1. Was curious about the #BlockedByHFromSteps trend, would seem I too was included though I've never had any interaction with the man in my life lol.
Seems that he used a blockchain, specifically here: theblockbot.com/show-blocks/Xp… where a lot of API IDs (number format for any account)
2. Have been entered into a datasheet. Had a look through the CSV, and a lot of the information recorded still actually uses first and surname of individuals.
Would have been more prudent for the dev to limit the input functionality so that numerical values only can be entered
3. And that way all the data is pseudonymised, instead of hording a bunch of personal data (names) without people even being aware that it's being processed.
There is a subscription associated with it, so I'd wonder if it could be argued that it is in effect a commercial
4. Service, meaning that data protection rules would apply, as they don't apply in personal capacity in the same way they do to business.
Good example as to show how easy it is to gather personal information from innocent people minding their own business. Some food for thought.
5. .@jmilabs you still employing Adam Walker? If so can you ask why he wants to hoard personal info and name your business in the description with no disclaimer on github.
@jmilabs 6.
.@EFF Same question to you regarding Jacob Hoffman-Andrews. Company is listed in the description and no disclaimer that actions are not for or on behalf of the business.
@jmilabs@EFF 7.
.@dkuk Same question to you regarding Joel McCoy. Another contributor, another business listed with no disclaimer for processing hundreds of thousands of individuals personal info.
@jmilabs@EFF@dkuk 8.
.@dunndunndunn This is Alexndra Catalina, another contributor, though the first so far who didn't name her employer in the description without a disclaimer.
@jmilabs@EFF@dkuk@dunndunndunn 9.
.@cpu Then there's Daniel McCarney, no employer listed though he seems to be self-employed. Argument can be made as to whether he was processing in business capacity or personal capacity.
@jmilabs@EFF@dkuk@dunndunndunn@cpu 10.
.@Spotify There's also your employee Matthew Hokanson who's listed Spotify in the description and, again, no disclaimer that it's done so in personal capacity instead of on behalf of the business.
@jmilabs@EFF@dkuk@dunndunndunn@cpu@Spotify 11.
.@JackWeirdy Since you're based in the UK, and you've included your work in the description and it has no disclaimer, can you explain why you were participant to processing a bunch of personal data that isn't pseudonymised, and confirm your legal basis?
@jmilabs@EFF@dkuk@dunndunndunn@cpu@Spotify@JackWeirdy@MongoDB@autodesk 14.
Getting a bit of traction, so want to explain what people can do if they are worried about their data being passed around without any permission.
Since a lot of these companies are pretty big, and they likely will have social media policies, I'd wager that these folks haven't
As such, you can submit something called a 'data subject access request'. There's many templates available online, and you would send this to the Data Protection Officer whose details
@jmilabs@EFF@dkuk@dunndunndunn@cpu@Spotify@JackWeirdy@MongoDB@autodesk 16.
Are usually located at the bottom of a Privacy Policy.
There will be no cost to do so, and a company cannot charge you anything for making the request, either.
If you're resident in the UK, EU, California, Canada, Australia. Then you can request it, and importantly, delete it
1. Quickly threw this together following the post earlier this morning, and quite a lot of you were able to spot a few things.
I'll briefly go over the mistakes in the graphic, and hopefully when you are browsing or shopping online, you can learn something to keep a look out for.
2. Starting with the most obvious error, and that was the discrepancy regarding the measurements on the bottle. Personally I'm quite surprised that it is even being used for live sales and that it wasn't picked up on.
When you blow up an image, you get a closer look into the
3. True detail, and if for example we look at the colours surrounding the red element of the cross, we can see what is poor cropping as it did not completely remove all that was in the image prior.
Again looking to the tip of the bottle, a bit of careless work here from the
Presenting as legitimate, such as by registering itself to a parking lot in Iceland, specifically Reykjavik.
Interestingly, not too dissimilar from the details that would often pop up in other things I looked into where the individual happened to spend a lot of time in Nairobi.
But it did have me wondering, why is it that through the course of the investigation into Sistah Space, am I finding links to scams presented as charities, and phishing sites presenting as businesses.
Careful @_Kawree, you're tempting me to look further. 😂
I'm running slightly behind but should be ready to get going about quarter past 2. Today we will be diving into mostly the fundraising and also covering
2. Bits and pieces that I had forgotten to mention before (apologies, there's a lot to remember😂).
The @ChtyCommission has signalled it is assessing information, but no confirmation of an investigation yet. It needs to determine whether the concerns fall within its remit - and
@ChtyCommission 3.
To be quite frank about it, yes they do so if it can start speeding things up it would be greatly appreciated.
Currently got 4 screens, with 3 of them full of open tabs that are squished together so as I'm writing this thread out there may be little pauses now and then while
Link above is for the previous thread, this is the continuation because the last thread was well beyond 200 tweets and I appreciate its frustrating to navigate.
For those who are just joining
2. I'd very much recommend starting from the beginning (make some food, get a cuppa, and relax as it is long).
My name is James. ( Hello! ) and for the last 12 days I have been investigating some worrying concerns I've had. Through the course of my investigation, it has led to
3. Some discoveries that have not surprised me, and others that have. Initially I did not include copies of all the data I have on my PC, and I appreciate some of you may rightly question that; so I've started to include some multimedia lately and I think I will continue to do so
1. [Sistah Space & Ngozi Fulani Thread]
I've decided I'm going to write up some, but not all, of the things I have discovered since learning of the charity Sistah Space and its members. This is going to be a long, long thread, so for sake of making it easier to read I'm going to
2. Limit the reply function (though you can still quote tweet and add your opinions that way).
Like most people, the existence of Sistah Space was unbeknown to me until it made headlines for an incident at Buckingham Palace. It has since remained in the spotlight, and being
3. Human, it is natural for us to be curious. Initially on face value, donating to a domestic violence charity is something I'm happy to do, but before any charitable commitments I always conduct due diligence to see how funds are used and to what benefit, and this is where the