"Mi’kmaq chiefs reject Acadian-Métis as distinct group, oppose Vautour N.B. land claim | The Star": thestar.com/news/canada/20…
"Mi’kmaq chiefs reject Acadian-Métis as distinct group, oppose Vautour N.B. land claim" Hahaha I just bet they do !!
Union of Nova Scotia Indians - Micmac News 1973 -03 - Membership in Union of Nova Scotia Indians.
Micmac News 1975 - constitution and bylaws - Metis in Nova Scotia, sec 3.12 of UNSI bylaws.
Metis social-political movement-by Lusty, Terry,1973- publisher- Calgary Metis Historical Society-Metis Associations- Union of Nova Scotia Indians.
MicmacNews-1980-02-73-74-75 Native Council review-UNSI-educational future of the NonStatus Indians and their metis children.
MicmacNews-1975-02 - Two major meetings to be held this month in Yarmouth - Chiefs from 12 bands suspended the powers of UNSI executives , elected officers of UNSI. Changes may be made to the constitution. ( Chiefs seized UNSI's elected board and took it over )
MicmacNews-1975-01.- UNSI Undemocratic - first they have taken away the peoples vote, now they have take away our popular decisions, where did they get all this POWER. #Undemocratic
Yes where do Indian Act Chiefs get all their power from? Hint, not the people !!
Constitutional Changes to UNSI- Micmac News 1980 - 06 - Metis is now not an Indian. (🤣😅🙄 Nope, they have never heard tell of Metis in Nova Scotia ... 💩🤬) So if we just remove someone's identity on paper in a non profit society, they just then go poof and disappear right?
They Wish !! Just because they are busy with their paper ethnocide, does not mean we are not still here and still have our identity, just because the Indian Act and their bought and paid for Chiefs do not recognize us.
Union(UNSI)supports Metis and Non Status Land Claims - Micmac News 1980 07.
UNSI president supports claims -Micmac News 1980 06. - President of UNSI supports aboriginal claims of Metis and NonStatus Indians in the Maritimes.
Land Claims - Cheifs support sought - our lands the maritimes book- Micmac News 1980 06. - Final report of the Land Claims commission, it forms the basis of native claims by about 10,000 Metis and NonStatus Indians in the Maritimes.
Our Land - The Maritimes - MicmacNews-1980-05.
"THE HISTORY AND ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE NATIVE COUNCIL OF NOVA SCOTIA - 1987 - Native Council of Nova Scotia - Our Land - The Maritimes."
Bryson saying eastern metis are fake. ( Yea, whatever so is your political career, lol )
Darryl Leroux saying Eastern Metis are not Indigenous. ( Well, idiot they are, and you know that, but are paid to say otherwise)
DIRECTIONS IN MI'KMAQ JUSTICE- AN EVALUATION OF THE MI’KMAQ JUSTICE INSTITUTE- AND ITS AFTERMATH- THE TRIPARTITE FORUM- JUSTICE SUBCOMMITTEE- VIOLA ROBINSON May 2001 - NCWP - Metis. Metis in the 70's, Metis were put in a magic act by the Chiefs in the 80's and made to disappear.
dalhousiegazette_volume119_issue24_march_26_1987. - Viola Robinson- President of the NCNS - Robinson represents, non-status natives, natives not on reserves and Metis.
Micmac News 1981-05b- Native Council Elections on - Mrs Viola Robinson- said the recent decision by the Dept of Justice rejecting the Metis and NonStatus Indian Aboriginal claim ....
CBC - RCAP - Viola Robinson sat on the commission..
Micmac News June 1979 - NO THREAT TO COUNCIL - President Viola Robinson says 75 percent of its membership is Metis because all children of a non-status Indian woman are classified as Metis. #Metis#NotMagical
Viola Robinson - Lead Negotiator in Mi'kmaw Rights Initiative
MicmacNews-1981-05b - NCNS - Prayers - Leadership - Accomplishments - Dwight Dorey - Viola Robinson- Harry Daniels - The Metis and Non-Status Indians of Canada want to be strengthening thread in the fiber that makes up the Mosiac of Canada, Mr Daniels said ...
