Something, I can take from the last few days, are positive messages I am receiving about my PDA work.
It means a lot, I am grateful to receive it.
My work might be contributing to ripples within vulnerable persons of the "PDA Profile of ASD" community. I empathise & have sympathy for.
I mainly do my PDA work to protect vulnerable persons from the seemingly many bold (my view erroneous & unethical) claims surrounding PDA.
Before this is taken out of context, from my perspective the harm is being done by prominent "PDA Profile of ASD" advocates, it seems to be routed in how they are pushing many bold (& in my view erroneous/ unethical) claims.
It is the main reason why I am so critical of how of "PDA Profile of ASD" is being propagated & aggressively pushed by some parties.
Broader context is do no harm, it is a reason why ethical one should be making balanced & accurate information about PDA. Partly why likes of @NICEComms@rcpsych@BPSOfficial@ArvidNK equally respected divergent opinion on PDA to prevent a "PDA" community prematurely forming.
I have been arguing for at least 15 months there should not a PDA community, if people were acting ethically on the topic of PDA.…
Likewise, I have argued there seems to be a community of practice on "PDA Profile of ASD" which has prematurely formed for at least 3 years:…
An indicator "PDA Profile of ASD" community of practice has its own ideology & terminology, which is different from accepted autism understandings. Two below images are asking if two aspects of "PDA Profile of ASD" discourse should be used to diagnose autistic persons.
The point is, that outside of "PDA Profile of ASD" community of practice, it seems those two aspects of "PDA Profile of ASD" should NOT be used to diagnose autistic persons. Indicates "PDA Profile of ASD" community of practice has constructed its own reality/ version of autism.
This kind of thing is again easy to predict if one stops to consider it.
What would happen if we convince ourselves all these non-autism features ARE autism features, while aggressively pushing those views on desperate vulnerable persons looking an explanation & support?
Oh wait, all of sudden we have a community of practice where things like:
blaming others
refusing to engage with autism
are ALL now indicators a person is autistic.
While claiming there is "classic"/ "more straight-forward" autism.
Why would those vulnerable persons, being told the above stuff question that is wrong or mistaken, when they are desperate for an explanation & something which might provide support?
Many-most of them are unlikely to not question such things by "reputable" looking parties.
Next thing you know, many-most of these vulnerable persons are then actively involved campaigning efforts, highly motivated to take part in research samples. Interest in "PDA Profile of ASD" far outstrips its evidence. "PDA Profile of ASD" becomes a "culture-bound concept".
I can literally quote where those people have stated that situation with PDA in the PDA literature.
Present situation regarding PDA should be unsurprising to anyone.
"However, it would seem regrettable if new syndromes were to be used in clinical practice without consideration of whether an established psychiatric diagnosis would have been appropriate, as this will create confusion for parents and others involved."
Garralda (2003).
"This is important because the (hard won) validity of clinical language matters; to promote a presumptive nosological label as a proxy lever to achieve a particular kind of treatment is, we suggest, turning nosology on its head and a recipe for clinical and research confusion."
"However, we do not think that achieving these goals requires use of additional unvalidated clinical terms, which might distract from joint efforts to understand the experience and complexity of autism spectrum disorder and the use of evidence-based interventions to address it."
Previous quote is also from Green et al (2018b).
So Garralda (2003) predicts PDA will cause confusion in 2003, so 20 years ago.
15 years later in 2018 seems some other clinicians, including @MAbsoud make similar predictions to Garralda (2003).
Image below shows academic points of contact for authors of Green et al (2018b).
Which supports the point I am making the present situation regarding a premature "PDA Profile of ASD" community of practice forming is predictable to prominent "PDA Profile of ASD" proponents, seems valid. It says a lot about said parties that they seemingly have not.
Either way it is spun by prominent "PDA Profile of ASD" proponents, present PDA situation was predicted 20 years ago. PDA has been controversial & consistently challenged since 2002...
... There is little to no excuse for not actively considering the prediction made by Garralda 2003 & Green et al 2018b; then attempting to make a robust ethical case for what they are doing.
I am thinking I would do it a similar way to the
What if PDA is a Neurodevelopmental Disorder?
talk, see link below:…
I would model PDA as an ADHD subgroup, including setting it is diagnostic threshold for only needing to be seen in at least 2 settings; an implication for the hypothetical PDA algorithm, it would not need be pervasive, & so PDA would not need to be seen during assessment...
@realdoll03@NeurodiverseFa1 I would remind you, that there are MANY bold claims surrounding PDA, like how autism has expanded to include PDA. That simply is NOT widely accepted. There seem to be much clinical features of PDA, which people think should not be associated with autism. E.g see below images.
Obviously, such facts that many BOLD claims are NOT widely accepted seem to be generally ignored by prominent "PDA Profile of ASD" advocates; as it undermines their entire agenda & their bold claims.
@NeurodiverseFa1 Firstly, there is much bold (I would say erroneous) claims being made about PDA. There is no agreement over what PDA, & what features are associated with PDA; it is highly contested & substantially controversial topic.
I am struck by some comments about how if some parties are being heckled by autistic persons, then they should reflect upon by why they are being heckled & thus change their positions.
Comments are responding to claims in this editorial.…
What strikes me about this position is that, the point being made is that those being heckled should be reflecting & considering the points being made; i.e., respecting others views on the topic.
Why does this grab my interest?
Yes, you guessed it "PDA Profile of ASD"...
... Why does this bother me about "PDA Profile of ASD"?
Simply put it is the apparent lack of respecting & engaging with divergent opinions on PDA. Especially when same points keep being restated...
@AuDHD_Therapist@SamFellowesHPS That is kind of my problem, it is far too easy to self-identify with it... I do not place a medical dx of autism over a self-dx of autism due to problems with making a medical dx of autism. With PDA, PDA is pretty much whatever a person wants it to be.
@AuDHD_Therapist@SamFellowesHPS There is no consensus over what PDA is, or how to approach it, or what features are associated with PDA. Its evidence base is small & often poor quality. There is much hype & many bold claims surrounding PDA. PDA itself is blatantly not autism...
@AuDHD_Therapist@SamFellowesHPS ... If one accepts underlying assumptions behind "PDA Profile of ASD", it is blatantly not a "Profile" but a Neurodevelopmental Disorder. Much research into PDA seem to be a self-validating pseudo-science because hype surrounding "PDA Profile of ASD", so tells us very little....
When you get distracted by something else, when I wanted to rant about how many points made by Singer et al (2022) easily could have been made "PDA Profile of ASD" advocates...
Catalyst was listening to this, somehow lasted 10 minute of 13 before ranting.…
Ironically, it was the point in the above podcast which it talks about need for language to describe difficulties person face. Which is the first point I make in this thread on the topic "PDA Profile of ASD" discourse is similar to Singer et al (2022)…
I think they might have a point about certain words are not inherently bad, but are in context of use. If one acknowledges Disorders/ deficits etc are social constructs & can be made out of thin air, thus does NOT reify them, they might not be problematic. BUT...