have to work much, the boy spilled the beans as the flower flowed from a stream.

poor boy was kept hostage
after being kidnapped from the bastard and Taehyung made sure to torture him 3 hours extra for that.

how could someone have a bad bone in their body for Jungkook, the sweet little boy who crowds up to him for comfort, running straight into the death's arms with big eyes & needy
Read 17 tweets
Jul 23, 2023
#taekookau «╎𝗔 𝗕 𝗢╎»

—Where Taehyung's neighbour, an unmated omega, has been giving his alpha romantic courting-like gifts for a few days.

And Taehyung is irritated because why his Alpha Jeongguk cannot for the love of God see her alternate intentions behind these 'gifts'? Image
✧ SocMed + Written
✧ drop of angst
✧ fluff
✧ communication
✧ healthy relationship
✧ antagonist calls Tæhyung names ⚠️

╭・🍓𓂃❨˖ ₊ ⊹

— ( please like & interact if you enjoy >///< ) !
( 🍓 )— 01

Day 1

Read 34 tweets
Apr 26, 2023
DEAD DOVE #taekookau

“Sweetheart, I think my mouth hurts”

few minutes after, koo is laid on the couch with his daddy between his legs, feasting on his cunnie.

Daddy Taehyung claims his body part hurts in order to use his son koo for his own sick pleasure behind his wife's back Image
Taehyung has been corrupting his son behind his wife’s back. He can’t help himself when Koo is so innocent and naive. A dumb little doll for him. All he has to do is just act like it hurts somewhere the caring little boy would fall right into the trap without any care.
Big worried eyes assessing him and it gets his cᴏck 𝘴𝘰 hard. The innocence, so pure and untainted.

Taehyung wants nothing more than to corrupt the pure white dove with his own opaque filth.

“Sweetheart, I think my mouth hurts.”

The corrupted man says, watching the worried
Read 53 tweets
Mar 24, 2023
#taekookau : @deaddove_fest

'fucking hell'

The only words come out of Taehyung's mouth when he looks at the pretty boy in that skimpy hanbok, managing to look as much like a slut as a goddess

Pussy & tits covered in jewel
Taehyung's dick twitches

Kim Taehyung is a pretty well Image
thief who gets caught stealing in a temple & gets sentenced to serve there as a punishment.

what he didn't expect to see was the most beautiful boy dressed in the prettiest of jewels & a skimpy hanbok barely covering his lithe body, who runs away as soon as he sees him.
later he comes to know he's treated as a goodness incarnate.

After playing with him for a few days, his patience snaps & he decides to fuck the pretty little thing to an inch of his life on the altar, right in front of the god he worships every day.

archiveofourown.org/works/43077951 ImageImage
Read 4 tweets

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