Métis Circle Special Consultation- Viola Robinson , asking if the Metis Nation Accord would be a vehicle that the Metis in the East could use...
Nope, never any Metis in the East, Idiots X 2 ...
Whatever asshole ..
Just so you can see what a fool she is , lol
Robyn Lawson and Jarvis Googoo saying they have never heard of Metis in Mi'kma'ki -- Never ever ever, LOL 🤣😂😅🤪 ( Psssh Jarvis - Land Claims were in the 70's not in 1999 Marshal, lol but that 1761 Treaty in Marshal is one my uncle signed, lol )
Dan Paul is saying something something is wrong when the status have to the turn to the Metis and NonStatus Associations for help, Hey Jarvis, apparently Dan Paul heard of them .. lol
Markie makes music- Sheet Harbour, NovaScotia- Markie describes his -Status- as Metis.- MicmacNews September 1979.
MicmacNews-1979-09 - Survey- Sheet Harbor- Doug Markie - it will tell his membership little if anything about their ancestral backgrounds as there are no names in the information.. Markie went to Harry Daniels President of the NCC and asked for direction in how to go about
tracing the survey and obtaining a copy of it. / Manpower - Jobs - Native Council of Nova Scotia - Halifax - Sheet Harbor Area is where Metis and Non Status are most heavily concentrated MicmacNews-1977-11.
Metis and Non Status - Land Claims Research Set To Begin - MicmacNews-1977-11 - Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.
Royal commission urged for Metis Land Claims - MicmacNews-1977-07. Hey @JarvisGoogoo, how educated did you say you were on Mi'kmaki issues?
CMHC grants Metis and NonStatus $74,950 in grants- Micmac News 1977 - 12.
MicmacNews-1977-12s - Viola Robinson did not want Metis and Non Status to be lumped with every other ethnic group in the province.
The Brandon Sun- Jan-12-1977-p-1- Support Claims - NCC and MMF they support the claim of the New Brunswick Association of Metis and Non Status Indians to 1000 acres of land..
Hey Jarvis, apparently the MMF and NCC heard of them, oh right , lol -- Now MMF says no such thing either , lol
Well Claudette, you are not passing your own rules, you want to call people of Indigenous descent pretendian, than you too meet that label. You want to specify what strenuous battles you had with your lived experience on reserve?, 🤨
Or wait, did you mean your strenuous battles of marrying into the KZ reserve by virtue of your husband? 🤔 🤣 That must have been so strenuous, however did you stand it? 🤔
Where is the expose on Claudette Commanda who has self promoted herself to top pretendian hunter, even though she has no lived experience, her mom is Quebec Metis who she says doesn't exist, and is only native and registered by the fact she married a registered native man.!
Your top pretendian hunters are dropping like flies, Eric Thisdale, who you used to prop up your work, mysteriously disappeared after questions about genealogy, Chrystal does not have the lived experience, you go on about as being one of the top qualifiers if being genuine
@thewalrus Jean Teillets liberal cabinet ministers family identify as French Canadians, many Metis identified as French Canadians , when is the expose gonna be run on her ?
Funny how I can't even see my own replies, guess they are not relevant eh @X
@X As I was saying about Randy Ranville and how many western Metis did not grow up in the culture, why MMF has to tell all these lies which are easily proven, I do not know. !!
While I agree with a lot of this article. It is writing from a point that they are listenjng to lies and historical revision. I don't know the author so im not sure if its goal is to try and further erase the Eastern Metis or not.
Truth, Metis were in the Union of Nova Scotia Indians bylaws in the 70s. Which is close to the time frame that Western Metis were rediscovering and connecting to their own roots.
@TimHoustonNS can you tell me how someone finds out what funding a company gets? Apple Valley Foods Inc, has made their employees take a week unpaid vacation in March, and they have just been told they need to do the same in August. WTH? This is a large company they are being
punished for being too productive? They have too many pies made and no buyers? But the contract workers from Mexico and the Philippines get to continue working and being paid. How is that legal when they are aren't even supposed to have those workers unless they can't find a
local person to do that job? But they can make the local people take weeks off whenever they feel like it because they are being too productive!! Jeff Sarsfield, why the hell are you punishing your employees for being productive? They now do not get to choose their own