How can states stop (a) airborne spread and (b) individual and population-level immunodeficiency to end the pandemic with the tools available (WHO IHR 2005)?
To me as political scientist, it's a transdisciplinary question, more than law, science, econ etc. All academic fields need to learn to talk outside silos
We failed in 2019-2022; thoughts and prayers for 2023-2026👍
Many know the above or more. Yet as long as the public live in denial and any anger that surfaces can be misdirected at WHO, who can’t defend itself, or others like China, they know they will get away with doing the bare minimum or less
(11) Two rare points on HEPA filters
(a) RH should be 40-60%. It’s as important as filtration
Here mine - nighttable for scale
(b) They will absolutely not end the pandemic, never mind what engineers tell you. Recall, planes have excellent HEPA filters!
I feel like everyone should know this. If you don’t know the most basic facts a out HIV and SARS incidence in your country, voilà in large part of the world it’s not yet too late to cram it in before the nouvel an! Happy NY 😈🥳
“The most important lesson of SARS 2003 was implementing the ‘precautionary principle’: ‘Where there is reasonable evidence of an impending threat to public harm, it is inappropriate to require proof of causation beyond a reasonable doubt before taking steps to avert the threat.”
(13/13) Casual climate reminder: just as soon as we end SARS, we will face climate and ecological breakdown, so tend to recommend not losing too much sleep over “back to normal” fantasies, they are gone forever
Ending the year on 16°C - the interesting question is what’s ahead!
If you haven’t woken to the climate emergency, SARS at any point bores you, AND you want to work on global problems that will determine our collective futures: here’s a good starting point
Thanks all, also for all the kind personal messages. Much appreciated 💜
(16) Climate outlook RCP45 and RCP85 in 2050 & 2100. I think @KrVaSt is correct in saying current climate models don’t reflect nonlinear ice sheet disintegration & ocean-atmosphere coupling well. @ZLabe may draw graphs to illustrate 💜
If everyone can catch up with Dr. Hansen's latest preprint and ask policymakers what they intend to do about that - and about not all of us catching SARS all the time -, both might help.
I mentioned SARS/MERS-CoV (1) persist in the renal epithelium in 1 in 3 patients until cells regenerate after 500-787 days; (2) are airborne; (3) draw down rather than build immunity; (4) infections drive mutations and should stop; (5) HIV medicine may help patients access care.
None of this new (to attentive readers) or even controversial. Yet it attracted an outsize crowd of fools and personal insults by at least one researcher, so I deleted the post. I gain nothing from useless controversy, it's just distraction. Good luck out there,
Did media and policymakers reconcile the contradiction yet that they believe Drosten just told them "the pandemic is over" in the same interview in which he told them in a deadpan way that unvaccinated children at 30 may have the immune system of an 80 yo.
Threads by @RealCheckMarker, or more SARS experts (?), are hidden. Like @NoyesJHumphrey previously. Bad sign - recall, it was a notable warning 👇 re #BQ* #XBB15)
1. Aviation. I think calling for point-of-entry screening, if needed isolation/quarantine as century old public health measures, to ensure international travelers don’t spread VoC at the current unmitigated rate, alone can be enough to be hidden/suspended.
Good question. We will make progress on mindbreaking questions only if experts laserfocus. I’ll add that viral persistence of up to 500-787 days in renal epithelial cells in 1 in 3 infected, PLUS policy of constant reinfection forever, mean any argument on reconstruction is void.
Public health has been silenced. Else we would have been warned in time. This article on SARS-acquired immune system damage dates 10 May 2020; we all knew by then. I applaud everyone’s pedagogical tact. As we enter the fourth year, denial is unsustainable.
SARS is a notifiable event under WHO IHR 2005 for good reason. Assume any index case(s) in 2019 were reported to WHO, because they must. The rest is global health politics, not science.
Vaccines have delivered what they can. Do we need better ones? Absolutely. Will better ones end the pandemic? No, because if we abuse them, SARS-CoV-2 will just mutate around them sooner or later. The present high incidence is unsustainable.
I may reach 50,000 people; government and media millions. Not all need all information (twitter is disinformation AND science-heavy, hence the schizophrenic vibe here)
Yet even basic warnings don't reach "the public" (I like the Chinese term, 老百姓)