21) A new model of practice where we guide people towards positive health. It’s not a transactional relationship - focused on episodic pain relief - it’s a long-term collaboration where we provide ongoing support for self-management to enhance health, health span & performance.
27) with NCDs, disabling OA, falls & frailty looming improving health span & focusing on bio markers of biological age is essential. The goal is to blow out the # of candles at your next birthday for your biological not your chronological age @davidasinclair
28) "Chronological age isn't how old we really are. It's a superficial number," said professor David Sinclair, co-director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for the Biology of Aging at Harvard Medical School.
29) "We all age biologically at different rates according to our genes, what we eat, how much we exercise and what environmental toxins we are exposed to. Biological age is what determines our health and ultimately our lifespan.
30) Biological age is number of candles we really should be blowing out. In the future, with advances in our ability to control biological age, we may have even fewer candles on our cake than the previous one."
32) of exercise especially strength training benefits those over 85 then WHY do we manage people away from load w: MSK pain?
42) Let’s do this. Promoting #healthylongevity requires support, accountability, relatable goals, setting achievable targets, making it fun, community, activity > exercise, ongoing measurement, plateau & flare-up expectation.
44) seeing how inactive our children are addressing PA throughout the lifespan is a crucial challenge we can all level up to together. It’s our mission statement at firstprinciplesofmovement.com to give a positive experience w/ movement & tackle “the tyranny of the mainstream”. #bowie
45) @hjluks In middle age people are told they have “wear & tear” which is not innocent. In fact words based on over-medicalized false + diagnostic labels hurt as much as “sticks & stones” by leading to negative health procedures/interventions. @CGMMaher
46) @doctorinigo What we invest in today determines our health in 10 years. Find a team that supports a positive health, long game mindset, rather than a negative health, transactional based “fix it” approach.
47) I’d love to see MSK health receive the same evidence-informed, positive health, risk mitigation attention as CV health.
48) @giovanni_ef@zadro_josh Physio is not alone in this. DC/DO/AT/MD all have to look at their own cognitive dissonance & vested interests creating a costly blind spot driving low value & evidence-discordant MSK interventions rather than person-centered ones.
50) @hjluks Crucial to use the gift of injury to promote positive health habits for enhancing health span sustainably rather than turn it into a promotion of temporary pain relieving transactional services.
53) Yes, there are barriers. All the more reason to level up.
54) The evidence just keeps coming. This is our why at First Principles of Movement. To challenge the status quo & vested interests to give people a positive experience with movement. Join us. It will take a collective effort to move this boulder uphill.
“persistence of pain alters a person’s field of affordances: the unfolding set of action possibilities that a person perceives as available to them.” @Peter_Stilwell @MichaelTamePain @sconinxphil - 1
“Addressing chronic pain should involve more than just looking for & treating a ‘root cause’” - 2
“Patients often search for a medical diagnosis as a ‘holy grail’ which allows them to determine the cause of their pain, leads to a specific treatment, and also protects against social stigmatization as it proves that the pain is valid and not ‘all in their head’” - 3
“Chronic pain constitutes a burden for those concerned because it limits the subject’s abilities to move towards an optimal grip in the interaction with the world.” @Pete_Stilwell @sconinxphil -1
“the rubber band is stretched for so long that the structure cannot return to a default stance: pain becomes a deep-rooted part of the person’s history, present, and future.” - 2
“negative predictions may be partly generated & reinforced through unhelpful social feedback loops. For example, others commonly transmit messages of rest & avoidance of usual activities beyond acute phases (e.g., ‘be careful’, ‘don’t hurt yourself’, ‘stop if you feel pain’)” - 3
“there is increasing concern about low-back disability and its current medical management…
the role of medicine in that epidemic must be critically examined.” (1)
“The traditional medical model of disease is contrasted with a biopsychosocial model of illness…
This model is used to compare rest and active rehabilitation for low-back pain.” - 2
“Rest is the commonest treatment prescribed after analgesics but is based on a doubtful rationale, and there is little evidence of any lasting benefit. There is, however, little doubt about the harmful effects… - 3
1.Theres a lot of debate today in the LBP field specifically & musculoskeletal pain in general about manual therapy vs exercise. Motor control vs strength training. The role of patient education, etc. @JeremyLewisPT pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34102533/
2. The issue of client preferences is a no brainer to me as I’m in the trenches & validate my clients #livedexperience. I seek interaction & collaboration. @MyCuppaJo
3. This way I’m able to guide by the side & be an Alfred rather than a “fix it” Batman Superhero for them. @jasonsilvernail@MKargelaDPT
1) A non-linear BPS approach for persistent MSP consists of an enactive reconceptualization designed to expand affordances & ⬇️ FABs associated w/ embodied past experiences. Such behavioral experimentation aims to support an ecologically valid positive experience w/ movement.
2) Here is an example of such a behavioral experiment w/ an AT I had never met before at a workshop in Winnipeg @MeganPomarensky This models what I learned from K Lewit, S Linton, G Waddell, Fordyce & others. Today it is best taught by @PeteOSullivanPT
3) @bunzli_s @jpcaneiro & Pete O have written w/ great clarity about the steps of “Guided behavioural experiments” here - much of this is about identifying & coaching clients to alter over-protective behavior like guarded movements or breath holding.
@DerekGriffin86 LBP is complex & the social of BPS the code breaker between the dichotomization of pain science & biomechanics. I never got it when Waddell introduced Engel’s BPS model only focusing on biomechanics or YFs. Now I see social/environmental context as Job 1 to unmask. @_Tyson_Beach
@DerekGriffin86@_Tyson_Beach “Kind Care Requires Unhurried Conversations
Health care providers must have time to know their patients in “high definition” to best meet their needs.”
@DerekGriffin86@_Tyson_Beach “psychological factors are only the tip of the iceberg. Social & contextual factors,which have largely been overlooked in sports medicine, directly impact health outcomes,well-being & sport injury recovery by facilitating or impeding health & health behaviour change” @LKTphysio